
How do I use Jump
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: JumpAndRunMovement.cs Copy
29     void FixedUpdate()
30     {
31         if( m_PhotonView.isMine == false )
32         {
33             return;
34         }
36         UpdateMovement();
37         UpdateJumping();
38     }
File name: JumpAndRunMovement.cs Copy
52     void UpdateJumping()
53     {
54         if( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.Space ) == true && m_IsGrounded == true )
55         {
56             m_Animator.SetTrigger( "IsJumping" );
57             m_Body.AddForce( Vector2.up * JumpForce );
58             m_PhotonView.RPC( "DoJump", PhotonTargets.Others );
59         }
60     }
File name: JumpAndRunMovement.cs Copy
63     void DoJump()
64     {
65         m_Animator.SetTrigger( "IsJumping" );
66     }
File name: HubGui.cs Copy
28     void OnGUI()
29     {
30         GUI.skin = this.Skin;
31         GUILayout.Space(10);
33         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
34         GUILayout.Space(10);
35         scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Width(320));
37         GUILayout.Label("Basics", m_Headline);
38         if (GUILayout.Button("Demo Boxes", GUILayout.Width(280)))
39         {
40             demoDescription = "Demo Boxes\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\n(joins a random room or creates one)\n\nInstantiates simple prefab.\nSynchronizes positions without smoothing.";
41             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoBoxes-Scene" };
42         }
43         if (GUILayout.Button("Demo Worker", GUILayout.Width(280)))
44         {
45             demoDescription = "Demo Worker\n\nJoins the default lobby and shows existing rooms.\nLets you create or join a room.\nInstantiates an animated character.\nSynchronizes position and animation state of character with smoothing.\nImplements simple in-room Chat via RPC calls.";
46             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoWorker-Scene" };
47         }
48         if (GUILayout.Button("Movement Smoothing", GUILayout.Width(280)))
49         {
50             demoDescription = "Movement Smoothing\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\nShows several basic ways to update positions of remote objects.";
51             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoSynchronization-Scene" };
52         }
54         GUILayout.Label("Advanced", m_Headline);
55         if (GUILayout.Button("Ownership Transfer", GUILayout.Width(280)))
56         {
57             demoDescription = "Ownership Transfer\n\nShows how to transfer the ownership of a PhotonView.\nThe owner will send position updates of the GameObject.\nTransfer can be edited per PhotonView and set to Fixed (no transfer), Request (owner has to agree) or Takeover (owner can't object).";
58             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoChangeOwner-Scene" };
59             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
60         }
61         if (GUILayout.Button("Pickup, Teams, Scores", GUILayout.Width(280)))
62         {
63             demoDescription = "Pickup, Teams, Scores\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\nImplements item pickup with RPCs.\nUses Custom Properties for Teams.\nCounts score per player and team.\nUses PhotonPlayer extension methods for easy Custom Property access.";
64             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoPickup-Scene" };
65             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
66         }
68         GUILayout.Label("Feature Demos", m_Headline);
69         if (GUILayout.Button("Chat", GUILayout.Width(280)))
70         {
71             demoDescription = "Chat\n\nUses the Chat API (now part of PUN).\nSimple UI.\nYou can enter any User ID.\nAutomatically subscribes some channels.\nAllows simple commands via text.\n\nRequires configuration of Chat App ID in scene.";
72             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoChat-Scene" };
73             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
74         }
75         if (GUILayout.Button("RPG Movement", GUILayout.Width(280)))
76         {
77             demoDescription = "RPG Movement\n\nDemonstrates how to use the PhotonTransformView component to synchronize position updates smoothly using inter- and extrapolation.\n\nThis demo also shows how to setup a Mecanim Animator to update animations automatically based on received position updates (without sending explicit animation updates).";
78             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoRPGMovement-Scene" };
79             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
80         }
81         if (GUILayout.Button("Mecanim Animations", GUILayout.Width(280)))
82         {
83             demoDescription = "Mecanim Animations\n\nThis demo shows how to use the PhotonAnimatorView component to easily synchronize Mecanim animations.\n\nIt also demonstrates another feature of the PhotonTransformView component which gives you more control how position updates are inter-/extrapolated by telling the component how fast the object moves and turns using SetSynchronizedValues().";
84             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoMecanim-Scene" };
85             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
86         }
87         if (GUILayout.Button("2D Game", GUILayout.Width(280)))
88         {
89             demoDescription = "2D Game Demo\n\nSynchronizes animations, positions and physics in a 2D scene.";
90             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "Demo2DJumpAndRunWithPhysics-Scene" };
91             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
92         }
93         if (GUILayout.Button("Friends & Authentication", GUILayout.Width(280)))
94         {
