
How do I use Index Of
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: ChatGui.cs Copy
103     public void OnGUI()
104     {
105         if (!this.IsVisible)
106         {
107             return;
108         }
110 = true;
111         // = true; // this allows toolbar buttons to have bold/colored text. nice to indicate new msgs
112         //GUILayout.Button("lala"); // as richText, html tags could be in text
115         if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))
116         {
117             if ("ChatInput".Equals(GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl()))
118             {
119                 // focus on input -> submit it
120                 GuiSendsMsg();
121                 return; // showing the now modified list would result in an error. to avoid this, we just skip this single frame
122             }
123             else
124             {
125                 // assign focus to input
126                 GUI.FocusControl("ChatInput");
127             }
128         }
130         GUI.SetNextControlName("");
131         GUILayout.BeginArea(this.GuiRect);
133         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
135         if (this.chatClient.State != ChatState.ConnectedToFrontEnd)
136         {
137             GUILayout.Label("Not in chat yet.");
138         }
139         else
140         {
141             List channels = new List(this.chatClient.PublicChannels.Keys); // this could be cached
142             int countOfPublicChannels = channels.Count;
143             channels.AddRange(this.chatClient.PrivateChannels.Keys);
145             if (channels.Count > 0)
146             {
147                 int previouslySelectedChannelIndex = this.selectedChannelIndex;
148                 int channelIndex = channels.IndexOf(this.selectedChannelName);
149                 this.selectedChannelIndex = (channelIndex >= 0) ? channelIndex : 0;
151                 this.selectedChannelIndex = GUILayout.Toolbar(this.selectedChannelIndex, channels.ToArray(), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
152                 this.scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.scrollPos);
154                 this.doingPrivateChat = (this.selectedChannelIndex >= countOfPublicChannels);
155                 this.selectedChannelName = channels[this.selectedChannelIndex];
157                 if (this.selectedChannelIndex != previouslySelectedChannelIndex)
158                 {
159                     // changed channel -> scroll down, if private: pre-fill "to" field with target user's name
160                     this.scrollPos.y = float.MaxValue;
161                     if (this.doingPrivateChat)
162                     {
163                         string[] pieces = this.selectedChannelName.Split(new char[] {':'}, 3);
164                         this.userIdInput = pieces[1];
165                     }
166                 }
168                 GUILayout.Label(ChatGui.WelcomeText);
170                 if (this.chatClient.TryGetChannel(selectedChannelName, this.doingPrivateChat, out this.selectedChannel))
171                 {
172                     for (int i = 0; i < this.selectedChannel.Messages.Count; i++)
173                     {
174                         string sender = this.selectedChannel.Senders[i];
175                         object message = this.selectedChannel.Messages[i];
176                         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("{0}: {1}", sender, message));
177                     }
178                 }
180                 GUILayout.EndScrollView();
181             }
182         }
185         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
186         if (doingPrivateChat)
187         {
188             GUILayout.Label("to:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
189             GUI.SetNextControlName("WhisperTo");
190             this.userIdInput = GUILayout.TextField(this.userIdInput, GUILayout.MinWidth(100), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
191             string focussed = GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl();
192             if (focussed.Equals("WhisperTo"))
193             {
194                 if (this.userIdInput.Equals("username"))
195                 {
196                     this.userIdInput = "";
197                 }
198             }
199             else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.userIdInput))
200             {
201                 this.userIdInput = "username";
202             }
204         }
205         GUI.SetNextControlName("ChatInput");
206         inputLine = GUILayout.TextField(inputLine);
207         if (GUILayout.Button("Send", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
208         {
209             GuiSendsMsg();
210         }
211         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
212         GUILayout.EndArea();
213     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
18     public static void RunConversion()
19     {
20         //Ask if user has made a backup.
21         int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Conversion", "Attempt automatic conversion from Unity Networking to Photon Unity Networking \"PUN\"?", "Yes", "No!", "Pick Script Folder");
22         switch (option)
23         {
24             case 0:
25                 break;
26             case 1:
27                 return;
28             case 2:
29                 PickFolderAndConvertScripts();
30                 return;
31             default:
32                 return;
33         }
35         //REAAAALY?
