
How do I use Game Screen
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: UIgame.cs Copy
100     public void Pause_btn()
101     {
102         if (SystemScr.paused)
103         {
104             Resume_btn();
105         }
106         else
107         {
108             sounds.PlaySoundsUI(false);
110             SystemScr.Pause(true);
111             GameScreen.SetActive(false);
112             PauseScreen.SetActive(true);
113         }
114     }
File name: UIgame.cs Copy
116     public void Resume_btn()
117     {
118         sounds.PlaySoundsUI(false);
120         SystemScr.Pause(false);
121         GameScreen.SetActive(true);
122         PauseScreen.SetActive(false);
123         OptionsScreen.SetActive(false);
124     }
File name: GuideLayer.cs Copy
9         public GameScreen gameScreen { get; set; }
File name: GuideLayer.cs Copy
11         public void hideGuide()
12         {
13             gameScreen.showCounter();
14             Data.saveData(Data.KEY_GUIDE, 1);
15             Destroy(gameObject);
16         }
File name: PauseLayerClickListener.cs Copy
29         public override void OnTouchUp()
30         {
31             if (InputController.Name != InputNames.DIALOG) return;
32             base.OnTouchUp();
33             switch (buttonIndex)
34             {
35                 case 0://music
36                     SoundManager.isMusic = !SoundManager.isMusic;
37                     pauseLayer.changeSprite(0, SoundManager.isMusic);
38                     break;
39                 case 1://sound
40                     SoundManager.isSound = !SoundManager.isSound;
41                     pauseLayer.changeSprite(1, SoundManager.isSound);
42                     break;
43                 case 2://help
45                     pauseLayer.gameObject.SetActive(false);
46                     gameScreen.guideGame();
48                     break;
49                 case 3://resume
50                     gameScreen.resumeGame();
51                     break;
52                 case 4://restart
53                     Application.LoadLevel("GameScreen");
54                     break;
55                 case 5://menu
56                     Application.LoadLevel("MapScreen");
57                     SoundManager.LoadBgMusic("Sounds/menu", true);
58                     break;
59             }
60         }
File name: ButtonStartClickListener.cs Copy
31         public override void OnTouchUp()
32         {
33             if (InputController.Name != InputNames.DIALOG) return;
34             base.OnTouchUp();
35             if (Data.getData(Data.KEY_GUIDE) == 0)
36             {
37                 gameScreen.guideGame();
38                 Destroy(transform.parent.gameObject);
39             }
40             else
41             {
42                 InputController.Name = "";
43                 //InputController.Name = InputNames.GAMESCREEN;
44                 //gameScreen.resumeGame();
45                 gameScreen.showCounter();
46                 Destroy(transform.parent.gameObject);
47             }
48         }
File name: CounterLayer.cs Copy
22         public void Update()
23         {
24             stateTime += Time.deltaTime;
25             if (isFinish)
26             {
27                 if (stateTime >= 0.1f)
28                 {
29                     //play game
30                     gameScreen.resumeGame();
31                     InputController.Name = InputNames.GAMESCREEN;
32                     Destroy(gameObject);
33                     SoundManager.LoadBgMusic("Sounds/bg1", true);
34                 }
35             }else if (stateTime >= 1)
36             {
37                 stateTime = 0;
38                 numberObject.GetComponent().sprite = numbers[number];
39                 number++;
40                 if (number >= 3)
41                     isFinish = true;
42             }
43         }
File name: ResultClickListener.cs Copy
21     public override void OnTouchUp()
22     {
23         if (InputController.Name != InputNames.DIALOG) return;
24         base.OnTouchUp();
25         switch(
26         {
27             case "Bt_Menu":
28                 Application.LoadLevel("MapScreen");
29                 SoundManager.LoadBgMusic("Sounds/menu", true);
30                 break;
31             case "Bt_Replay":
32                 Application.LoadLevel("GameScreen");
33                 break;
34             case "Bt_Next":
35                 if (Attr.currentLevel == 14)
36                 {
37                     Application.LoadLevel("MapScreen");
38                 }
39                 else
40                 {
41                     Attr.currentLevel++;
42                     Application.LoadLevel("ShopScreen");
43                     SoundManager.LoadBgMusic("Sounds/menu", true);
44                 }
45                 break;
46         }
47     }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
82         private void createShadow()
83         {
84             if (animalIndex != 0) return;
85             shadowCreateTime += Time.deltaTime;
86             if (shadowCreateTime >= 0.05f)
87             {
88                 shadowCreateTime = 0;
89                 GameObject shadowObject = new GameObject("Shadow");
90                 shadowObject.transform.parent = gameScreen.shadowLayer.transform;
91                 shadowObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("AnimalStand");
92                 shadowObject.transform.localPosition = transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, 0.3f, 0);
93                 shadowObject.AddComponent().sprite = shadowSprite;
94                 shadowObject.GetComponent().sortingLayerName = "MapObject";
95                 shadowObject.GetComponent().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8f);
96                 shadowObject.AddComponent().addAction(new ActionSequence(
97                     new ActionColorTo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f),
98                     new ActionRunnable(delegate ()
99                 {
100                     Destroy(shadowObject);
101                 })
102                 ));
103             }
104         }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
300         public void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D otherCollision)
301         {
302             if ( == MapObjectNames.GroundObject)
303             {
304                 state = RUN;
305                 stepJump = 2;
306                 isSprings = false;
307             }
308             else if ( == "Bullet")
309             {
310                 if (gameObject.GetComponent().IsProtected || gameObject.GetComponent().isStanding) return;
311                 if (animalIndex != otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex)
312                 {
313                     if (otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType == SkillType.THIENTHACH || otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType == SkillType.BOM)
314                     {
315                         if (otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().animalIndex == 0)
316                         {
317                             gameScreen.addScore(10, gameObject.transform.localPosition);
318                             gameScreen.setCombo(1, otherCollision.gameObject.GetComponent().skillType);
319                         }
320                         gameScreen.AnimalcollisionWithBullet(gameObject, otherCollision.gameObject);
321                     }
322                 }
323             }
324         }

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