95             demoDescription = "Friends & Authentication\n\nShows connect with or without (server-side) authentication.\n\nAuthentication requires minor server-side setup (in Dashboard).\n\nOnce connected, you can find (made up) friends.\nJoin a room just to see how that gets visible in friends list.";
96             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoFriends-Scene" };
97             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
98         }
100         GUILayout.Label("Tutorial", m_Headline);
101         if (GUILayout.Button("Marco Polo Tutorial", GUILayout.Width(280)))
102         {
103             demoDescription = "Marco Polo Tutorial\n\nFinal result you could get when you do the Marco Polo Tutorial.\nSlightly modified to be more compatible with this package.";
104             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "MarcoPolo-Scene" };
105             this.webLink = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Open Tutorial (www)", Link = "http://tinyurl.com/nmylf44" };
106         }
107         GUILayout.EndScrollView();
109         GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(Screen.width - 345));
110         GUILayout.Label(demoDescription);
111         GUILayout.Space(10);
112         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.demoBtn.Text))
113         {
114             if (GUILayout.Button(this.demoBtn.Text))
115             {
116                 Application.LoadLevel(this.demoBtn.Link);
117             }
118         }
119         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.webLink.Text))
120         {
121             if (GUILayout.Button(this.webLink.Text))
122             {
123                 Application.OpenURL(this.webLink.Link);
124             }
125         }
126         GUILayout.EndVertical();
129         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
130     }
File name: PickupCamera.cs Copy
94     void Apply( Transform dummyTarget, Vector3 dummyCenter )
95     {
96         // Early out if we don't have a target
97         if( !controller )
98             return;
100         Vector3 targetCenter = _target.position + centerOffset;
101         Vector3 targetHead = _target.position + headOffset;
103         // DebugDrawStuff();
105         // Calculate the current & target rotation angles
106         float originalTargetAngle = _target.eulerAngles.y;
107         float currentAngle = cameraTransform.eulerAngles.y;
109         // Adjust real target angle when camera is locked
110         float targetAngle = originalTargetAngle;
112         // When pressing Fire2 (alt) the camera will snap to the target direction real quick.
113         // It will stop snapping when it reaches the target
114         if( Input.GetButton( "Fire2" ) )
115             snap = true;
117         if( snap )
118         {
119             // We are close to the target, so we can stop snapping now!
120             if( AngleDistance( currentAngle, originalTargetAngle ) < 3.0f )
121                 snap = false;
123             currentAngle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle( currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angleVelocity, snapSmoothLag, snapMaxSpeed );
124         }
125         // Normal camera motion
126         else
127         {
128             if( controller.GetLockCameraTimer() < lockCameraTimeout )
129             {
130                 targetAngle = currentAngle;
131             }
133             // Lock the camera when moving backwards!
134             // * It is really confusing to do 180 degree spins when turning around.
135             if( AngleDistance( currentAngle, targetAngle ) > 160 && controller.IsMovingBackwards() )
136                 targetAngle += 180;
138             currentAngle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle( currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angleVelocity, angularSmoothLag, angularMaxSpeed );
139         }
142         // When jumping don't move camera upwards but only down!
143         if( controller.IsJumping() )
144         {
145             // We'd be moving the camera upwards, do that only if it's really high
146             float newTargetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
147             if( newTargetHeight < targetHeight || newTargetHeight - targetHeight > 5 )
148                 targetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
149         }
150         // When walking always update the target height
151         else
152         {
153             targetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
154         }
156         // Damp the height
157         float currentHeight = cameraTransform.position.y;
158         currentHeight = Mathf.SmoothDamp( currentHeight, targetHeight, ref heightVelocity, heightSmoothLag );
160         // Convert the angle into a rotation, by which we then reposition the camera
161         Quaternion currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0, currentAngle, 0 );
163         // Set the position of the camera on the x-z plane to:
164         // distance meters behind the target
165         cameraTransform.position = targetCenter;
166         cameraTransform.position += currentRotation * Vector3.back * distance;
168         // Set the height of the camera
169         cameraTransform.position = new Vector3( cameraTransform.position.x, currentHeight, cameraTransform.position.z );
171         // Always look at the target
172         SetUpRotation( targetCenter, targetHead );
173     }
File name: PickupController.cs Copy
73     // Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet)
77     // Are we moving backwards (This locks the camera to not do a 180 degree spin)
81     // When did the user start walking (Used for going into trot after a while)
87     // the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.)
