
How do I use Adds
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: OnPickedUpScript.cs Copy
6  public void OnPickedUp(PickupItem item)
7  {
8      if (item.PickupIsMine)
9      {
10          Debug.Log("I picked up something. That's a score!");
11          PhotonNetwork.player.AddScore(1);
12      }
13      else
14      {
15             Debug.Log("Someone else picked up something. Lucky!");
16      }
17  }
File name: PunPlayerScores.cs Copy
23     public static void AddScore(this PhotonPlayer player, int scoreToAddToCurrent)
24     {
25         int current = player.GetScore();
26         current = current + scoreToAddToCurrent;
28         Hashtable score = new Hashtable(); // using PUN's implementation of Hashtable
29         score[PunPlayerScores.PlayerScoreProp] = current;
31         player.SetCustomProperties(score); // this locally sets the score and will sync it in-game asap.
32     }
File name: NetworkAdapter.cs Copy
138         private void Awake()
139         {
140             OnBeginConnectingSignal = new Signal();
141             OnConnectedToMasterSignal = new Signal();
142             OnDisconnectedFromMasterSignal = new Signal();
143             OnConnectionFailSignal = new Signal();
144             OnJoinedRoomSignal = new Signal();
145             OnAllPlayersConnectedSignal = new Signal();
146             OnRemoteBoardChangeSignal = new Signal();
147             OnNewGameStartedSignal = new Signal();
149             ServiceLocator.AddService(this);
150         }
File name: Game.cs Copy
86         protected override void Awake()
87         {
88             base.Awake();
90             OnGameStartSignal = new Signal();
91             OnGameResultSignal = new Signal();
92             OnGameQuitSignal = new Signal();
94             ServiceLocator.AddService(this);
95         }
File name: GameManager.cs Copy
278  public void GameOver(GCPlayer winner, GameOverType gameOverType) {
279   AddGame();
280   switch (gameOverType) {
281    case GameOverType.CHECKMATE:
282     if (winner == p2) {
283      winnerText.text = "CHECKMATE: BLACK wins";
284      AddScore(PLAYER_BLACK);
285     } else if (winner == p1) {
286      winnerText.text = "CHECKMATE: WHITE wins";
287      AddScore(PLAYER_WHITE);
288     }
289    break;
290    case GameOverType.STALEMATE:
291     winnerText.text = "STALEMATE: It's a tie";
292    break;
293    case GameOverType.OUT_OF_TIME:
294     if (winner == p1) {
295      winnerText.text = "OUT OF TIME: WHITE wins";
296      AddScore(PLAYER_WHITE);
297     } else if (winner == p2) {
298      winnerText.text = "OUT OF TIME: BLACK wins";
299      AddScore(PLAYER_BLACK);
300     }
301     break;
302   }
303   continueButton.SetActive(true);
304  }
File name: GameManager.cs Copy
321  public void AddScore(string playerString) {
322   int newScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(playerString,0) + 1;
323   PlayerPrefs.SetInt(playerString,newScore);
325   int maxScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SCORE_MAX,0);
326   if (newScore >= maxScore) {
327    End();
328   }
329  }
File name: PlayerControl.cs Copy
183     public void IncreaseSpeedByBonus(int addSpeed = 1)
184     {
185         speedCurrent += addSpeed;
186         if (speedCurrent >= speedMaximum)
187         {
188             speedCurrent = speedMaximum;
189             ui.ShowInformation("SPEED MAX");
190         }
191         else
192             ui.ShowInformation("+SPEED");
193     }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
300         public void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D otherCollision)
301         {
302             if ( == MapObjectNames.GroundObject)
303             {
304                 state = RUN;
305                 stepJump = 2;
306                 isSprings = false;
307             }
308             else if ( == "Bullet")
309             {
310                 if (gameObject.GetComponent().IsProtected || gameObject.GetComponent().isStanding) return;
311                 if (animalIndex != otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex)
312                 {
313                     if (otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType == SkillType.THIENTHACH || otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType == SkillType.BOM)
314                     {
315                         if (otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex == 0)
316                         {
317                             gameScreen.addScore(10, gameObject.transform.localPosition);
318                             gameScreen.setCombo(1, otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType);
319                         }
320                         gameScreen.AnimalcollisionWithBullet(gameObject, otherCollision.gameObject);
321                     }
322                 }
323             }
324         }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
326         public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D otherCollider)
327         {
328             string mapObjectName =;
330             if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.MarkObject && animalIndex != 0)
331             {
332                 int r = Random.Range(0, 2);
333                 if (r == 0)
334                     if (!isBooster && !isSprings)
335                         Jump();
336             }
337             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.HoleObject && animalIndex != 0)
