How do I use G O
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: crBaoCao.cs Copy
119         public virtual bool ShareDBLogonInfo {
120             get {
121                 return false;
122             }
123             set {
124                 //
125             }
126         }
File name: FormBaoCao.cs Copy
40         private void btnLoc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
41         {
42             SqlConnection con = dal.GetConnect();
43             con.Open();
44             string sql = "select *from SinhVien where MaLop=@MaLop";
45             SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);
46             da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MaLop", cmbMaLop.SelectedValue.ToString());
47             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
48             da.Fill(dt);
49             crBaoCao cr = new crBaoCao();
50             ConnectionInfo crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
51             crConnectionInfo.ServerName = "Ty-PC";
52             crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "CNPM_1";
53             crConnectionInfo.UserID = "sa";
54             crConnectionInfo.Password = "04091990";
55             TableLogOnInfos crTableLogonInfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
56             foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in cr.Database.Tables)
57             {
58                 TableLogOnInfo crTableLogonInfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
59                 crTableLogonInfo.TableName = table.Name;
60                 crTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;
61                 crTableLogonInfos.Add(crTableLogonInfo);
62                 table.ApplyLogOnInfo(crTableLogonInfo);
64             }
65             crvHocKyHocPhan.LogOnInfo = crTableLogonInfos;
66             cr.SetDataSource(dt);
67             ParameterValues a = new ParameterValues();
68             ParameterDiscreteValue b = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
69             b.Value = cmbMaLop.SelectedValue.ToString();
70             a.Add(b);
71             cr.DataDefinition.ParameterFields["txtMaLop"].ApplyCurrentValues(a);
72             crvHocKyHocPhan.ReportSource = cr;
73             crvHocKyHocPhan.Show();
74         }
File name: frmThiThat.cs Copy
50         void TaoBangRandomCauHoi(DataTable BangQuestion)
51         {
53             try
54             {
55                 Random Rnd = new Random();
56                 ArrayList ArrQuestion = new ArrayList();
58                 ArrQuestion.Clear();
59                 int x, dem = 0;
60                 int SoCauTrongBangGoc = BangQuestion.Rows.Count;
61                 while (dem < SoCauNgauNhien)
62                 {
63                     x = Rnd.Next(0, SoCauTrongBangGoc);
64                     if (!ArrQuestion.Contains(x))
65                     {
66                         ArrQuestion.Add(x);
67                         dem++;
68                     }
69                 }
70                 for (int j = SoCauTrongBangGoc - 1; j >= 0; j--)
71                     if (!ArrQuestion.Contains(j))
72                         BangQuestion.Rows.RemoveAt(j);
74                 BangDeThi = BangQuestion;
75                 BangDeThi.Columns.Add("cauhoi,DAPAN");
77             }
78             catch (Exception ex)
79             { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
81         }
File name: rptThisinh.cs Copy
111         public virtual bool ShareDBLogonInfo {
112             get {
113                 return false;
114             }
115             set {
116                 //
117             }
118         }
File name: ChatGui.cs Copy
348     public void OnStatusUpdate(string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
349     {
350         // this is how you get status updates of friends.
351         // this demo simply adds status updates to the currently shown chat.
352         // you could buffer them or use them any other way, too.
354         ChatChannel activeChannel = this.selectedChannel;
355         if (activeChannel != null)
356         {
357             activeChannel.Add("info", string.Format("{0} is {1}. Msg:{2}", user, status, message));
358         }
360         Debug.LogWarning("status: " + string.Format("{0} is {1}. Msg:{2}", user, status, message));
361     }
File name: BallControl.cs Copy
10  void GoBall() {
11   float rand = Random.Range (0, 2);
12   if (rand < 1) {
13    rb2d.AddForce (new Vector2 (20, -15));
14   } else {
15    rb2d.AddForce (new Vector2 (-20, -15));
16   }
17  }
File name: BallControl.cs Copy
20  void Start () {
21   rb2d = GetComponent ();
22   Invoke ("GoBall", 2);
23  }
File name: BallControl.cs Copy
31  void RestartGame() {
32   ResetBall ();
33   Invoke ("GoBall", 1);
34  }
File name: OnClickCallMethod.cs Copy
11     public void OnClick()
12     {
13         if (this.TargetGameObject == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TargetMethod))
14         {
15             Debug.LogWarning(this + " can't call, cause GO or Method are empty.");
16             return;
17         }
19         this.TargetGameObject.SendMessage(this.TargetMethod);
20     }
File name: PunStartup.cs Copy
34     static void OnUpdate()
35     {
36         bool doneBefore = EditorPrefs.GetBool("PunDemosOpenedBefore");
37         if (doneBefore)
38         {
39             EditorApplication.update -= OnUpdate;
40             return;
41         }
43         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorApplication.currentScene) && EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length == 0)
44         {
45             #if UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2
46             if (EditorApplication.isUpdating) return;
47             #endif
49             LoadPunDemoHub();
50             SetPunDemoBuildSettings();
51             EditorPrefs.SetBool("PunDemosOpenedBefore", true);
52             Debug.Log("No scene was open. Loaded PUN Demo Hub Scene and added demos to build settings. Ready to go! This auto-setup is now disabled in this Editor.");
53         }
54     }

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