
How do I use Label
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: frmgioithieu.cs Copy
24         private void label8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
25         {
26             this.Close();
27         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
37         private void test()
38         {
39             strcheck = strdapan[j];
40             if (checkBox1.Text == strcheck && checkBox1.Checked)
41             {
42                 diem = diem + 1;
43             }
44             if (checkBox2.Text == strcheck && checkBox2.Checked)
45             {
46                 diem = diem + 1;
47             }
48             if (checkBox3.Text == strcheck && checkBox3.Checked)
49             {
50                 diem = diem + 1;
51             }
52             if (checkBox4.Text == strcheck && checkBox4.Checked)
53             {
54                 diem = diem + 1;
55             }
56             int diem1 = 0 + diem;
57             label1.Text = diem1.ToString();
58         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
59         private void getdapan()
60         {
61             strcheck = strdapan[j + 1];
62             if (checkBox1.Text == strcheck && checkBox1.Checked)
63             {
64                 diem = diem + 1;
65             }
66             if (checkBox2.Text == strcheck && checkBox2.Checked)
67             {
68                 diem = diem + 1;
69             }
70             if (checkBox3.Text == strcheck && checkBox3.Checked)
71             {
72                 diem = diem + 1;
73             }
74             if (checkBox4.Text == strcheck && checkBox4.Checked)
75             {
76                 diem = diem + 1;
77             }
78             int diem1 = 0 + diem;
79             label1.Text = diem1.ToString();
80         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
81         public void load()
82         {
83             p = int.Parse(frmluachon.strthoigian);
84             strcapdo1 = frmluachon.strcapdo;
85             strsoluongcauhoi1 = frmluachon.strsoluongcauhoi;
86             lbcapdo.Text = strcapdo1.ToString();
87             lbsoluong.Text = strsoluongcauhoi1.ToString();
88             lbthoigian.Text = p.ToString() + " phut ";
89             label6.Text = frmluachon.tenthisinh;
90         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
92         private void getdatakq()
93         {
94             ten = frmluachon.tenthisinh;
95             strcapdo1 = frmluachon.strcapdo;
96             strsoluongcauhoi1 = frmluachon.strsoluongcauhoi;
97             diemkq = label1.Text;
98             frmKetQuathuthu frmformkq = new frmKetQuathuthu();
99             frmformkq.frmformthi1 = this;
100             frmformkq.Show();
101         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
235         private void frmThi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
236         {
237             test();
238             dapan();
239             getData(iRows);
240             load();
241             label1.Hide();
242         }
File name: frmThi.cs Copy
249         private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
250         {
252         }
File name: frmThongTinNhom.cs Copy
24         private void label7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
25         {
26             this.Close();
27         }
File name: frmThongTinNhom.cs Copy
29         private void label4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
30         {
31             this.Close();
32         }
File name: frmThongTinNhom.cs Copy
34         private void label2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
35         {
36             this.Close();
37         }

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