36         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Disclaimer: The code conversion feature is quite crude, but should do it's job well (see the sourcecode). A backup is therefore strongly recommended!", "Yes, I've made a backup: GO", "Abort");
37         if (!result)
38         {
39             return;
40         }
41         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Started conversion of Unity networking -> Photon");
43         //Ask to save current scene (optional)
44         EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo();
46         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Starting.", 0);
48         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in Project prefabs
49         //Ask the user if we can move all prefabs to a resources folder
50         bool movePrefabs = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Can all prefabs that use a PhotonView be moved to a Resources/ folder? You need this if you use Network.Instantiate.", "Yes", "No");
53         string[] prefabs = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
54         foreach (string prefab in prefabs)
55         {
56             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Object:" + prefab, 0.6f);
58             Object[] objs = (Object[])AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(prefab);
59             int converted = 0;
60             foreach (Object obj in objs)
61             {
62                 if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(GameObject))
63                     converted += ConvertNetworkView(((GameObject)obj).GetComponents(), false);
64             }
65             if (movePrefabs && converted > 0)
66             {
67                 //This prefab needs to be under the root of a Resources folder!
68                 string path = prefab.Replace("\\", "/");
69                 int lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf("/");
70                 int resourcesIndex = path.LastIndexOf("/Resources/");
71                 if (resourcesIndex != lastSlash - 10)
72                 {
73                     if (path.Contains("/Resources/"))
74                     {
75                         Debug.LogWarning("Warning, prefab [" + prefab + "] was already in a resources folder. But has been placed in the root of another one!");
76                     }
77                     //This prefab NEEDS to be placed under a resources folder
78                     string resourcesFolder = path.Substring(0, lastSlash) + "/Resources/";
79                     EnsureFolder(resourcesFolder);
80                     string newPath = resourcesFolder + path.Substring(lastSlash + 1);
81                     string error = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(prefab, newPath);
82                     if (error != "")
83                         Debug.LogError(error);
84                     Output("Fixed prefab [" + prefab + "] by moving it into a resources folder.");
85                 }
86             }
87         }
89         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in scenes
90         string[] sceneFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
91         foreach (string sceneName in sceneFiles)
92         {
93             EditorApplication.OpenScene(sceneName);
94             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scene:" + sceneName, 0.2f);
96             int converted2 = ConvertNetworkView((NetworkView[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NetworkView)), true);
97             if (converted2 > 0)
98             {
99                 //This will correct all prefabs: The prefabs have gotten new components, but the correct ID's were lost in this case
100                 PhotonViewHandler.HierarchyChange(); //TODO: most likely this is triggered on change or on save
102                 Output("Replaced " + converted2 + " NetworkViews with PhotonViews in scene: " + sceneName);
103                 EditorApplication.SaveScene(EditorApplication.currentScene);
104             }
106         }
108         //Convert C#/JS scripts (API stuff)
109         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder("Assets");
111         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scripts..", 0.9f);
112         ConvertScripts(scripts);
114         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Completed conversion!");
115         EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar();
117         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Completed the conversion", "Don't forget to add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\" to connect to the Photon server before using any multiplayer functionality.", "OK");
118     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
189     static void ConvertToPhotonAPI(string file)
190     {
191         string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
193         bool isJS = file.Contains(".js");
195         file = file.Replace("\\", "/"); // Get Class name for JS
196         string className = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("/")+1);
197         className = className.Substring(0, className.IndexOf("."));
200         //REGEXP STUFF
201         //Valid are: Space { } , /n /r
202         //string NOT_VAR = @"([^A-Za-z0-9_\[\]\.]+)";
203         string NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT = @"([^A-Za-z0-9_]+)";
205         //string VAR_NONARRAY = @"[^A-Za-z0-9_]";
208         //NetworkView
209         {
210             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonView$2");
211             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "networkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1photonView$2");
212             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "stateSynchronization" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1synchronization$2");
213             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkStateSynchronization" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1ViewSynchronization$2"); // map Unity enum to ours
214             //.RPC
215             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "RPCMode.Server" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonTargets.MasterClient$2");
216             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "RPCMode" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonTargets$2");
217         }
219         //NetworkMessageInfo: 100%
220         {
221             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkMessageInfo" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonMessageInfo$2");
222             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "networkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1photonView$2");
223         }
225         //NetworkViewID:
226         {
227             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkViewID" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1int$2"); //We simply use an int
228         }
230         //NetworkPlayer
231         {
232             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkPlayer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonPlayer$2");
233         }
235         //Network
236         {
237             //Monobehaviour callbacks
238             {
239                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnPlayerConnected" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonPlayerConnected$2");
240                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnPlayerDisconnected" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonPlayerDisconnected$2");
241                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnNetworkInstantiate" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonInstantiate$2");
242                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnSerializeNetworkView" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnPhotonSerializeView$2");
243                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "BitStream" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonStream$2");
245                 //Not completely the same meaning
246                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnServerInitialized" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnCreatedRoom$2");
247                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnConnectedToServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnJoinedRoom$2");