101     void Awake()
102     {
103         // PUN: automatically determine isControllable, if this GO has a PhotonView
104         PhotonView pv = this.gameObject.GetComponent();
105         if (pv != null)
106         {
107             isControllable = pv.isMine;
109             // The pickup demo assigns this GameObject as the PhotonPlayer.TagObject. This way, we can access this character (controller, position, etc) easily
110             if (this.AssignAsTagObject)
111             {
112                 pv.owner.TagObject = this.gameObject;
113             }
115             // please note: we change this setting on ANY PickupController if "DoRotate" is off. not only locally when it's "our" GameObject!
116             if (pv.observed is Transform && !DoRotate)
117             {
118                 pv.onSerializeTransformOption = OnSerializeTransform.OnlyPosition;
119             }
120         }
123         moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
125         _animation = GetComponent();
126         if (!_animation)
127             Debug.Log("The character you would like to control doesn't have animations. Moving her might look weird.");
129         if (!idleAnimation)
130         {
131             _animation = null;
132             Debug.Log("No idle animation found. Turning off animations.");
133         }
134         if (!walkAnimation)
135         {
136             _animation = null;
137             Debug.Log("No walk animation found. Turning off animations.");
138         }
139         if (!runAnimation)
140         {
141             _animation = null;
142             Debug.Log("No run animation found. Turning off animations.");
143         }
144         if (!jumpPoseAnimation && canJump)
145         {
146             _animation = null;
147             Debug.Log("No jump animation found and the character has canJump enabled. Turning off animations.");
148         }
149     }
File name: PickupController.cs Copy
151     void Update()
152     {
153         if (isControllable)
154         {
155             if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
156             {
157                 lastJumpButtonTime = Time.time;
158             }
160             UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection();
162             // Apply gravity
163             // - extra power jump modifies gravity
164             // - controlledDescent mode modifies gravity
165             ApplyGravity();
167             // Apply jumping logic
168             ApplyJumping();
171             // Calculate actual motion
172             Vector3 movement = moveDirection * moveSpeed + new Vector3(0, verticalSpeed, 0) + inAirVelocity;
173             movement *= Time.deltaTime;
175             //Debug.Log(movement.x.ToString("0.000") + ":" + movement.z.ToString("0.000"));
177             // Move the controller
178             CharacterController controller = GetComponent();
179             collisionFlags = controller.Move(movement);
181         }
183         // PUN: if a remote position is known, we smooth-move to it (being late(r) but smoother)
184         if (this.remotePosition != Vector3.zero)
185         {
186             transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, this.remotePosition, Time.deltaTime * this.RemoteSmoothing);
187         }
189         velocity = (transform.position - lastPos)*25;
191         // ANIMATION sector
192         if (_animation)
193         {
194             if (_characterState == PickupCharacterState.Jumping)
195             {
196                 if (!jumpingReachedApex)
197                 {
198                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].speed = jumpAnimationSpeed;
199                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
200                     _animation.CrossFade(jumpPoseAnimation.name);
201                 }
202                 else
203                 {
204                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].speed = -landAnimationSpeed;
205                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
206                     _animation.CrossFade(jumpPoseAnimation.name);
207                 }
208             }
209             else
210             {
211                 if (_characterState == PickupCharacterState.Idle)
212                 {
213                     _animation.CrossFade(idleAnimation.name);
214                 }
215                 else if (_characterState == PickupCharacterState.Running)
216                 {
217                     _animation[runAnimation.name].speed = runMaxAnimationSpeed;
218                     if (this.isControllable)
219                     {
220                         _animation[runAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, runMaxAnimationSpeed);
221                     }
222                     _animation.CrossFade(runAnimation.name);
223                 }
224                 else if (_characterState == PickupCharacterState.Trotting)
225                 {
226                     _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = trotMaxAnimationSpeed;
227                     if (this.isControllable)
228                     {
229                         _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, trotMaxAnimationSpeed);
230                     }
231                     _animation.CrossFade(walkAnimation.name);
232                 }
233                 else if (_characterState == PickupCharacterState.Walking)
234                 {
235                     _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = walkMaxAnimationSpeed;
236                     if (this.isControllable)
237                     {
238                         _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, walkMaxAnimationSpeed);
239                     }
240                     _animation.CrossFade(walkAnimation.name);
241                 }
243                 if (_characterState != PickupCharacterState.Running)
244                 {
245                     _animation[runAnimation.name].time = 0.0f;
246                 }
247             }
248         }
249         // ANIMATION sector
251         // Set rotation to the move direction
252         if (IsGrounded())
253         {
254             // a specialty of this controller: you can disable rotation!
