
How do I use Output
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: WorkerMenu.cs Copy
65     public void OnGUI()
66     {
67         if (this.Skin != null)
68         {
69             GUI.skin = this.Skin;
70         }
72         if (!PhotonNetwork.connected)
73         {
74             if (PhotonNetwork.connecting)
75             {
76                 GUILayout.Label("Connecting to: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress);
77             }
78             else
79             {
80                 GUILayout.Label("Not connected. Check console output. Detailed connection state: " + PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed + " Server: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress);
81             }
83             if (this.connectFailed)
84             {
85                 GUILayout.Label("Connection failed. Check setup and use Setup Wizard to fix configuration.");
86                 GUILayout.Label(String.Format("Server: {0}", new object[] {PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress}));
87                 GUILayout.Label("AppId: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppID);
89                 if (GUILayout.Button("Try Again", GUILayout.Width(100)))
90                 {
91                     this.connectFailed = false;
92                     PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings("0.9");
93                 }
94             }
96             return;
97         }
99         Rect content = new Rect((Screen.width - WidthAndHeight.x)/2, (Screen.height - WidthAndHeight.y)/2, WidthAndHeight.x, WidthAndHeight.y);
100         GUI.Box(content,"Join or Create Room");
101         GUILayout.BeginArea(content);
103         GUILayout.Space(40);
105         // Player name
106         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
107         GUILayout.Label("Player name:", GUILayout.Width(150));
108         PhotonNetwork.playerName = GUILayout.TextField(PhotonNetwork.playerName);
109         GUILayout.Space(158);
110         if (GUI.changed)
111         {
112             // Save name
113             PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerName", PhotonNetwork.playerName);
114         }
115         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
117         GUILayout.Space(15);
119         // Join room by title
120         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
121         GUILayout.Label("Roomname:", GUILayout.Width(150));
122         this.roomName = GUILayout.TextField(this.roomName);
124         if (GUILayout.Button("Create Room", GUILayout.Width(150)))
125         {
126             PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(this.roomName, new RoomOptions() { maxPlayers = 10 }, null);
127         }
129         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
131         // Create a room (fails if exist!)
132         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
133         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
134         //this.roomName = GUILayout.TextField(this.roomName);
135         if (GUILayout.Button("Join Room", GUILayout.Width(150)))
136         {
137             PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(this.roomName);
138         }
140         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
143         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ErrorDialog))
144         {
145             GUILayout.Label(this.ErrorDialog);
147             if (timeToClearDialog < Time.time)
148             {
149                 timeToClearDialog = 0;
150                 this.ErrorDialog = "";
151             }
152         }
154         GUILayout.Space(15);
156         // Join random room
157         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
159         GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayers + " users are online in " + PhotonNetwork.countOfRooms + " rooms.");
160         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
161         if (GUILayout.Button("Join Random", GUILayout.Width(150)))
162         {
163             PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();
164         }
167         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
169         GUILayout.Space(15);
170         if (PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length == 0)
171         {
172             GUILayout.Label("Currently no games are available.");
173             GUILayout.Label("Rooms will be listed here, when they become available.");
174         }
175         else
176         {
177             GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList().Length + " rooms available:");
179             // Room listing: simply call GetRoomList: no need to fetch/poll whatever!
180             this.scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.scrollPos);
181             foreach (RoomInfo roomInfo in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
182             {
183                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
184                 GUILayout.Label(roomInfo.name + " " + roomInfo.playerCount + "/" + roomInfo.maxPlayers);
185                 if (GUILayout.Button("Join", GUILayout.Width(150)))
186                 {
187                     PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(roomInfo.name);
188                 }
190                 GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
191             }
193             GUILayout.EndScrollView();
194         }
196         GUILayout.EndArea();
197     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
18     public static void RunConversion()
19     {
20         //Ask if user has made a backup.
21         int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Conversion", "Attempt automatic conversion from Unity Networking to Photon Unity Networking \"PUN\"?", "Yes", "No!", "Pick Script Folder");
22         switch (option)
23         {
24             case 0:
25                 break;
26             case 1:
27                 return;
28             case 2:
29                 PickFolderAndConvertScripts();
30                 return;
31             default:
32                 return;
33         }
35         //REAAAALY?
36         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Disclaimer: The code conversion feature is quite crude, but should do it's job well (see the sourcecode). A backup is therefore strongly recommended!", "Yes, I've made a backup: GO", "Abort");
37         if (!result)
38         {
39             return;
40         }
41         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Started conversion of Unity networking -> Photon");
43         //Ask to save current scene (optional)
44         EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo();
46         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Starting.", 0);
48         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in Project prefabs
49         //Ask the user if we can move all prefabs to a resources folder
50         bool movePrefabs = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Can all prefabs that use a PhotonView be moved to a Resources/ folder? You need this if you use Network.Instantiate.", "Yes", "No");
53         string[] prefabs = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
54         foreach (string prefab in prefabs)
55         {
56             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Object:" + prefab, 0.6f);
58             Object[] objs = (Object[])AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(prefab);
59             int converted = 0;
60             foreach (Object obj in objs)
61             {
62                 if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(GameObject))
63                     converted += ConvertNetworkView(((GameObject)obj).GetComponents(), false);
64             }
65             if (movePrefabs && converted > 0)
66             {
67                 //This prefab needs to be under the root of a Resources folder!
