
How do I use Connect To Region Master
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
336     public bool ConnectToRegionMaster(CloudRegionCode region)
337     {
338         if (PhotonHandler.AppQuits)
339         {
340             Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring Connect() because app gets closed. If this is an error, check PhotonHandler.AppQuits.");
341             return false;
342         }
344         IsUsingNameServer = true;
345         this.CloudRegion = region;
347         if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer)
348         {
349             return this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, region.ToString());
350         }
352         #if RHTTP
353         string address = (this.UsedProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.RHttp) ? this.NameServerAddressHttp : this.NameServerAddress;
354         #else
355         string address = this.NameServerAddress;
356         #endif
358         if (!address.Contains(":"))
359         {
360             int port = 0;
361             ProtocolToNameServerPort.TryGetValue(this.UsedProtocol, out port);
362             address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", address, port);
363             //Debug.Log("Server to connect to: "+ address + " settings protocol: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.Protocol);
364         }
365         if (!base.Connect(address, "ns"))
366         {
367             return false;
368         }
370         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer;
371         return true;
372     }
File name: PhotonHandler.cs Copy
232     internal IEnumerator PingAvailableRegionsCoroutine(bool connectToBest)
233     {
234         BestRegionCodeCurrently = CloudRegionCode.none;
235         while (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions == null)
236         {
237             if (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed != PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer && PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed != PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer)
238             {
239                 Debug.LogError("Call ConnectToNameServer to ping available regions.");
240                 yield break; // break if we don't connect to the nameserver at all
241             }
243             Debug.Log("Waiting for AvailableRegions. State: " + PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed + " Server: " + PhotonNetwork.Server + " PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions " + (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions != null));
244             yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f); // wait until pinging finished (offline mode won't ping)
245         }
247         if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions == null || PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions.Count == 0)
248         {
249             Debug.LogError("No regions available. Are you sure your appid is valid and setup?");
250             yield break; // break if we don't get regions at all
251         }
254         //#pragma warning disable 0162 // the library variant defines if we should use PUN's SocketUdp variant (at all)
255         //if (PhotonPeer.NoSocket)
256         //{
257         // if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
258         // {
259         // Debug.Log("PUN disconnects to re-use native sockets for pining servers and to find the best.");
260         // }
261         // PhotonNetwork.Disconnect();
262         //}
263         //#pragma warning restore 0162
264         //#endif
266         PhotonPingManager pingManager = new PhotonPingManager();
267         foreach (Region region in PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.AvailableRegions)
268         {
269             SP.StartCoroutine(pingManager.PingSocket(region));
270         }
272         while (!pingManager.Done)
273         {
274             yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // wait until pinging finished (offline mode won't ping)
275         }
278         Region best = pingManager.BestRegion;
279         PhotonHandler.BestRegionCodeCurrently = best.Code;
280         PhotonHandler.BestRegionCodeInPreferences = best.Code;
282         Debug.Log("Found best region: " + best.Code + " ping: " + best.Ping + ". Calling ConnectToRegionMaster() is: " + connectToBest);
285         if (connectToBest)
286         {
287             PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.ConnectToRegionMaster(best.Code);
288         }
289     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1109     /// - Invalid AppId (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(). check exact AppId value)
1110     /// - Network issues (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton())
1111     /// - Invalid region (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.InvalidRegion)
1112     /// - Subscription CCU limit reached (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.MaxCcuReached. also calls: OnPhotonMaxCccuReached())
1118     public static bool ConnectUsingSettings(string gameVersion)
1119     {
1120         if (PhotonServerSettings == null)
1121         {
1122             Debug.LogError("Can't connect: Loading settings failed. ServerSettings asset must be in any 'Resources' folder as: " + serverSettingsAssetFile);
1123             return false;
1124         }
1126         SwitchToProtocol(PhotonServerSettings.Protocol);
1127         networkingPeer.SetApp(PhotonServerSettings.AppID, gameVersion);
1129         if (PhotonServerSettings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.OfflineMode)
1130         {
1131             offlineMode = true;
1132             return true;
1133         }
1135         if (offlineMode)
1136         {
1137             // someone can set offlineMode in code and then call ConnectUsingSettings() with non-offline settings. Warning for that case:
1138             Debug.LogWarning("ConnectUsingSettings() disabled the offline mode. No longer offline.");
1139         }
1141         offlineMode = false; // Cleanup offline mode
1142         isMessageQueueRunning = true;
1143         networkingPeer.IsInitialConnect = true;
1145         if (PhotonServerSettings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.SelfHosted)
1146         {
1147             networkingPeer.IsUsingNameServer = false;
1148             networkingPeer.MasterServerAddress = (PhotonServerSettings.ServerPort == 0) ? PhotonServerSettings.ServerAddress : PhotonServerSettings.ServerAddress + ":" + PhotonServerSettings.ServerPort;
1150             return networkingPeer.Connect(networkingPeer.MasterServerAddress, ServerConnection.MasterServer);
1151         }
1153         if (PhotonServerSettings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.BestRegion)
1154         {
1155             return ConnectToBestCloudServer(gameVersion);
1156         }
1158         return networkingPeer.ConnectToRegionMaster(PhotonServerSettings.PreferredRegion);
1159     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1213     /// The ping result can be overridden via PhotonNetwork.OverrideBestCloudServer(..)
1221     /// - Invalid AppId (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(). check exact AppId value)
1222     /// - Network issues (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton())
1223     /// - Invalid region (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.InvalidRegion)
1224     /// - Subscription CCU limit reached (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.MaxCcuReached. also calls: OnPhotonMaxCccuReached())
1231     public static bool ConnectToBestCloudServer(string gameVersion)
1232     {
1233         if (PhotonServerSettings == null)
1234         {
1235             Debug.LogError("Can't connect: Loading settings failed. ServerSettings asset must be in any 'Resources' folder as: " + PhotonNetwork.serverSettingsAssetFile);
1236             return false;
1237         }
1239         if (PhotonServerSettings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.OfflineMode)
1240         {
1241             return PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(gameVersion);
1242         }
1244         networkingPeer.IsInitialConnect = true;
1245         networkingPeer.SetApp(PhotonServerSettings.AppID, gameVersion);
1247         CloudRegionCode bestFromPrefs = PhotonHandler.BestRegionCodeInPreferences;
1248         if (bestFromPrefs != CloudRegionCode.none)
1249         {
1250             Debug.Log("Best region found in PlayerPrefs. Connecting to: " + bestFromPrefs);
1251             return networkingPeer.ConnectToRegionMaster(bestFromPrefs);
1252         }
1254         bool couldConnect = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.ConnectToNameServer();
1255         return couldConnect;
1256     }

ConnectToRegionMaster 132 lượt xem

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