How do I use T W O
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: FormXemDiem.cs Copy
85         private void btnXuatRaExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
86         {
87             try
88             {
90                 Excel.Application objExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
91                 Excel.Workbook objExcelWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
92                 Excel.Worksheet objSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objExcelWorkbook.Worksheets[1];
93                 //objSheet.Cells.Interior.Color.ToString() = 'blue';
94                 objSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objExcelWorkbook.Sheets[1];
95                 objSheet.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
96                 objSheet.Cells[2, 5] = "BẢNG ĐIỂM CỦA SINH VIÊN";
97                 objSheet.Cells[5, 3] = "Mã Học Phần";
98                 objSheet.Cells[5, 4] = "Mã Nhóm Học Phần";
99                 objSheet.Cells[5, 5] = "Tên Học Phần";
100                 objSheet.Cells[5, 6] = "Điểm Thi";
101                 objSheet.Cells[5, 7] = "Điểm Quá Trình";
102                 objSheet.Cells[5, 8] = "Điểm Xếp Loại";
103                 objSheet.Cells[3, 3] = "Mã Học Kỳ : "+cmbMaHK.SelectedValue.ToString()+"";
104                 objSheet.Cells[4, 3] = "Mã SV : " + txtMaSV.Text + "";
105                 objSheet.Cells[9,10] = "ĐIỂM TỔNG KẾT";
106                 objSheet.Cells[10,10] = "Hệ 10 : "+txtHe10.Text+"";
107                 objSheet.Cells[11,10] = "Hệ 4 : "+txtHe4.Text+"";
108                 for (int i = 0; i < dgvKetQua.Rows.Count ; i++)
109                 {
110                     for (int j = 0; j < dgvKetQua.Columns.GetColumnCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Displayed); j++)
111                     {
112                         objSheet.Cells[i + 6, j + 3] = dgvKetQua.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString();
113                         objSheet.Columns.AutoFit();
114                     }
115                 }
116                 objExcelApp.Visible = true;
117             }
118             catch (Exception ex)
119             {
120                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
121             }
122         }
File name: FormXemDiemLop.cs Copy
77         private void btnXuatRaExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
78         {
79              try
80             {
82                 Excel.Application objExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
83                 Excel.Workbook objExcelWorkbook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
84                 Excel.Worksheet objSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objExcelWorkbook.Worksheets[1];
85                 //objSheet.Cells.Interior.Color.ToString() = 'blue';
86                 objSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)objExcelWorkbook.Sheets[1];
87                 objSheet.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
88                 objSheet.Cells[2, 5] = "BẢNG ĐIỂM CỦA LỚP";
89                 objSheet.Cells[3, 3] = "Mã Học Kỳ : "+cmbMaHK.SelectedValue.ToString()+"";
90                 objSheet.Cells[4, 3] = "Mã Lớp : " + cmbMaLop.SelectedValue.ToString() + "";
91                 objSheet.Cells[5, 4] = "Mã Sinh Viên";
92                 objSheet.Cells[5, 5] = "Tên Sinh Viên";
93                 objSheet.Cells[5, 6] = "Điểm Trung Bình";
94                 //select sv.MaSV,TenSV,TrungBinhCuoiKyHe10
96                 for (int i = 0; i < dgvKetQua.Rows.Count ; i++)
97                 {
98                     for (int j = 0; j < dgvKetQua.Columns.GetColumnCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Displayed); j++)
99                     {
100                         objSheet.Cells[i + 6, j + 4] = dgvKetQua.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString();
101                         objSheet.Columns.AutoFit();
102                     }
103                 }
104                 objExcelApp.Visible = true;
105             }
106             catch (Exception ex)
107             {
108                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
109             }
110         }
File name: Demo2DJumpAndRun.cs Copy
6     void OnJoinedRoom()
7     {
8         if( PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient == false )
9         {
10             return;
11         }
13         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( -4.5f, 5.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
14         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( -4.5f, 4.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
15         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( -4.5f, 3.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
17         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( 4.5f, 5.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
18         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( 4.5f, 4.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
19         PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject( "Physics Box", new Vector3( 4.5f, 3.5f, 0 ), Quaternion.identity, 0, null );
20     }
File name: DemoBoxesGui.cs Copy
8     void OnGUI()
9     {
10         if (HideUI)
11         {
12             return;
13         }
