Copying and Pasting cs Code

In cs, like in almost any computer programming language, reading data from a file can be tricky. You add extra lines of code to tell the computer what to do. Sometimes you can copy and paste these lines from other peoples’ code.

For example, you can follow the pattern in this listing:

         private void moveBall(object sender, EventArgs e)
             //Adjusting the bounds (a bit sloppy but useful for testing)
             topBounds = 0;
             bottomBounds = this.Height-23;
             leftBounds = 0;
             rightBounds = this.Width;

             //If not paused we can advance the position of everything
             if (!paused)
                 //Player 1
                 paddle.Location = new Point((int)(MousePosition.X - paddle.Width), paddle.Location.Y);
                 ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X + xspeed, ball.Location.Y + yspeed);

                 if (ball.Location.X > paddle2.Location.X)
                     paddle2.Location = new Point(paddle2.Location.X + 3, paddle2.Location.Y);
                     paddle2.Location = new Point(paddle2.Location.X - 3, paddle2.Location.Y);

                 //Ball Control: Left Wall
                 if (ball.Location.X < leftBounds)
                     xspeed *= -1;
                     while (ball.Location.X - 1 < leftBounds)
                         ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X + 1, ball.Location.Y);

                 //Ball Control: Right Wall
                 if (ball.Location.X + ball.Width > rightBounds)
                     xspeed *= -1;
                     while (ball.Location.X + 1 > rightBounds)
                         ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X - 1, ball.Location.Y);

                 //Ball Control: Player Paddle
                 if (ball.Location.Y + ball.Height > paddle.Location.Y && ball.Location.X > (int)(paddle.Location.X - ball.Width / 2) && ball.Location.X + ball.Width < (int)(paddle.Location.X + paddle.Width + ball.Width / 2) && ball.Location.Y < (int)(paddle.Location.Y + paddle.Height / 2))
                     yspeed *= -1;
                     xspeed = Math.Abs(MousePosition.X - lastx);
                     if (xspeed > 4)
                         xspeed = 4;
                     else if (xspeed < -4)
                         xspeed = -4;
                     else if (xspeed == 0)
                         Random a = new Random();
                         if (a.NextDouble() > .5)
                             xspeed = 2;
                             xspeed = -2;
                     while (ball.Location.Y + 1 + ball.Height > paddle.Location.Y)
                         ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X, ball.Location.Y - 1);

                 //Ball Control: CPU Paddle
                 if (ball.Location.Y < paddle2.Location.Y + paddle2.Height && ball.Location.X > (int)(paddle2.Location.X - ball.Width / 2) && ball.Location.X + ball.Width < (int)(paddle2.Location.X + paddle.Width + ball.Width / 2) && ball.Location.Y > (int)(paddle2.Location.Y + paddle2.Height / 2))
                     yspeed *= -1;
                     xspeed = Math.Abs(paddle.Location.X - lastx_cpu);
                     if (xspeed > 4)
                         xspeed = 4;
                     else if (xspeed < -4)
                         xspeed = -4;
                     else if (xspeed == 0)
                         Random a = new Random();
                         if (a.NextDouble() > .5)
                             xspeed = 2;
                             xspeed = -2;
                     while (ball.Location.Y - 1 < paddle2.Location.Y + paddle2.Height)
                         ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X, ball.Location.Y + 1);

                 //Ball Control: CPU Scoring
                 if (ball.Location.Y > bottomBounds)
                     ball.Location = new Point(120, 100);
                     Random b = new Random();
                     if (b.NextDouble() > .5)
                         xspeed = 2;
                         xspeed = -2;
                     yspeed = -2;
                     points2.Text = "CPU: " + score_cpu;
                 } //Ball Control - Player Scoring
                 else if (ball.Location.Y < topBounds)
                     ball.Location = new Point(120, 100);
                     Random b = new Random();
                     if (b.NextDouble() > .5)
                         xspeed = 2;
                         xspeed = -2;
                     yspeed = 2;
                     points1.Text = "Player: " + score_player;
                 lastx = MousePosition.X;
                 lastx_cpu = paddle2.Location.X;