
How do I use Top
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: frmThi.cs Copy
225         private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
226         {
227             p--;
228             lbtime.Text =p.ToString() +" phut";
229             if (p==0)
230             {
231                 timer1.Stop();
232                 MessageBox.Show("Da het gio lam bai");
233             }
234         }
File name: frmThiThat.cs Copy
261         private void btketthuc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
262         {
263             if (MessageBox.Show("Bạn có chắc chắn kết thúc không ?" , "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes)
264             {
265                 this.Hide();
266                 try
267                 {
268                     timer1.Stop();
269                     btketthuc.Enabled = false;
271                     GhiLaiDapAnTS();
272                     SoCauDung = 0;
273                     for (int i = 0; i < SoCauHoi; i++)
274                     {
275                         if (BangDeThi.Rows[i][6].ToString().ToUpper() == BangDeThi.Rows[i][7].ToString().ToUpper())
276                             SoCauDung++;
278                     }
280                     diem = SoCauDung * 2;
281                     MessageBox.Show("Đúng " + SoCauDung.ToString() + " câu " + " Bạn được " + diem.ToString() + " điểm ");
282                     this.Close();
283                     string ten = lbhoten.Text;
284                     string mats = lbmathisinh.Text;
285                     string diem1 = diem.ToString();
286                     string socaudung = SoCauDung.ToString();
287                     frmKetQua ketqua = new frmKetQua(ten,mats,diem1,socaudung);
288                     ketqua.ShowDialog();
289                     //them form ket qua tai day
291                 }
292                 catch (Exception ex)
293                 { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
294             }
295             else
296             { return; }
297         }
File name: frmThiThat.cs Copy
301         private void timer1_Tick_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
302         {
303             timer1.Interval = 1000;
305             s--;
306             th--;
307             if (th == 0)
308             {
309                                     timer1.Stop();
310                     MessageBox.Show("Hết giờ làm bài!", "Thong bao");
311                     checkBox1.Checked = false;
312                     checkBox2.Checked = false;
313                     checkBox3.Checked = false;
314                     checkBox4.Checked = false;
316                     GhiLaiDapAnTS();
317                     SoCauDung = 0;
318                     for (int i = 0; i < SoCauHoi; i++)
319                     {
320                         if (BangDeThi.Rows[i][6].ToString().ToUpper() == BangDeThi.Rows[i][7].ToString().ToUpper())
321                             SoCauDung++;
322                     }
323                     int diem;
324                     diem = SoCauDung * 2;
325                     MessageBox.Show("Đúng " + SoCauDung.ToString()+" câu " + " Bạn được " + diem.ToString() + " điểm ");
326                     this.Close();
328             }
329             if (s == 0)
330             {
331                 p--;
332                 if (p == 0)
333                 {
334                     s = 60;
335                     th = s;
336                 }
337                 s = 60;
338             }
340                 lblHour.Text = h.ToString() + " : " + p.ToString() + " : " + s.ToString();
342             }
File name: NamePickGui.cs Copy
38     public void OnGUI()
39     {
40         // Enter-Key handling:
41         if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))
42         {
43             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.InputLine))
44             {
45                 this.StartChat();
46                 return;
47             }
48         }
51 = true;
52         GUILayout.BeginArea(guiCenteredRect);
55         if (this.chatComponent != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.chatComponent.ChatAppId))
56         {
57             GUILayout.Label("To continue, configure your Chat AppId.\nIt's listed in the Chat Dashboard (online).\nStop play-mode and edit:\nScripts/ChatGUI in the Hierarchy.");
58             if (GUILayout.Button("Open Chat Dashboard"))
59             {
60                 Application.OpenURL("");
61             }
62             GUILayout.EndArea();
63             return;
64         }
66         GUILayout.Label(this.helpText);
68         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
69         GUI.SetNextControlName("NameInput");
70         this.InputLine = GUILayout.TextField(this.InputLine);
71         if (GUILayout.Button("Connect", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
72         {
73             this.StartChat();
74         }
75         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
77         GUILayout.EndArea();
80         GUI.FocusControl("NameInput");
81     }
File name: PickupCamera.cs Copy
198     void SetUpRotation( Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 headPos )
199     {
200         // Now it's getting hairy. The devil is in the details here, the big issue is jumping of course.
201         // * When jumping up and down we don't want to center the guy in screen space.
202         // This is important to give a feel for how high you jump and avoiding large camera movements.
203         //
204         // * At the same time we dont want him to ever go out of screen and we want all rotations to be totally smooth.