338             {
339                 Jump();
340             }
341             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.BoostObject)
342             {
343                 booster();
344                 stepJump = 2;
345                 if (animalIndex == 0)
346                 {
347                     gameScreen.setCombo(6);
348                     gameScreen.addScore(5, transform.localPosition);
349                 }
350             }
351             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.SpringsObject)
352             {
353                 springs();
354                 stepJump = 2;
355                 if (animalIndex == 0)
356                 {
357                     gameScreen.setCombo(7);
358                     gameScreen.addScore(5, transform.localPosition);
359                 }
360             }
361             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.RevivalObject)
362             {
363                 setRevivalPosition(otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent().revialIndex + 1);
364             }
365             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.DeadLine)
366             {
367                 if (animalIndex == 0)
368                 {
369                     gameScreen.showRevivalTask(2, EmotionType.BUON);
370                 }
371                 isRevival = true;
372                 setStand(false, 0, STATE_RUN);
373                 IsProtected = false;
374                 revivalTime = 2;
375             }
376             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.SkillObject)
377             {
378                 gameScreen.eatSkillRandom(otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType,
379                        otherCollider.gameObject.transform.localPosition, animalIndex);
380                 if (animalIndex == 0)
381                     SoundManager.playSound("Sounds/anskill");
383             }
384             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.FinishObject && animalIndex == 0)
385             {
386                 gameScreen.finishGame();
388                 Destroy(otherCollider);//cho nay de tranh lap lai nhieu lan ham finishgame
389             }
390             else if (mapObjectName == MapObjectNames.Bullet)
391             {
392                 if (animalIndex != otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex)
393                 {
394                     if (IsProtected) return;
395                     gameScreen.AnimalcollisionWithBullet(gameObject, otherCollider.gameObject);
396                     isSprings = false;
397                     isBooster = false;
399                     if (otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex == 0)
400                     {
401                         gameScreen.addScore(10, gameObject.transform.localPosition);
402                         gameScreen.setCombo(1, otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType);
403                     }
404                     else
405                     {
406                         gameScreen.setCombo(-1);
407                     }
408                 }
409             }
410             else if ( == MapObjectNames.Coin && animalIndex == 0)//if is player
411             {
412                 gameScreen.addDurtGold(otherCollider.gameObject.transform.localPosition);
413                 Destroy(otherCollider.gameObject);
414                 gameScreen.m_gold++;
415                 SoundManager.playSound("Sounds/anxu");
416             }
417         }
File name: GameScreen.cs Copy
460         public void addScore(int score, Vector3 position)
461         {
462             if (score == 5)
463             {
464                 GameObject addScore = new GameObject("Score");
465                 addScore.transform.parent = scoreLayer.transform;
466                 addScore.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, -1);
467                 addScore.AddComponent().sprite = Resources.Load("Textures/add5");
468                 addScore.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Map");
469                 addScore.GetComponent().sortingLayerName = "MapObject";
470                 addScore.AddComponent().addAction(new ActionMoveTo(position.x + 2, position.y + 1.5f, 1.5f));
471                 Destroy(addScore, 1.5f);
472             }
473             else if (score == 10)
474             {
475                 GameObject addScore = new GameObject("Score");
476                 addScore.transform.parent = scoreLayer.transform;
477                 addScore.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, -1);
478                 addScore.AddComponent().sprite = Resources.Load("Textures/add10");
479                 addScore.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Map");
480                 addScore.GetComponent().sortingLayerName = "MapObject";
481                 addScore.AddComponent().addAction(new ActionSequence(
482                     new ActionMoveTo(position.x + 2, position.y + 1.5f, 1.5f),
483                     new ActionRunnable(delegate() {
484                         Destroy(addScore);
485                     })
486                     ));
487                // Destroy(addScore, 1.5f);
488             }
489             m_score += score;
490         }

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