Copying and Pasting cs Code

In cs, like in almost any computer programming language, reading data from a file can be tricky. You add extra lines of code to tell the computer what to do. Sometimes you can copy and paste these lines from other peoples’ code.

For example, you can follow the pattern in this listing:

     private bool DeltaCompressionWrite(PhotonView view, Hashtable data)
         if (view.lastOnSerializeDataSent == null)
             return true; // all has to be sent

         // We can compress as we sent a full update previously (readers can re-use previous values)
         object[] lastData = view.lastOnSerializeDataSent;
         object[] currentContent = data[(byte)1] as object[];

         if (currentContent == null)
             // no data to be sent
             return false;

         if (lastData.Length != currentContent.Length)
             // if new data isn't same length as before, we send the complete data-set uncompressed
             return true;

         object[] compressedContent = new object[currentContent.Length];
         int compressedValues = 0;

         List valuesThatAreChangedToNull = new List();
         for (int index = 0; index < compressedContent.Length; index++)
             object newObj = currentContent[index];
             object oldObj = lastData[index];
             if (this.ObjectIsSameWithInprecision(newObj, oldObj))
                 // compress (by using null, instead of value, which is same as before)
                 // compressedContent[index] is already null (initialized)
                 compressedContent[index] = currentContent[index];

                 // value changed, we don't replace it with null
                 // new value is null (like a compressed value): we have to mark it so it STAYS null instead of being replaced with previous value
                 if (newObj == null)

         // Only send the list of compressed fields if we actually compressed 1 or more fields.
         if (compressedValues > 0)
             data.Remove((byte)1); // remove the original data (we only send compressed data)

             if (compressedValues == currentContent.Length)
                 // all values are compressed to null, we have nothing to send
                 return false;

             data[(byte)2] = compressedContent; // current, compressted data is moved to key 2 to mark it as compressed
             if (valuesThatAreChangedToNull.Count > 0)
                 data[(byte)3] = valuesThatAreChangedToNull.ToArray(); // data that is actually null (not just cause we didn't want to send it)

         return true; // some data was compressed but we need to send something