
How do I use Unity Editor
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: VSCode.cs Copy
346         public static void SyncSolution()
347         {
348             System.Type T = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.SyncVS,UnityEditor");
349             System.Reflection.MethodInfo SyncSolution = T.GetMethod("SyncSolution", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
350             SyncSolution.Invoke(null, null);
352         }
File name: ScmlPostProcessor.cs Copy
66         static void ImportScml(string assetPath)
67         {
68             string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath);
70             //Load the SCML as XML
71             var doc = new XmlDocument();
72             doc.Load(assetPath);
74             //Parse the SCML file
75             var scml = new Spriter.ScmlObject(doc);
77             //TODO: Verify that all files/folders exist
78             var pb = new PrefabBuilder();
79             foreach (var entity in scml.Entities)
80             {
81                 //TODO: Settings file to customize prefab location
82                 var prefabPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, entity.Name + ".prefab");
84                 //Change to forward slash for asset database friendliness
85                 prefabPath = prefabPath.Replace('\\', '/');
87                 //Either instantiate the existing prefab or create a new one
88                 GameObject go;
89                 var prefabGo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject));
90                 if (prefabGo == null)
91                 {
92                     go = new GameObject();
93                     prefabGo = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(prefabPath, go, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
94                 }
95                 else
96                 {
97                     go = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabGo) as GameObject;
99                     var oldAnimator = go.GetComponent();
100                     if (oldAnimator) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(oldAnimator);
101                 }
103                 //Build the prefab based on the supplied entity
104                 pb.MakePrefab(entity, go, folderPath);
106                 var animator = go.AddComponent();
110                 //Add animations to prefab object
111                 var anim = new AnimationBuilder();
112                 var allAnimClips = anim.BuildAnimationClips(go, entity, prefabPath);
113                 AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();
115                 var animatorControllerPath = Path.ChangeExtension(prefabPath, "controller");
116                 UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController oldController = (UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(animatorControllerPath, typeof (UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController));
117                 UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController controller = oldController;
119                 if (!oldController)
120                 {
121                     controller = UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPath(animatorControllerPath);
122                     foreach (var animationClip in allAnimClips)
123                     {
124                         if (animationClip)
125                         {
126                             //UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddAnimationClipToController(controller, animationClip);
127                         }
128                     }
129                 }
130                 UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.SetAnimatorController(animator, controller);
131                 go.SetActive(true);
132                 //Update the prefab
133                 PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, prefabGo, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
135                 //Add a generic avatar - because why not?
136                 //TODO: May need to eventually break this into a separate class
137                 // ie: if we want to look for a root motion node by naming convention
138                 //var avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildGenericAvatar(go, "");
139                 //avatar.name = go.name;
140                 //AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(avatar, prefabPath);
142                 GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go);
144                 AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();
145             }
146         }
File name: SortingLayerExposedEditor.cs Copy
103     public static string[] GetSortingLayerNames()
104     {
105         Type internalEditorUtilityType = typeof(UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility);
106         PropertyInfo sortingLayersProperty = internalEditorUtilityType.GetProperty("sortingLayerNames", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
107         return (string[])sortingLayersProperty.GetValue(null, new object[0]);
108     }
File name: SortingLayerExposedEditor.cs Copy
111     public int[] GetSortingLayerUniqueIDs()
112     {
113         Type internalEditorUtilityType = typeof(UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility);
114         PropertyInfo sortingLayerUniqueIDsProperty = internalEditorUtilityType.GetProperty("sortingLayerUniqueIDs", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
115         return (int[])sortingLayerUniqueIDsProperty.GetValue(null, new object[0]);
116     }
File name: ReadmeEditor.cs Copy
37  static void LoadLayout()
38  {
39   var assembly = typeof(EditorApplication).Assembly;
40   var windowLayoutType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.WindowLayout", true);
41   var method = windowLayoutType.GetMethod("LoadWindowLayout", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
42   method.Invoke(null, new object[]{Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "TutorialInfo/Layout.wlt"), false});
43  }

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