
How do I use Join Random Room
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: IELdemo.cs Copy
21     // This is one of the callback/event methods called by PUN (read more in PhotonNetworkingMessage enumeration)
22     public void OnConnectedToMaster()
23     {
24         PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
25     }
File name: WorkerMenu.cs Copy
65     public void OnGUI()
66     {
67         if (this.Skin != null)
68         {
69    = this.Skin;
70         }
72         if (!PhotonNetwork.connected)
73         {
74             if (PhotonNetwork.connecting)
75             {
76                 GUILayout.Label("Connecting to: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress);
77             }
78             else
79             {
80                 GUILayout.Label("Not connected. Check console output. Detailed connection state: " + PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed + " Server: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress);
81             }
83             if (this.connectFailed)
84             {
85                 GUILayout.Label("Connection failed. Check setup and use Setup Wizard to fix configuration.");
86                 GUILayout.Label(String.Format("Server: {0}", new object[] {PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress}));
87                 GUILayout.Label("AppId: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppID);
89                 if (GUILayout.Button("Try Again", GUILayout.Width(100)))
90                 {
91                     this.connectFailed = false;
92                     PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings("0.9");
93                 }
94             }
96             return;
97         }
99         Rect content = new Rect((Screen.width - WidthAndHeight.x)/2, (Screen.height - WidthAndHeight.y)/2, WidthAndHeight.x, WidthAndHeight.y);
100         GUI.Box(content,"Join or Create Room");
101         GUILayout.BeginArea(content);
103         GUILayout.Space(40);
105         // Player name
106         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
107         GUILayout.Label("Player name:", GUILayout.Width(150));
108         PhotonNetwork.playerName = GUILayout.TextField(PhotonNetwork.playerName);
109         GUILayout.Space(158);
110         if (GUI.changed)
111         {
112             // Save name
113             PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerName", PhotonNetwork.playerName);
114         }
115         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
117         GUILayout.Space(15);
119         // Join room by title
120         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
121         GUILayout.Label("Roomname:", GUILayout.Width(150));
122         this.roomName = GUILayout.TextField(this.roomName);
124         if (GUILayout.Button("Create Room", GUILayout.Width(150)))
125         {
126             PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(this.roomName, new RoomOptions() { maxPlayers = 10 }, null);
127         }
129         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
131         // Create a room (fails if exist!)
132         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
133         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
134         //this.roomName = GUILayout.TextField(this.roomName);
135         if (GUILayout.Button("Join Room", GUILayout.Width(150)))
136         {
137             PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(this.roomName);
138         }
140         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
143         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ErrorDialog))
144         {
145             GUILayout.Label(this.ErrorDialog);
147             if (timeToClearDialog < Time.time)
148             {
149                 timeToClearDialog = 0;
150                 this.ErrorDialog = "";
151             }
152         }
154         GUILayout.Space(15);
156         // Join random room
157         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
159         GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayers + " users are online in " + PhotonNetwork.countOfRooms + " rooms.");
160         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
161         if (GUILayout.Button("Join Random", GUILayout.Width(150)))
162         {
163             PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
164         }
167         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
169         GUILayout.Space(15);
170         if (PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length == 0)
171         {
172             GUILayout.Label("Currently no games are available.");
173             GUILayout.Label("Rooms will be listed here, when they become available.");
174         }
175         else
176         {
177             GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length + " rooms available:");
179             // Room listing: simply call GetRoomList: no need to fetch/poll whatever!