249                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnFailedToConnectToPhoton$2");
250                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "OnFailedToConnect" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1OnFailedToConnect_OBSELETE$2");
251             }
253             //Variables
254             {
256                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.connections" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.playerList$2");
257                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.isServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient$2");
258                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.isClient" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom$2");
260                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "NetworkPeerType" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1ConnectionState$2");
261                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.peerType" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.connectionState$2");
262                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "ConnectionState.Server" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient$2");
263                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "ConnectionState.Client" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.isNonMasterClientInRoom$2");
264                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.playerList.Count$2");
266                 /*DROPPED:
267                     minimumAllocatableViewIDs
268                     natFacilitatorIP is dropped
269                     natFacilitatorPort is dropped
270                     connectionTesterIP
271                     connectionTesterPort
272                     proxyIP
273                     proxyPort
274                     useProxy
275                     proxyPassword
276                  */
277             }
279             //Methods
280             {
281                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.InitializeServer" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom$2");
282                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.Connect" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom$2");
283                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.GetAveragePing" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing$2");
284                 text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network.GetLastPing" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing$2");
285                 /*DROPPED:
286                     TestConnection
287                     TestConnectionNAT
288                     HavePublicAddress
289                 */
290             }
292             //Overall
293             text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "Network" + NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT, "$1PhotonNetwork$2");
296         //Changed methods
297              string ignoreMe = @"([A-Za-z0-9_\[\]\(\) ]+)";
299          text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.GetPing\\(" + ignoreMe+"\\);", "$1PhotonNetwork.GetPing();");
300         text = PregReplace(text, NOT_VAR_WITH_DOT + "PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection\\(" + ignoreMe+","+ignoreMe+"\\);", "$1PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection($2);");
302         }
304         //General
305         {
306             if (text.Contains("Photon")) //Only use the PhotonMonoBehaviour if we use photonView and friends.
307             {
308                 if (isJS)//JS
309                 {
310                     if (text.Contains("extends MonoBehaviour"))
311                         text = PregReplace(text, "extends MonoBehaviour", "extends Photon.MonoBehaviour");
312                     else
313                         text = "class " + className + " extends Photon.MonoBehaviour {\n" + text + "\n}";
314                 }
315                 else //C#
316                     text = PregReplace(text, ": MonoBehaviour", ": Photon.MonoBehaviour");
317             }
318         }
320         File.WriteAllText(file, text);
321     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
351     static int ConvertNetworkView(NetworkView[] netViews, bool isScene)
352     {
353         for (int i = netViews.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
354         {
355             NetworkView netView = netViews[i];
356             PhotonView view = netView.gameObject.AddComponent();
357             if (isScene)
358             {
359                 //Get scene ID
360                 string str = netView.viewID.ToString().Replace("SceneID: ", "");
361                 int firstSpace = str.IndexOf(" ");
362                 str = str.Substring(0, firstSpace);
363                 int oldViewID = int.Parse(str);
365                 view.viewID = oldViewID;
366                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
367                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view.gameObject);
368             }
369             view.observed = netView.observed;
370             if (netView.stateSynchronization == NetworkStateSynchronization.Unreliable)
371             {
372                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Unreliable;
373             }
374             else if (netView.stateSynchronization == NetworkStateSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed)
375             {
376                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed;
377             }
378             else
379             {
380                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Off;
381             }
382             DestroyImmediate(netView, true);
383         }
384         AssetDatabase.Refresh();
385         AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();
387         return netViews.Length;
388     }
File name: PhotonViewInspector.cs Copy
209     void DrawOldObservedItem()
210     {
211         EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
213         // Using a lower version then 3.4? Remove the TRUE in the next line to fix an compile error
214         string typeOfObserved = string.Empty;
215         if( m_Target.observed != null )
216         {
217             int firstBracketPos = m_Target.observed.ToString().LastIndexOf( '(' );
218             if( firstBracketPos > 0 )
219             {
220                 typeOfObserved = m_Target.observed.ToString().Substring( firstBracketPos );
221             }
222         }
225         Component componenValue = (Component)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "Observe: " + typeOfObserved, m_Target.observed, typeof( Component ), true );
226         if( m_Target.observed != componenValue )
227         {
228             if( m_Target.observed == null )
229             {
230                 m_Target.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.UnreliableOnChange; // if we didn't observe anything yet. use unreliable on change as default
231             }
232             if( componenValue == null )
233             {
234                 m_Target.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Off;
235             }
237             m_Target.observed = componenValue;
238         }
240         EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
241     }
File name: PingCloudRegions.cs Copy
118     public IEnumerator PingSocket(Region region)
119     {
120         region.Ping = Attempts*MaxMilliseconsPerPing;
122         this.PingsRunning++; // TODO: Add try-catch to make sure the PingsRunning are reduced at the end and that the lib does not crash the app
123         PhotonPing ping;
124         //Debug.Log("PhotonHandler.PingImplementation " + PhotonHandler.PingImplementation);
125         if (PhotonHandler.PingImplementation == typeof(PingNativeDynamic))
126         {
127             Debug.Log("Using constructor for new PingNativeDynamic()"); // it seems on android, the Activator can't find the default Constructor
128             ping = new PingNativeDynamic();
129         }
130         else
131         {
132             ping = (PhotonPing)Activator.CreateInstance(PhotonHandler.PingImplementation);
133         }
135         //Debug.Log("Ping is: " + ping + " type " + ping.GetType());
137         float rttSum = 0.0f;
138         int replyCount = 0;
141         // PhotonPing.StartPing() requires a plain IP address without port (on all but Windows 8 platforms).
