
How do I use Image
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
160     static void ConvertScripts(List scriptPathList)
161     {
162         bool ignoreWarningIsLogged = false;
164         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
165         {
166             if (script.Contains("PhotonNetwork")) //Don't convert this file (and others)
167             {
168                 if (!ignoreWarningIsLogged)
169                 {
170                     ignoreWarningIsLogged = true;
171                     Debug.LogWarning("Conversion to PUN ignores all files with \"PhotonNetwork\" in their file-path.\nCheck: " + script);
172                 }
173                 continue;
174             }
175             if (script.Contains("Image Effects"))
176             {
177                 continue;
178             }
180             ConvertToPhotonAPI(script);
181         }
183         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
184         {
185             AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(script, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
186         }
187     }
File name: PhotonGUI.cs Copy
69     {
70         get
71         {
72             if( m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle == null )
73             {
74                 m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle = new GUIStyle();
75                 m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle.fixedWidth = 30;
76                 m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle.fixedHeight = 20;
77        = ReorderableListResources.CreatePixelTexture( "Dark Pixel (List GUI)", new Color32( 18, 18, 18, 255 ) );
78                 m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageOnly;
79                 m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
80             }
82             return m_DefaultRemoveButtonStyle;
83         }
84     }
File name: ReorderableListResources.cs Copy
168         private static void LoadResourceAssets()
169         {
170             var skin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? s_DarkSkin : s_LightSkin;
171             s_Cached = new Texture2D[ skin.Length ];
173             for( int i = 0; i < s_Cached.Length; ++i )
174             {
175                 // Get image data (PNG) from base64 encoded strings.
176                 byte[] imageData = Convert.FromBase64String( skin[ i ] );
178                 // Gather image size from image data.
179                 int texWidth, texHeight;
180                 GetImageSize( imageData, out texWidth, out texHeight );
182                 // Generate texture asset.
183                 var tex = new Texture2D( texWidth, texHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true );
184                 tex.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
185        = "(Generated) ReorderableList:" + i;
186                 tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
187                 tex.LoadImage( imageData );
189                 s_Cached[ i ] = tex;
190             }
192             s_LightSkin = null;
193             s_DarkSkin = null;
194         }
File name: ReorderableListResources.cs Copy
202         private static void GetImageSize( byte[] imageData, out int width, out int height )
203         {
204             width = ReadInt( imageData, 3 + 15 );
205             height = ReadInt( imageData, 3 + 15 + 2 + 2 );
206         }
File name: ReorderableListResources.cs Copy
208         private static int ReadInt( byte[] imageData, int offset )
209         {
210             return ( imageData[ offset ] << 8 ) | imageData[ offset + 1 ];
211         }
File name: GameManagerScript.cs Copy
97  public void ifPlayerDiedScore(int score) {
98   bestScore.text = "Best Score: " + PlayerMoveScript.instance.scoreCount;
100   if (score > Scores.instance.GetHighScore ()) {
101    Scores.instance.SetHighScore (score);
102    newHighScoreText.gameObject.SetActive (true);
103    highScoresImage.gameObject.SetActive (true);
104    audioSource.PlayOneShot (cheerClip);
105    Debug.Log ("New High Score");
106   }
108   bestScore.text = "Best Score: " + Scores.instance.GetHighScore ();
109  }
File name: GameManagerScript.cs Copy
111  public void ifPlayerDiedCoinScore(int score) {
112   highCoinScore.text = "Best Coin Score: " + coinScore;
114   if (score > Scores.instance.GetHighCoinScore ()) {
115    Scores.instance.SetHighCoinScore (score);
116    newHighCoinText.gameObject.SetActive (true);
117    highScoresImage.gameObject.SetActive (true);
118    audioSource.PlayOneShot (cheerClip);
119   }
121   highCoinScore.text = "Best Coin Score: " + Scores.instance.GetHighCoinScore ();
122  }
File name: MenuManager.cs Copy
33  public void instructionMenu () {
34   instructionPanel.SetActive (true);
35   playButton.gameObject.SetActive (false);
36   quitButton.gameObject.SetActive (false);
37   menuButton.gameObject.SetActive (false);
38   image.SetActive (false);
39  }
File name: MenuManager.cs Copy
45  public void closeInstruction () {
46   instructionPanel.SetActive (false);
47   playButton.gameObject.SetActive (true);
48   quitButton.gameObject.SetActive (true);
49   menuButton.gameObject.SetActive (true);
50   image.SetActive (true);
51  }
File name: GameManager.cs Copy
38     void CheckToPlayMusic() {
39         if (Game.GetMusicState() == 1)
40         {
41             MusicController.instance.PlayMusic(true);
42             musicBtn.image.sprite = musicIcons[1];
43         } else {
44             MusicController.instance.PlayMusic(false);
45             musicBtn.image.sprite = musicIcons[0];
46         }
47     }

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