15         GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString());
17         if (!PhotonNetwork.connected)
18         {
19             if (GUILayout.Button("Connect"))
20             {
21                 PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(null);
22             }
23         }
24         else
25         {
26             if (GUILayout.Button("Disconnect"))
27             {
28                 PhotonNetwork.Disconnect();
29             }
30         }
32     }
File name: DemoOwnershipGui.cs Copy
23     public void OnGUI()
24     {
25 = this.Skin;
26         GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 200, 0, 200, Screen.height));
27         {
28             string label = TransferOwnershipOnRequest ? "passing objects" : "rejecting to pass";
29             if (GUILayout.Button(label))
30             {
31                 this.TransferOwnershipOnRequest = !this.TransferOwnershipOnRequest;
32             }
33         }
34         GUILayout.EndArea();
38         if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
39         {
40             int playerNr = PhotonNetwork.player.ID;
41             string playerIsMaster = PhotonNetwork.player.isMasterClient ? "(master) " : "";
42             string playerColor = PlayerVariables.GetColorName(PhotonNetwork.player.ID);
43             GUILayout.Label(string.Format("player {0}, {1} {2}(you)", playerNr, playerColor, playerIsMaster));
45             foreach (PhotonPlayer otherPlayer in PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers)
46             {
47                 playerNr = otherPlayer.ID;
48                 playerIsMaster = otherPlayer.isMasterClient ? "(master)" : "";
49                 playerColor = PlayerVariables.GetColorName(otherPlayer.ID);
50                 GUILayout.Label(string.Format("player {0}, {1} {2}", playerNr, playerColor, playerIsMaster));
51             }
53             if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom && PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers.Length == 0)
54             {
55                 GUILayout.Label("Join more clients to switch object-control.");
56             }
57         }
58         else
59         {
60             GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString());
61         }
62     }
File name: InstantiateCube.cs Copy
12     void OnClick()
13     {
14         if (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed != PeerState.Joined)
15         {
16             // only use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate while in a room.
17             return;
18         }
20         switch (InstantiateType)
21         {
22             case 0:
23                 PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, this.transform.position + 3*Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity, 0);
24                 break;
25             case 1:
26                 PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(, InputToEvent.inputHitPos + new Vector3(0, 5f, 0), Quaternion.identity, 0, null);
27                 break;
28         }
29     }
File name: OnClickRequestOwnership.cs Copy
8     public void OnClick()
9     {
10         if( Input.GetKey( KeyCode.LeftShift ) || Input.GetKey( KeyCode.RightShift ) )
11         {
12             Vector3 colVector = new Vector3( Random.Range( 0.0f, 1.0f ), Random.Range( 0.0f, 1.0f ), Random.Range( 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
13             this.photonView.RPC( "ColorRpc", PhotonTargets.AllBufferedViaServer, colVector );
14         }
15         else
16         {
17             if( this.photonView.ownerId == PhotonNetwork.player.ID )
18             {
19                 Debug.Log( "Not requesting ownership. Already mine." );
20                 return;
21             }
23             this.photonView.RequestOwnership();
24         }
25     }
File name: OnClickRightDestroy.cs Copy
5     public void OnPressRight()
6     {
7         Debug.Log("RightClick Destroy");
8         PhotonNetwork.Destroy(gameObject);
9     }
File name: OnJoinInstantiate.cs Copy
13     public void OnJoinedRoom()
14     {
15         Vector3 pos =;
16         pos.x += PhotonNetwork.player.ID;
18         if (!InstantiateSceneObjects)
19         {
21              newObj = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, pos, Quaternion.identity, 0, null);
24             // anything you do with newObj locally is not reflected on the other clients.
25             // you can add a script to the Prefab to do some instantiation in Awake() and you can call RPCs on newObj now.
26         }
27         else
28         {
29             newObj = PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(, pos, Quaternion.identity, 0, null);
30             //PhotonView pv = newObj.GetComponent() as PhotonView;
31             //Debug.Log(pv.ownerId + " " + pv.viewID);
32         }
33     }
File name: GUICustomAuth.cs Copy
70     public void ConnectWithNickname()
71     {
72         RootOf3dButtons.SetActive(false);
74         PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = null; // null by default but maybe set in a previous session.
75         PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings("1.0");
77         // PhotonNetwork.playerName gets set in GUIFriendFinding
78         // a UserID is not used in this case (no AuthValues set)
79     }

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