
How do I use Boss
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: BossController.cs Copy
21  void Update () {
22   if (transform.position != targetPoint.position) {
23    transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, targetPoint.position, speed * Time.deltaTime);
24   } else {
25    transform.GetComponent ().invulnerable = false;
26    transform.GetComponent ().isReadyToShoot = true;
27   }
28  }
File name: BossHealth.cs Copy
13  void Awake(){
14   InitializeBossVariables ();
15  }
File name: BossHealth.cs Copy
22  void InitializeBossVariables(){
23   health.maxValue = maxHealth;
24   health.value = maxHealth;
25   invulnerable = true;
26  }
File name: BossHealth.cs Copy
28  public void Health(int damage){
29   if (!invulnerable) {
30    if (!health.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) {
31     health.gameObject.SetActive (true);
32    }
34    if (health.value > 0) {
35     health.value -= damage;
36    }
38    if (health.value == 0) {
39     BossDestroyed ();
40    }
41   }
42  }
File name: BossHealth.cs Copy
44  void BossDestroyed(){
45   Destroy (gameObject);
46   GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Spawner").transform.GetComponent ().active = true;
47   GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Spawner").transform.GetComponent ().isBossReady = false;
48   if(GameController.instance != null && MusicController.instance != null){
49    if(GameController.instance.isMusicOn){
50     MusicController.instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot (MusicController.instance.bossExplode);
51    }
52   }
53   Instantiate (explode, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
54   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
55    Instantiate (coin, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
56   }
57  }
File name: GameBoundary.cs Copy
17  void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider){
18   if(collider.CompareTag("Player Bullet") || collider.CompareTag("Enemy") || collider.CompareTag("Coin") || collider.CompareTag("Boss Bullet")){
19    Destroy (collider.gameObject);
20   }
22  }
File name: EnemySpawner.cs Copy
82  void CheckedEnemies(){
83   if(!active){
84    if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Enemy") == null) {
85     if(!isBossReady){
86      isBossReady = true;
87      GameplayController.instance.ShowWarning();
88     }
89    }
90   }
91  }
File name: EnemySpawner.cs Copy
94  public void SpawnBoss(){
95   Instantiate (boss[0], new Vector3 (0, maxTop + 3, 0), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180));
96  }
File name: EnemySpawner.cs Copy
98  public void InitializeVariables(){
99   count = maxCount;
100   time = 0f;
101   active = true;
102   isBossReady = false;
103  }
File name: GameplayController.cs Copy
125  void ClearAllEnemies(){
126   GameObject[] enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Enemy");
127   GameObject[] bossbullets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Boss Bullet");
128   GameObject[] coins = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Coin");
129   GameObject boss = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Boss");
131   if(boss != null){
132    Destroy (boss);
133   }
135   if(enemies != null){
136    foreach (GameObject enemy in enemies) {
137     Destroy (enemy);
138    }
139   }
141   if(bossbullets != null){
142    foreach (GameObject bossBullet in bossbullets) {
143     Destroy (bossBullet);
144    }
145   }
147   if(coins != null){
148    foreach (GameObject coin in coins) {
149     Destroy (coin);
150    }
151   }
153  }

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