68                 string path = prefab.Replace("\\", "/");
69                 int lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf("/");
70                 int resourcesIndex = path.LastIndexOf("/Resources/");
71                 if (resourcesIndex != lastSlash - 10)
72                 {
73                     if (path.Contains("/Resources/"))
74                     {
75                         Debug.LogWarning("Warning, prefab [" + prefab + "] was already in a resources folder. But has been placed in the root of another one!");
76                     }
77                     //This prefab NEEDS to be placed under a resources folder
78                     string resourcesFolder = path.Substring(0, lastSlash) + "/Resources/";
79                     EnsureFolder(resourcesFolder);
80                     string newPath = resourcesFolder + path.Substring(lastSlash + 1);
81                     string error = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(prefab, newPath);
82                     if (error != "")
83                         Debug.LogError(error);
84                     Output("Fixed prefab [" + prefab + "] by moving it into a resources folder.");
85                 }
86             }
87         }
89         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in scenes
90         string[] sceneFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
91         foreach (string sceneName in sceneFiles)
92         {
93             EditorApplication.OpenScene(sceneName);
94             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scene:" + sceneName, 0.2f);
96             int converted2 = ConvertNetworkView((NetworkView[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NetworkView)), true);
97             if (converted2 > 0)
98             {
99                 //This will correct all prefabs: The prefabs have gotten new components, but the correct ID's were lost in this case
100                 PhotonViewHandler.HierarchyChange(); //TODO: most likely this is triggered on change or on save
102                 Output("Replaced " + converted2 + " NetworkViews with PhotonViews in scene: " + sceneName);
103                 EditorApplication.SaveScene(EditorApplication.currentScene);
104             }
106         }
108         //Convert C#/JS scripts (API stuff)
109         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder("Assets");
111         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scripts..", 0.9f);
112         ConvertScripts(scripts);
114         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Completed conversion!");
115         EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar();
117         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Completed the conversion", "Don't forget to add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\" to connect to the Photon server before using any multiplayer functionality.", "OK");
118     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
390     static void Output(string str)
391     {
392         Debug.Log(((int)EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup) + " " + str);
393     }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
358         public virtual bool OpAuthenticate(string appId, string appVersion, string userId, AuthenticationValues authValues, string regionCode)
359         {
360             if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
361             {
362                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "OpAuthenticate()");
363             }
365             Dictionary opParameters = new Dictionary();
366             if (authValues != null && authValues.Secret != null)
367             {
368                 opParameters[ParameterCode.Secret] = authValues.Secret;
369                 return this.OpCustom(OperationCode.Authenticate, opParameters, true, (byte)0, false);
370             }
372             opParameters[ParameterCode.AppVersion] = appVersion;
373             opParameters[ParameterCode.ApplicationId] = appId;
375             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionCode))
376             {
377                 opParameters[ParameterCode.Region] = regionCode;
378             }
380             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
381             {
382                 opParameters[ParameterCode.UserId] = userId;
383             }
386             if (authValues != null && authValues.AuthType != CustomAuthenticationType.None)
387             {
388                 if (!this.IsEncryptionAvailable)
389                 {
390                     this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "OpAuthenticate() failed. When you want Custom Authentication encryption is mandatory.");
391                     return false;
392                 }
394                 opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationType] = (byte)authValues.AuthType;
395                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.Secret))
396                 {
397                     opParameters[ParameterCode.Secret] = authValues.Secret;
398                 }
399                 //else
400                 //{
401                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.AuthParameters))
402                     {
403                         opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationParams] = authValues.AuthParameters;
404                     }
405                     if (authValues.AuthPostData != null)
406                     {
407                         opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationData] = authValues.AuthPostData;
408                     }
409                 //}
410             }
412             bool sent = this.OpCustom(OperationCode.Authenticate, opParameters, true, (byte)0, this.IsEncryptionAvailable);
413             if (!sent)
414             {
415                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Error calling OpAuthenticate! Did not work. Check log output, CustomAuthenticationValues and if you're connected.");
416             }
417             return sent;
418         }
File name: ChatClient.cs Copy
620         void IPhotonPeerListener.OnStatusChanged(StatusCode statusCode)
621         {
622             switch (statusCode)
623             {
624                 case StatusCode.Connect:
625                     this.chatPeer.EstablishEncryption();
626                     if (this.State == ChatState.ConnectingToNameServer)
627                     {
628                         this.State = ChatState.ConnectedToNameServer;
629                         this.listener.OnChatStateChange(this.State);
630                     }
631                     else if (this.State == ChatState.ConnectingToFrontEnd)
632                     {
633                         this.AuthenticateOnFrontEnd();
634                     }
635                     break;
636                 case StatusCode.EncryptionEstablished:
