
How do I use Create Instance
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PhotonEditor.cs Copy
827     {
828         get
829         {
830             if (currentSettings == null)
831             {
832                 // find out if ServerSettings can be instantiated (existing script check)
833                 ScriptableObject serverSettingTest = CreateInstance("ServerSettings");
834                 if (serverSettingTest == null)
835                 {
836                     Debug.LogError(CurrentLang.ServerSettingsMissingLabel);
837                     return null;
838                 }
839                 DestroyImmediate(serverSettingTest);
841                 // try to load settings from file
842                 ReLoadCurrentSettings();
844                 // if still not loaded, create one
845                 if (currentSettings == null)
846                 {
847                     string settingsPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(PhotonNetwork.serverSettingsAssetPath);
848                     if (!Directory.Exists(settingsPath))
849                     {
850                         Directory.CreateDirectory(settingsPath);
851                         AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(settingsPath);
852                     }
854                     currentSettings = (ServerSettings)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("ServerSettings");
855                     if (currentSettings != null)
856                     {
857                         AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(currentSettings, PhotonNetwork.serverSettingsAssetPath);
858                     }
859                     else
860                     {
861                         Debug.LogError(CurrentLang.ServerSettingsMissingLabel);
862                     }
863                 }
865                 // settings were loaded or created. set this editor's initial selected region now (will be changed in GUI)
866                 if (currentSettings != null)
867                 {
868                     selectedRegion = currentSettings.PreferredRegion;
869                 }
870             }
872             return currentSettings;
873         }
875         protected set
876         {
877             currentSettings = value;
878         }
879     }
File name: PunSceneSettings.cs Copy
50     {
51         get
52         {
53             if (instanceField != null)
54             {
55                 return instanceField;
56             }
58             instanceField = (PunSceneSettings)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(PunSceneSettingsCsPath, typeof(PunSceneSettings));
59             if (instanceField == null)
60             {
61                 instanceField = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
62                 AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(instanceField, PunSceneSettingsCsPath);
63             }
65             return instanceField;
66         }
67     }
File name: PingCloudRegions.cs Copy
118     public IEnumerator PingSocket(Region region)
119     {
120         region.Ping = Attempts*MaxMilliseconsPerPing;
122         this.PingsRunning++; // TODO: Add try-catch to make sure the PingsRunning are reduced at the end and that the lib does not crash the app
123         PhotonPing ping;
124         //Debug.Log("PhotonHandler.PingImplementation " + PhotonHandler.PingImplementation);
125         if (PhotonHandler.PingImplementation == typeof(PingNativeDynamic))
126         {
127             Debug.Log("Using constructor for new PingNativeDynamic()"); // it seems on android, the Activator can't find the default Constructor
128             ping = new PingNativeDynamic();
129         }
130         else
131         {
132             ping = (PhotonPing)Activator.CreateInstance(PhotonHandler.PingImplementation);
133         }
135         //Debug.Log("Ping is: " + ping + " type " + ping.GetType());
137         float rttSum = 0.0f;
138         int replyCount = 0;
141         // PhotonPing.StartPing() requires a plain IP address without port (on all but Windows 8 platforms).
142         // So: remove port and do the DNS-resolving if needed
143         string cleanIpOfRegion = region.HostAndPort;
144         int indexOfColon = cleanIpOfRegion.LastIndexOf(':');
145         if (indexOfColon > 1)
146         {
147             cleanIpOfRegion = cleanIpOfRegion.Substring(0, indexOfColon);
148         }
149         cleanIpOfRegion = ResolveHost(cleanIpOfRegion);
150         //Debug.Log("Resolved and port-less IP is: " + cleanIpOfRegion);
153         for (int i = 0; i < Attempts; i++)
154         {
155             bool overtime = false;
156             Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
157             sw.Start();
159             try
160             {
161                 ping.StartPing(cleanIpOfRegion);
162             }
163             catch (Exception e)
164             {
165                 Debug.Log("catched: " + e);
166                 this.PingsRunning--;
167                 break;
168             }
171             while (!ping.Done())
172             {
173                 if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= MaxMilliseconsPerPing)
174                 {
175                     overtime = true;
176                     break;
177                 }
178                 yield return 0; // keep this loop tight, to avoid adding local lag to rtt.
179             }
180             int rtt = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
183             if (IgnoreInitialAttempt && i == 0)
184             {
185                 // do nothing.
186             }
187             else if (ping.Successful && !overtime)
188             {
189                 rttSum += rtt;
190                 replyCount++;
191                 region.Ping = (int)((rttSum) / replyCount);
192                 //Debug.Log("region " + region.Code + " RTT " + region.Ping + " success: " + ping.Successful + " over: " + overtime);
193             }
195             yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
196         }
198         this.PingsRunning--;
200         //Debug.Log("this.PingsRunning: " + this.PingsRunning + " this debug: " + ping.DebugString);
201         yield return null;
202     }
File name: GameController.cs Copy
18  void Awake(){
19   CreateInstance ();
20   InitializeGameVariables ();
21  }
File name: GameController.cs Copy
33  void CreateInstance(){
34   if (instance != null) {
35    Destroy (gameObject);
36   } else {
37    instance = this;
38    DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
39   }
40  }
File name: GameplayController.cs Copy
16  void Awake(){
17   CreateInstance ();
18  }
File name: GameplayController.cs Copy
119  void CreateInstance(){
120   if(instance == null){
121    instance = this;
122   }
123  }
File name: MusicController.cs Copy
13  void Awake(){
14   audioSource = GetComponent ();
15   CreateInstance ();
16  }
File name: MusicController.cs Copy
23  void CreateInstance(){
24   if (instance != null) {
25    Destroy (gameObject);
26   } else {
27    instance = this;
28    DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
29   }
30  }
File name: GameController.cs Copy
20  void Awake(){
21   CreateInstance ();
22  }

CreateInstance 84 lượt xem

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