205         //
206         // So here is what we will do:
207         //
208         // 1. We first find the rotation around the y axis. Thus he is always centered on the y-axis
209         // 2. When grounded we make him be centered
210         // 3. When jumping we keep the camera rotation but rotate the camera to get him back into view if his head is above some threshold
211         // 4. When landing we smoothly interpolate towards centering him on screen
212         Vector3 cameraPos = cameraTransform.position;
213         Vector3 offsetToCenter = centerPos - cameraPos;
215         // Generate base rotation only around y-axis
216         Quaternion yRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( new Vector3( offsetToCenter.x, 0, offsetToCenter.z ) );
218         Vector3 relativeOffset = Vector3.forward * distance + Vector3.down * height;
219         cameraTransform.rotation = yRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation( relativeOffset );
221         // Calculate the projected center position and top position in world space
222         Ray centerRay = m_CameraTransformCamera.ViewportPointToRay( new Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 ) );
223         Ray topRay = m_CameraTransformCamera.ViewportPointToRay( new Vector3( 0.5f, clampHeadPositionScreenSpace, 1 ) );
225         Vector3 centerRayPos = centerRay.GetPoint( distance );
226         Vector3 topRayPos = topRay.GetPoint( distance );
228         float centerToTopAngle = Vector3.Angle( centerRay.direction, topRay.direction );
230         float heightToAngle = centerToTopAngle / ( centerRayPos.y - topRayPos.y );
232         float extraLookAngle = heightToAngle * ( centerRayPos.y - centerPos.y );
233         if( extraLookAngle < centerToTopAngle )
234         {
235             extraLookAngle = 0;
236         }
237         else
238         {
239             extraLookAngle = extraLookAngle - centerToTopAngle;
240             cameraTransform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler( -extraLookAngle, 0, 0 );
241         }
242     }
File name: ThirdPersonCamera.cs Copy
190     void SetUpRotation( Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 headPos )
191     {
192         // Now it's getting hairy. The devil is in the details here, the big issue is jumping of course.
193         // * When jumping up and down we don't want to center the guy in screen space.
194         // This is important to give a feel for how high you jump and avoiding large camera movements.
195         //
196         // * At the same time we dont want him to ever go out of screen and we want all rotations to be totally smooth.
197         //
198         // So here is what we will do:
199         //
200         // 1. We first find the rotation around the y axis. Thus he is always centered on the y-axis
201         // 2. When grounded we make him be centered
202         // 3. When jumping we keep the camera rotation but rotate the camera to get him back into view if his head is above some threshold
203         // 4. When landing we smoothly interpolate towards centering him on screen
204         Vector3 cameraPos = cameraTransform.position;
205         Vector3 offsetToCenter = centerPos - cameraPos;
207         // Generate base rotation only around y-axis
208         Quaternion yRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( new Vector3( offsetToCenter.x, 0, offsetToCenter.z ) );
210         Vector3 relativeOffset = Vector3.forward * distance + Vector3.down * height;
211         cameraTransform.rotation = yRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation( relativeOffset );
213         // Calculate the projected center position and top position in world space
214         Ray centerRay = m_CameraTransformCamera.ViewportPointToRay( new Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 ) );
215         Ray topRay = m_CameraTransformCamera.ViewportPointToRay( new Vector3( 0.5f, clampHeadPositionScreenSpace, 1 ) );
217         Vector3 centerRayPos = centerRay.GetPoint( distance );
218         Vector3 topRayPos = topRay.GetPoint( distance );
220         float centerToTopAngle = Vector3.Angle( centerRay.direction, topRay.direction );
222         float heightToAngle = centerToTopAngle / ( centerRayPos.y - topRayPos.y );
224         float extraLookAngle = heightToAngle * ( centerRayPos.y - centerPos.y );
225         if( extraLookAngle < centerToTopAngle )
226         {
227             extraLookAngle = 0;
228         }
229         else
230         {
231             extraLookAngle = extraLookAngle - centerToTopAngle;
232             cameraTransform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler( -extraLookAngle, 0, 0 );
233         }
234     }
File name: WorkerInGame.cs Copy
89     public void OnFailedToConnectToPhoton()
90     {
91         Debug.Log("OnFailedToConnectToPhoton");
93         // back to main menu
94         Application.LoadLevel(WorkerMenu.SceneNameMenu);
95     }
File name: WorkerMenu.cs Copy
234     public void OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(object parameters)
235     {
236         this.connectFailed = true;
237         Debug.Log("OnFailedToConnectToPhoton. StatusCode: " + parameters + " ServerAddress: " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.ServerAddress);
238     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
160     static void ConvertScripts(List scriptPathList)
161     {
162         bool ignoreWarningIsLogged = false;
164         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
165         {
166             if (script.Contains("PhotonNetwork")) //Don't convert this file (and others)
167             {
168                 if (!ignoreWarningIsLogged)
169                 {
170                     ignoreWarningIsLogged = true;
171                     Debug.LogWarning("Conversion to PUN ignores all files with \"PhotonNetwork\" in their file-path.\nCheck: " + script);
172                 }
173                 continue;
174             }
175             if (script.Contains("Image Effects"))
176             {
177                 continue;
178             }
180             ConvertToPhotonAPI(script);
181         }
183         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
184         {
185             AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(script, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
186         }
187     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
189     static void ConvertToPhotonAPI(string file)
190     {
191         string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
193         bool isJS = file.Contains(".js");
195         file = file.Replace("\\", "/"); // Get Class name for JS
196         string className = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("/")+1);
197         className = className.Substring(0, className.IndexOf("."));
200         //REGEXP STUFF
201         //Valid are: Space { } , /n /r
202         //string NOT_VAR = @"([^A-Za-z0-9_\[\]\.]+)";
203         string NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT = @"([^A-Za-z0-9_]+)";
205         //string VAR_NONARRAY = @"[^A-Za-z0-9_]";
208         //NetworkView