255             if (DoRotate)
256             {
257                 transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);
258             }
259         }
260         else
261         {
262             /* This causes choppy behaviour when colliding with SIDES
263              * Vector3 xzMove = velocity;
264             xzMove.y = 0;
265             if (xzMove.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
266             {
267                 transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove);
268             }*/
269         }
271         // We are in jump mode but just became grounded
272         if (IsGrounded())
273         {
274             lastGroundedTime = Time.time;
275             inAirVelocity = Vector3.zero;
276             if (jumping)
277             {
278                 jumping = false;
279                 SendMessage("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
280             }
281         }
283         lastPos = transform.position;
284     }
File name: ThirdPersonCamera.cs Copy
86     void Apply( Transform dummyTarget, Vector3 dummyCenter )
87     {
88         // Early out if we don't have a target
89         if( !controller )
90             return;
92         Vector3 targetCenter = _target.position + centerOffset;
93         Vector3 targetHead = _target.position + headOffset;
95         // DebugDrawStuff();
97         // Calculate the current & target rotation angles
98         float originalTargetAngle = _target.eulerAngles.y;
99         float currentAngle = cameraTransform.eulerAngles.y;
101         // Adjust real target angle when camera is locked
102         float targetAngle = originalTargetAngle;
104         // When pressing Fire2 (alt) the camera will snap to the target direction real quick.
105         // It will stop snapping when it reaches the target
106         if( Input.GetButton( "Fire2" ) )
107             snap = true;
109         if( snap )
110         {
111             // We are close to the target, so we can stop snapping now!
112             if( AngleDistance( currentAngle, originalTargetAngle ) < 3.0f )
113                 snap = false;
115             currentAngle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle( currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angleVelocity, snapSmoothLag, snapMaxSpeed );
116         }
117         // Normal camera motion
118         else
119         {
120             if( controller.GetLockCameraTimer() < lockCameraTimeout )
121             {
122                 targetAngle = currentAngle;
123             }
125             // Lock the camera when moving backwards!
126             // * It is really confusing to do 180 degree spins when turning around.
127             if( AngleDistance( currentAngle, targetAngle ) > 160 && controller.IsMovingBackwards() )
128                 targetAngle += 180;
130             currentAngle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle( currentAngle, targetAngle, ref angleVelocity, angularSmoothLag, angularMaxSpeed );
131         }
134         // When jumping don't move camera upwards but only down!
135         if( controller.IsJumping() )
136         {
137             // We'd be moving the camera upwards, do that only if it's really high
138             float newTargetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
139             if( newTargetHeight < targetHeight || newTargetHeight - targetHeight > 5 )
140                 targetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
141         }
142         // When walking always update the target height
143         else
144         {
145             targetHeight = targetCenter.y + height;
146         }
148         // Damp the height
149         float currentHeight = cameraTransform.position.y;
150         currentHeight = Mathf.SmoothDamp( currentHeight, targetHeight, ref heightVelocity, heightSmoothLag );
152         // Convert the angle into a rotation, by which we then reposition the camera
153         Quaternion currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0, currentAngle, 0 );
155         // Set the position of the camera on the x-z plane to:
156         // distance meters behind the target
157         cameraTransform.position = targetCenter;
158         cameraTransform.position += currentRotation * Vector3.back * distance;
160         // Set the height of the camera
161         cameraTransform.position = new Vector3( cameraTransform.position.x, currentHeight, cameraTransform.position.z );
163         // Always look at the target
164         SetUpRotation( targetCenter, targetHead );
165     }
File name: ThirdPersonController.cs Copy
71     // Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet)
75     // Are we moving backwards (This locks the camera to not do a 180 degree spin)
79     // When did the user start walking (Used for going into trot after a while)
85     // the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.)
