Copying and Pasting cs Code

In cs, like in almost any computer programming language, reading data from a file can be tricky. You add extra lines of code to tell the computer what to do. Sometimes you can copy and paste these lines from other peoples’ code.

For example, you can follow the pattern in this listing:

         private void SetGameObjectForRef(GameObject root, Ref childRef, float time)
             TimelineKey key = childRef.Referenced;
             if (time < 0) time = key.Time;

             TimelineKey lastKey;
             lastKeyframeCache.TryGetValue(key.Timeline, out lastKey);

             //Get the relative path based on the current hierarchy
             var relativePath = childRef.RelativePath;

             //If this is the root, skip it
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                 Debug.Log("Skipping root node in SetGameObjectForRef (SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN)");

             //Find the gameObject based on relative path
             var transform = root.transform.Find(relativePath);
             if (transform == null)
                 Debug.LogError("ERROR: Unable to find GameObject at relative path " + relativePath);

             var gameObject = transform.gameObject;

             //Get transform data from ref
             Vector3 localPosition;
             Vector3 localScale;
             Vector3 localEulerAngles;

             childRef.BakeTransforms(out localPosition, out localEulerAngles, out localScale);

             //Set the current GameObject's transform data
             transform.localPosition = localPosition;
             transform.localScale = localScale;

             //Spin the object in the correct direction
             var oldEulerAngles = transform.localEulerAngles;

             if (oldEulerAngles.z - localEulerAngles.z > 180) localEulerAngles.z += 360;
             else if (localEulerAngles.z - oldEulerAngles.z > 180) localEulerAngles.z -= 360;
                 case SpinDirection.Clockwise:
                     while (oldEulerAngles.z > localEulerAngles.z) localEulerAngles.z += 360;
                 case SpinDirection.CounterClockwise:
                     while (oldEulerAngles.z < localEulerAngles.z) localEulerAngles.z -= 360;
             transform.localEulerAngles = localEulerAngles;

             int zIndex = -1;
             var spriteKey = key as SpriteTimelineKey;
             if (spriteKey != null)
                 zIndex = ((ObjectRef)childRef).ZIndex;
                 //transform.GetComponent().sortingOrder = zIndex;

             acb.SetCurve(root.transform, transform, time, lastKey, zIndex);

             //Get last-used game object for this Timeline - needed to clean up reparenting
             GameObject lastGameObject;
             if (lastGameObjectCache.TryGetValue(key.Timeline, out lastGameObject) && gameObject != lastGameObject)
                 //Let Unity handle the global->local position cruft for us
                 lastGameObject.transform.position = transform.position;
                 lastGameObject.transform.eulerAngles = transform.eulerAngles;

                 //TODO: Also need to do something about scale - this is a little more tricky
                 lastGameObject.transform.localScale = localScale;

                 //Deactivate the old object

                 acb.SetCurve(root.transform, lastGameObject.transform, time, lastKey);

             //Set cached value for last keyframe
             lastKeyframeCache[key.Timeline] = key;