
How do I use Full Name
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PhotonEditor.cs Copy
975     public static System.Type[] GetAllSubTypesInScripts(System.Type aBaseClass)
976     {
977         var result = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
978         System.Reflection.Assembly[] AS = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
979         foreach (var A in AS)
980         {
981             // this skips all but the Unity-scripted assemblies for RPC-list creation. You could remove this to search all assemblies in project
982             if (!A.FullName.StartsWith("Assembly-"))
983             {
984                 // Debug.Log("Skipping Assembly: " + A);
985                 continue;
986             }
988             //Debug.Log("Assembly: " + A.FullName);
989             System.Type[] types = A.GetTypes();
990             foreach (var T in types)
991             {
992                 if (T.IsSubclassOf(aBaseClass))
993                     result.Add(T);
994             }
995         }
996         return result.ToArray();
997     }
File name: frmListReturned.cs Copy
22         private void frmListReturned_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
23         {
24             sql = "SELECT concat(`FIRSTNAME`, `LASTNAME`) as 'FULLNAME',`STOCKRETURNNUMBER` as 'TRANSACTION#',`NAME` as 'ITEMNAME', `RETURNDATE` FROM `tblstock_return` r, `tblitems` i,`tblperson` p WHERE i.`ITEMID`=r.`ITEMID` and r.`OWNER_CUS_ID` =p.`SUPLIERCUSTOMERID` and p.TYPE not in ('Suplier')" +
25                  " AND STOCKRETURNNUMBER LIKE '%" + txtsearch.Text + "%'";
26             config.Load_DTG(sql, dtglist);
27         }

FullName 142 lượt xem

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