180             this.scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.scrollPos);
181             foreach (RoomInfo roomInfo in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
182             {
183                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
184                 GUILayout.Label( + " " + roomInfo.playerCount + "/" + roomInfo.maxPlayers);
185                 if (GUILayout.Button("Join", GUILayout.Width(150)))
186                 {
187                     PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(;
188                 }
190                 GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
191             }
193             GUILayout.EndScrollView();
194         }
196         GUILayout.EndArea();
197     }
File name: RandomMatchmaker.cs Copy
13     void OnJoinedLobby()
14     {
15         Debug.Log("JoinRandom");
16         PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
17     }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
212         public virtual bool OpJoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers, Hashtable playerProperties, MatchmakingMode matchingType, TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter)
213         {
214             if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
215             {
216                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "OpJoinRandomRoom()");
217             }
219             Hashtable expectedRoomProperties = new Hashtable();
220             expectedRoomProperties.MergeStringKeys(expectedCustomRoomProperties);
221             if (expectedMaxPlayers > 0)
222             {
223                 expectedRoomProperties[GameProperties.MaxPlayers] = expectedMaxPlayers;
224             }
226             Dictionary opParameters = new Dictionary();
227             if (expectedRoomProperties.Count > 0)
228             {
229                 opParameters[ParameterCode.GameProperties] = expectedRoomProperties;
230             }
232             if (playerProperties != null && playerProperties.Count > 0)
233             {
234                 opParameters[ParameterCode.PlayerProperties] = playerProperties;
235             }
237             if (matchingType != MatchmakingMode.FillRoom)
238             {
239                 opParameters[ParameterCode.MatchMakingType] = (byte)matchingType;
240             }
242             if (typedLobby != null)
243             {
244                 opParameters[ParameterCode.LobbyName] = typedLobby.Name;
245                 opParameters[ParameterCode.LobbyType] = (byte)typedLobby.Type;
246             }
248             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlLobbyFilter))
249             {
250                 opParameters[ParameterCode.Data] = sqlLobbyFilter;
251             }
253             // UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("OpJoinRandom: " + opParameters.ToStringFull());
254             return this.OpCustom(OperationCode.JoinRandomGame, opParameters, true);
255         }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
968     public override bool OpJoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers, Hashtable playerProperties, MatchmakingMode matchingType, TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter)
969     {
970         this.mRoomToGetInto = new Room(null, null);
971         this.mRoomToEnterLobby = null; // join random never stores the lobby. the following join will not affect the room lobby
972         // if typedLobby is null, the server will automatically use the active lobby or default, which is what we want anyways
974         this.mLastJoinType = JoinType.JoinRandomGame;
975         return base.OpJoinRandomRoom(expectedCustomRoomProperties, expectedMaxPlayers, playerProperties, matchingType, typedLobby, sqlLobbyFilter);
976     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1644     /// This method looks up a room in the currently active lobby or (if no lobby is joined)
1650     public static bool JoinRandomRoom()
1651     {
1652         return JoinRandomRoom(null, 0, MatchmakingMode.FillRoom, null, null);
1653     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1665     /// This method looks up a room in the currently active lobby or (if no lobby is joined)
1673     public static bool JoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers)
1674     {
1675         return JoinRandomRoom(expectedCustomRoomProperties, expectedMaxPlayers, MatchmakingMode.FillRoom, null, null);
1676     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1687     /// This method looks up a room in the specified lobby or the currently active lobby (if none specified)
1701     public static bool JoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers, MatchmakingMode matchingType, TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter)
1702     {
1703         if (offlineMode)
1704         {
1705             if (offlineModeRoom != null)
1706             {
1707                 Debug.LogError("JoinRandomRoom failed. In offline mode you still have to leave a room to enter another.");
1708                 return false;
1709             }
1711             offlineModeRoom = new Room("offline room", null);
1712             NetworkingPeer.SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnJoinedRoom);
1713             return true;
1714         }
1717         if (networkingPeer.server != ServerConnection.MasterServer || !connectedAndReady)
1718         {
1719             Debug.LogError("JoinRandomRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.");
1720             return false;
1721         }
1723         return networkingPeer.OpJoinRandomRoom(expectedCustomRoomProperties, expectedMaxPlayers, null, matchingType, typedLobby, sqlLobbyFilter);
1724     }
File name: ConnectAndJoinRandom.cs Copy
37     public virtual void OnConnectedToMaster()
38     {
39         if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions != null) Debug.LogWarning("List of available regions counts " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions.Count + ". First: " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions[0] + " \t Current Region: " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.CloudRegion);
40         Debug.Log("OnConnectedToMaster() was called by PUN. Now this client is connected and could join a room. Calling: PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();");
41         PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
42     }
File name: NetworkAdapter.cs Copy
97         public void JoinRandomRoom()
98         {
99             PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
100         }

JoinRandomRoom 162 lượt xem

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