209         {
210             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonView$2");
211             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "networkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1photonView$2");
212             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "stateSynchronization" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1synchronization$2");
213             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkStateSynchronization" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1ViewSynchronization$2"); // map Unity enum to ours
214             //.RPC
215             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "RPCMode.Server" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonTargets.MasterClient$2");
216             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "RPCMode" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonTargets$2");
217         }
219         //NetworkMessageInfo: 100%
220         {
221             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkMessageInfo" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonMessageInfo$2");
222             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "networkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1photonView$2");
223         }
225         //NetworkViewID:
226         {
227             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkViewID" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1int$2"); //We simply use an int
228         }
230         //NetworkPlayer
231         {
232             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkPlayer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonPlayer$2");
233         }
235         //Network
236         {
237             //Monobehaviour callbacks
238             {
239                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnPlayerConnected" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonPlayerConnected$2");
240                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnPlayerDisconnected" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected$2");
241                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnNetworkInstantiate" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonInstantiate$2");
242                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnSerializeNetworkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonSerializeView$2");
243                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "BitStream" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonStream$2");
245                 //Not completely the same meaning
246                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnServerInitialized" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnCreatedRoom$2");
247                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnConnectedToServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnJoinedRoom$2");
249                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnFailedToConnectToPhoton$2");
250                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnFailedToConnect" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnFailedToConnect_OBSELETE$2");
251             }
253             //Variables
254             {
256                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.connections" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.playerList$2");
257                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.isServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient$2");
258                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.isClient" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom$2");
260                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkPeerType" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1ConnectionState$2");
261                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.peerType" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.connectionState$2");
262                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "ConnectionState.Server" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient$2");
263                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "ConnectionState.Client" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom$2");
264                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.playerList.Count$2");
266                 /*DROPPED:
267                     minimumAllocatableViewIDs
268                     natFacilitatorIP is dropped
269                     natFacilitatorPort is dropped
270                     connectionTesterIP
271                     connectionTesterPort
272                     proxyIP
273                     proxyPort
274                     useProxy
275                     proxyPassword
276                  */
277             }
279             //Methods
280             {
281                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.InitializeServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom$2");
282                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.Connect" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom$2");
283                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.GetAveragePing" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing$2");
284                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.GetLastPing" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing$2");
285                 /*DROPPED:
286                     TestConnection
287                     TestConnectionNAT
288                     HavePublicAddress
289                 */
290             }
292             //Overall
293             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork$2");
296         //Changed methods
297              string ignoreMe = @"([A-Za-z0-9_\[\]\(\) ]+)";
299          text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.GetPing\\(" + ignoreMe+"\\);", "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing();");
300         text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection\\(" + ignoreMe+","+ignoreMe+"\\);", "$1PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection($2);");
302         }
304         //General
305         {
306             if (text.Contains("Photon")) //Only use the PhotonMonoBehaviour if we use photonView and friends.
307             {
308                 if (isJS)//JS
309                 {
310                     if (text.Contains("extends MonoBehaviour"))
311                         text = PregReplace(text, "extends MonoBehaviour", "extends Photon.MonoBehaviour");
312                     else
313                         text = "class " + className + " extends Photon.MonoBehaviour {\n" + text + "\n}";
314                 }
315                 else //C#
316                     text = PregReplace(text, ": MonoBehaviour", ": Photon.MonoBehaviour");
317             }
318         }
320         File.WriteAllText(file, text);
321     }

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