
How do I use Bool
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: ClassBLL.cs Copy
275         public bool Proc_Insert(string proc,string test)
276         {
277             SqlConnection con = da.GetConnect();
278             con.Open();
279             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(proc, con);
280             cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
281             cmd.Parameters.Add("@test", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = test;
282             SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
283             if (dr.Read())
284             {
285                 return false;
286             }
287             return true;
288         }
File name: crBaoCao.cs Copy
33         public override bool NewGenerator {
34             get {
35                 return true;
36             }
37             set {
38                 // Do nothing
39             }
40         }
File name: crBaoCao.cs Copy
108         public virtual bool IsCacheable {
109             get {
110                 return true;
111             }
112             set {
113                 //
114             }
115         }
File name: crBaoCao.cs Copy
119         public virtual bool ShareDBLogonInfo {
120             get {
121                 return false;
122             }
123             set {
124                 //
125             }
126         }
File name: frmCapNhat.cs Copy
54         private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
55         {
56             bool bdapan = false;
57             for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Items.Count; i++)
58             {
59                 if (listView1.Items[i].Selected)
60                 {
61                     textBox5.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text;
62                     textBox1.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text;
63                     textBox2.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[3].Text;
64                     textBox3.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[4].Text;
65                     textBox4.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[5].Text;
66                     richTextBox1.Text = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text;
67                     string t = listView1.Items[i].SubItems[6].Text.ToString().Trim();
68                     if (t.Length >= 2)
69                     {
70                         for (int ii = 0; ii < t.Length; ii++)
71                         {
72                             t2 = t[0].ToString();
73                             if (t[1].ToString() == "")
74                             {
75                                 t1 = "NULL";
76                             }
77                             else
78                             {
79                                 t1 = t[1].ToString();
80                             }
81                         }
82                     }
83                     else
84                     {
85                         t2 = t;
86                         t1 = "NULL";
87                     }
88                     Macdinh();
89                     if (t1 == "A")
90                     {
91                         checkBox1.Checked = true;
92                     }
93                     if (t1 == "B")
94                     {
95                         checkBox2.Checked = true;
96                     }
97                     if (t1 == "C")
98                     {
99                         checkBox3.Checked = true;
100                     }
101                     if (t1 == "D")
102                     {
103                         checkBox4.Checked = true;
104                     }
106                     if (t2 == "A")
107                     {
108                         checkBox1.Checked = true;
109                     }
110                     if (t2 == "B")
111                     {
112                         checkBox2.Checked = true;
113                     }
114                     if (t2 == "C")
115                     {
116                         checkBox3.Checked = true;
117                     }
118                     if (t2 == "D")
119                     {
120                         checkBox4.Checked = true;
121                     }
122                     bdapan = true;
123                 }
124                 if (bdapan == false)
125                 {
126                     Bandau();
127                 }
128             }
130         }
File name: rptThisinh.cs Copy
33         public override bool NewGenerator {
34             get {
35                 return true;
36             }
37             set {
38                 // Do nothing
39             }
40         }
File name: rptThisinh.cs Copy
100         public virtual bool IsCacheable {
101             get {
102                 return true;
103             }
104             set {
105                 //
106             }
107         }
File name: rptThisinh.cs Copy
111         public virtual bool ShareDBLogonInfo {
112             get {
113                 return false;
114             }
115             set {
116                 //
117             }
118         }
File name: JumpAndRunMovement.cs Copy
89     void UpdateIsRunning()
90     {
91         m_Animator.SetBool( "IsRunning", Mathf.Abs( m_Body.velocity.x ) > 0.1f );
92     }
File name: JumpAndRunMovement.cs Copy
94     void UpdateIsGrounded()
95     {
96         Vector2 position = new Vector2( transform.position.x, transform.position.y );
98         RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast( position, -Vector2.up, 0.1f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer( "Ground" ) );
100         m_IsGrounded = hit.collider != null;
101         m_Animator.SetBool( "IsGrounded", m_IsGrounded );
102     }

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