92     void Awake()
93     {
94         moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
96         _animation = GetComponent();
97         if (!_animation)
98             Debug.Log("The character you would like to control doesn't have animations. Moving her might look weird.");
100         /*
101     public AnimationClip idleAnimation;
102     public AnimationClip walkAnimation;
103     public AnimationClip runAnimation;
104     public AnimationClip jumpPoseAnimation;
105         */
106         if (!idleAnimation)
107         {
108             _animation = null;
109             Debug.Log("No idle animation found. Turning off animations.");
110         }
111         if (!walkAnimation)
112         {
113             _animation = null;
114             Debug.Log("No walk animation found. Turning off animations.");
115         }
116         if (!runAnimation)
117         {
118             _animation = null;
119             Debug.Log("No run animation found. Turning off animations.");
120         }
121         if (!jumpPoseAnimation && canJump)
122         {
123             _animation = null;
124             Debug.Log("No jump animation found and the character has canJump enabled. Turning off animations.");
125         }
127     }
File name: ThirdPersonController.cs Copy
292     void Update()
293     {
294         if (isControllable)
295         {
296             if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
297             {
298                 lastJumpButtonTime = Time.time;
299             }
301             UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection();
303             // Apply gravity
304             // - extra power jump modifies gravity
305             // - controlledDescent mode modifies gravity
306             ApplyGravity();
308             // Apply jumping logic
309             ApplyJumping();
312             // Calculate actual motion
313             Vector3 movement = moveDirection * moveSpeed + new Vector3(0, verticalSpeed, 0) + inAirVelocity;
314             movement *= Time.deltaTime;
316             // Move the controller
317             CharacterController controller = GetComponent();
318             collisionFlags = controller.Move(movement);
319         }
320         velocity = (transform.position - lastPos)*25;
322         // ANIMATION sector
323         if (_animation)
324         {
325             if (_characterState == CharacterState.Jumping)
326             {
327                 if (!jumpingReachedApex)
328                 {
329                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].speed = jumpAnimationSpeed;
330                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
331                     _animation.CrossFade(jumpPoseAnimation.name);
332                 }
333                 else
334                 {
335                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].speed = -landAnimationSpeed;
336                     _animation[jumpPoseAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
337                     _animation.CrossFade(jumpPoseAnimation.name);
338                 }
339             }
340             else
341             {
342                 if (this.isControllable && velocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
343                 {
344                     _characterState = CharacterState.Idle;
345                     _animation.CrossFade(idleAnimation.name);
346                 }
347                 else
348                 {
349                     if (_characterState == CharacterState.Idle)
350                     {
351                         _animation.CrossFade(idleAnimation.name);
352                     }
353                     else if (_characterState == CharacterState.Running)
354                     {
355                         _animation[runAnimation.name].speed = runMaxAnimationSpeed;
356                         if (this.isControllable)
357                         {
358                             _animation[runAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, runMaxAnimationSpeed);
359                         }
360                         _animation.CrossFade(runAnimation.name);
361                     }
362                     else if (_characterState == CharacterState.Trotting)
363                     {
364                         _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = trotMaxAnimationSpeed;
365                         if (this.isControllable)
366                         {
367                             _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, trotMaxAnimationSpeed);
368                         }
369                         _animation.CrossFade(walkAnimation.name);
370                     }
371                     else if (_characterState == CharacterState.Walking)
372                     {
373                         _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = walkMaxAnimationSpeed;
374                         if (this.isControllable)
375                         {
376                             _animation[walkAnimation.name].speed = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, walkMaxAnimationSpeed);
377                         }
378                         _animation.CrossFade(walkAnimation.name);
379                     }
381                 }
382             }
383         }
384         // ANIMATION sector
386         // Set rotation to the move direction
387         if (IsGrounded())
388         {
390             transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);
392         }
393         else
394         {
395             /* This causes choppy behaviour when colliding with SIDES
396              * Vector3 xzMove = velocity;
397             xzMove.y = 0;
398             if (xzMove.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
399             {
400                 transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove);
401             }*/
402         }
404         // We are in jump mode but just became grounded
405         if (IsGrounded())
406         {
407             lastGroundedTime = Time.time;
408             inAirVelocity = Vector3.zero;
409             if (jumping)
410             {
411                 jumping = false;
412                 SendMessage("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
413             }
414         }
416         lastPos = transform.position;
417     }

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