
How do I use Seconds Per Turn
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: InRoomRoundTimer.cs Copy
94     public void OnGUI()
95     {
96         // alternatively to doing this calculation here:
97         // calculate these values in Update() and make them publicly available to all other scripts
98         double elapsedTime = (PhotonNetwork.time - StartTime);
99         double remainingTime = SecondsPerTurn - (elapsedTime % SecondsPerTurn);
100         int turn = (int)(elapsedTime / SecondsPerTurn);
103         // simple gui for output
104         GUILayout.BeginArea(TextPos);
105         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("elapsed: {0:0.000}", elapsedTime));
106         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("remaining: {0:0.000}", remainingTime));
107         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("turn: {0:0}", turn));
108         if (GUILayout.Button("new round"))
109         {
110             this.StartRoundNow();
111         }
112         GUILayout.EndArea();
113     }

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