
How do I use Friends List
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: GUIFriendFinding.cs Copy
28     public static string[] FetchFriendsFromCommunity()
29     {
30         string[] friendsList = new string[9];
31         int u = 0;
32         for (int i = 0; i < friendsList.Length; i++)
33         {
34             string usrName = "usr" + u++;
35             if (usrName.Equals(PhotonNetwork.playerName))
36             {
37                 usrName = "usr" + u++; // skip friend if the name is yours
38             }
39             friendsList[i] = usrName;
40         }
42         return friendsList;
43     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1369     protected internal int FriendsListAge { get { return (this.isFetchingFriends || this.friendListTimestamp == 0) ? 0 : Environment.TickCount - this.friendListTimestamp; } }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
375     {
376         get { return (networkingPeer != null) ? networkingPeer.FriendsListAge : 0; }
377     }

FriendsList 134 lượt xem

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