
How do I use Player Score Prop
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PunPlayerScores.cs Copy
15     public static void SetScore(this PhotonPlayer player, int newScore)
16     {
17         Hashtable score = new Hashtable(); // using PUN's implementation of Hashtable
18         score[PunPlayerScores.PlayerScoreProp] = newScore;
20         player.SetCustomProperties(score); // this locally sets the score and will sync it in-game asap.
21     }
File name: PunPlayerScores.cs Copy
23     public static void AddScore(this PhotonPlayer player, int scoreToAddToCurrent)
24     {
25         int current = player.GetScore();
26         current = current + scoreToAddToCurrent;
28         Hashtable score = new Hashtable(); // using PUN's implementation of Hashtable
29         score[PunPlayerScores.PlayerScoreProp] = current;
31         player.SetCustomProperties(score); // this locally sets the score and will sync it in-game asap.
32     }
File name: PunPlayerScores.cs Copy
34     public static int GetScore(this PhotonPlayer player)
35     {
36         object teamId;
37         if (player.customProperties.TryGetValue(PunPlayerScores.PlayerScoreProp, out teamId))
38         {
39             return (int)teamId;
40         }
42         return 0;
43     }

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