637                     // once encryption is availble, the client should send one (secure) authenticate. it includes the AppId (which identifies your app on the Photon Cloud)
638                     if (!this.didAuthenticate)
639                     {
640                         this.didAuthenticate = this.chatPeer.AuthenticateOnNameServer(this.AppId, this.AppVersion, this.chatRegion, this.UserId, this.CustomAuthenticationValues);
641                         if (!this.didAuthenticate)
642                         {
643                             ((IPhotonPeerListener) this).DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Error calling OpAuthenticate! Did not work. Check log output, CustomAuthenticationValues and if you're connected. State: " + this.State);
644                         }
645                     }
646                     break;
647                 case StatusCode.EncryptionFailedToEstablish:
648                     this.State = ChatState.Disconnecting;
649                     this.chatPeer.Disconnect();
650                     break;
651                 case StatusCode.Disconnect:
652                     if (this.State == ChatState.Authenticated)
653                     {
654                         this.ConnectToFrontEnd();
655                     }
656                     else
657                     {
658                         this.State = ChatState.Disconnected;
659                         this.listener.OnChatStateChange(ChatState.Disconnected);
660                         this.listener.OnDisconnected();
661                     }
662                     break;
663             }
664         }
File name: VSCode.cs Copy
439         static void CallVSCode(string args)
440         {
441             System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
442             if(!VSCodeExists(CodePath))
443             {
444              PrintNotFound(CodePath);
445              return;
446             }
449             proc.StartInfo.FileName = "open";
451             // Check the path to see if there is "Insiders"
452             if (CodePath.Contains("Insiders"))
453             {
454                 proc.StartInfo.Arguments = " -n -b \"com.microsoft.VSCodeInsiders\" --args " + args.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
455             }
456             else
457             {
458                 proc.StartInfo.Arguments = " -n -b \"com.microsoft.VSCode\" --args " + args.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
459             }
461             proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
463             proc.StartInfo.FileName = CodePath;
464          proc.StartInfo.Arguments = args;
465             proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
467             proc.StartInfo.FileName = CodePath;
468          proc.StartInfo.Arguments = args.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
469             proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
471             proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
472             proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
473             proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
474             proc.Start();
475         }
File name: ChatBot.cs Copy
52         private void showOutput()
53         {
54             if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InputTxt.Text))) // Make sure the textbox isnt empty
55             {
56                 SoundPlayer Send = new SoundPlayer("SOUND1.wav"); // Send Sound Effect
57                 SoundPlayer Rcv = new SoundPlayer("SOUND2.wav"); // Recieve Sound Effect
59                 // Show the user message and play the sound
60                 addInMessage(InputTxt.Text);
61                 Send.Play();
63                 // Store the Bot's Output by giving it our input.
64                 string outtt = bot.getOutput(InputTxt.Text);
66                 if (outtt.Length == 0)
67                 {
68                     outtt = "I don't understand.";
69                 }
71                 //=========== Creates backup of chat from user and bot to the given location ============
72                 FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"chat.log", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
73                 if (fs.CanWrite)
74                 {
75                     byte[] write = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InputTxt.Text + Environment.NewLine + outtt + Environment.NewLine);
76                     fs.Write(write, 0, write.Length);
77                 }
78                 fs.Flush();
79                 fs.Close();
80                 //=======================================================================================
82                 // Make a Dynamic Timer to delay the bot's response to make it feel humanlike.
83                 var t = new Timer();
85                 // Time in milseconds - minimum delay of 1s plus 0.1s per character.
86                 t.Interval = 1000 + (outtt.Length * 100);
88                 // Show the "Bot is typing.." text
89                 txtTyping.Show();
91                 // disable the chat box white the bot is typing to prevent user spam.
92                 InputTxt.Enabled = false;
94                 t.Tick += (s, d) =>
95                 {
96                     // Once the timer ends
98                     InputTxt.Enabled = true; // Enable Chat box
100                     // Hide the "Bot is typing.." text
101                     txtTyping.Hide();
103                     // Show the bot message and play the sound
104                     addOutMessage(outtt);
105                     Rcv.Play();
107                     // Text to Speech if enabled
108                     if (textToSpeech)
109                     {
110                         reader.SpeakAsync(outtt);
111                     }
113                     InputTxt.Focus(); // Put the cursor back on the textbox
114                     t.Stop();
115                 };
116                 t.Start(); // Start Timer
118                 InputTxt.Text = ""; // Reset textbox
119             }
120         }
File name: ChatBot.cs Copy
123         private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
124         {
125             showOutput();
126         }
File name: ChatBot.cs Copy
129         private void InputTxt_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
130         {
131             if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
132             {
133                 showOutput();
134                 e.SuppressKeyPress = true; // Disable windows error sound
135             }
136         }
File name: Program.cs Copy
42         public String getOutput(String input)
43         {
44             Request r = new Request(input, myUser, AimlBot);
45             Result res = AimlBot.Chat(r);
46             return (res.Output);
47         }

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