142         // So: remove port and do the DNS-resolving if needed
143         string cleanIpOfRegion = region.HostAndPort;
144         int indexOfColon = cleanIpOfRegion.LastIndexOf(':');
145         if (indexOfColon > 1)
146         {
147             cleanIpOfRegion = cleanIpOfRegion.Substring(0, indexOfColon);
148         }
149         cleanIpOfRegion = ResolveHost(cleanIpOfRegion);
150         //Debug.Log("Resolved and port-less IP is: " + cleanIpOfRegion);
153         for (int i = 0; i < Attempts; i++)
154         {
155             bool overtime = false;
156             Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
157             sw.Start();
159             try
160             {
161                 ping.StartPing(cleanIpOfRegion);
162             }
163             catch (Exception e)
164             {
165                 Debug.Log("catched: " + e);
166                 this.PingsRunning--;
167                 break;
168             }
171             while (!ping.Done())
172             {
173                 if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= MaxMilliseconsPerPing)
174                 {
175                     overtime = true;
176                     break;
177                 }
178                 yield return 0; // keep this loop tight, to avoid adding local lag to rtt.
179             }
180             int rtt = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
183             if (IgnoreInitialAttempt && i == 0)
184             {
185                 // do nothing.
186             }
187             else if (ping.Successful && !overtime)
188             {
189                 rttSum += rtt;
190                 replyCount++;
191                 region.Ping = (int)((rttSum) / replyCount);
192                 //Debug.Log("region " + region.Code + " RTT " + region.Ping + " success: " + ping.Successful + " over: " + overtime);
193             }
195             yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
196         }
198         this.PingsRunning--;
200         //Debug.Log("this.PingsRunning: " + this.PingsRunning + " this debug: " + ping.DebugString);
201         yield return null;
202     }
File name: PingCloudRegions.cs Copy
218     public static string ResolveHost(string hostName)
219     {
220         try
221         {
222             IPAddress[] address = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName);
224             if (address.Length == 1)
225             {
226                 return address[0].ToString();
227             }
229             // if we got more addresses, try to pick a IPv4 one
230             for (int index = 0; index < address.Length; index++)
231             {
232                 IPAddress ipAddress = address[index];
233                 if (ipAddress != null)
234                 {
235                     string ipString = ipAddress.ToString();
236                     if (ipString.IndexOf('.') >= 0)
237                     {
238                         return ipString;
239                     }
240                 }
241             }
242         }
243         catch (System.Exception e)
244         {
245             Debug.Log("Exception caught! " + e.Source + " Message: " + e.Message);
246         }
248         return String.Empty;
249     }
File name: File.cs Copy
109         {
110             get
111             {
112                 return Name.Substring(0, Name.IndexOf('/') - 1);
113             }
114         }
File name: File.cs Copy
117         {
118             get
119             {
120                 return Name.Substring(Name.IndexOf('/')+1);
121             }
122         }
File name: TiledAssetPostProcessor.cs Copy
127         private Material OnAssignMaterialModel(Material defaultMaterial, Renderer renderer)
128         {
129             if (!UseThisImporter())
130                 return null;
132             // This is the only reliable place to assign materials in the import chain.
133             // It kind of sucks because we have to go about making the mesh/material association in a roundabout way.
135             // Note: This seems dangerous, but getting to the name of the base gameObject appears to be take some work.
136             // The root gameObject, at this point, seems to have "_root" appeneded to it.
137             // Once the model if finished being imported it drops this postifx
138             // This is something that could change without our knowledge
139             string rootName =;
140             int rootIndex = rootName.LastIndexOf("_root");
141             if (rootIndex != -1)
142             {
143                 rootName = rootName.Remove(rootIndex);
144             }
146             ImportTiled2Unity importer = new ImportTiled2Unity();
147             return importer.FixMaterialForMeshRenderer(rootName, renderer);
148         }

IndexOf 94 lượt xem

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