
How do I use Local Clean Photon View
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
2493     protected internal void RemoveInstantiatedGO(GameObject go, bool localOnly)
2494     {
2495         if (go == null)
2496         {
2497             Debug.LogError("Failed to 'network-remove' GameObject because it's null.");
2498             return;
2499         }
2501         // Don't remove the GO if it doesn't have any PhotonView
2502         PhotonView[] views = go.GetComponentsInChildren(true);
2503         if (views == null || views.Length <= 0)
2504         {
2505             Debug.LogError("Failed to 'network-remove' GameObject because has no PhotonView components: " + go);
2506             return;
2507         }
2509         PhotonView viewZero = views[0];
2510         int creatorId = viewZero.CreatorActorNr; // creatorId of obj is needed to delete EvInstantiate (only if it's from that user)
2511         int instantiationId = viewZero.instantiationId; // actual, live InstantiationIds start with 1 and go up
2513         // Don't remove GOs that are owned by others (unless this is the master and the remote player left)
2514         if (!localOnly)
2515         {
2516             if (!viewZero.isMine)
2517             {
2518                 Debug.LogError("Failed to 'network-remove' GameObject. Client is neither owner nor masterClient taking over for owner who left: " + viewZero);
2519                 return;
2520             }
2522             // Don't remove the Instantiation from the server, if it doesn't have a proper ID
2523             if (instantiationId < 1)
2524             {
2525                 Debug.LogError("Failed to 'network-remove' GameObject because it is missing a valid InstantiationId on view: " + viewZero + ". Not Destroying GameObject or PhotonViews!");
2526                 return;
2527             }
2528         }
2531         // cleanup instantiation (event and local list)
2532         if (!localOnly)
2533         {
2534             this.ServerCleanInstantiateAndDestroy(instantiationId, creatorId, viewZero.isRuntimeInstantiated); // server cleaning
2535         }
2538         // cleanup PhotonViews and their RPCs events (if not localOnly)
2539         for (int j = views.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
2540         {
2541             PhotonView view = views[j];
2542             if (view == null)
2543             {
2544                 continue;
2545             }
2547             // we only destroy/clean PhotonViews that were created by PhotonNetwork.Instantiate (and those have an instantiationId!)
2548             if (view.instantiationId >= 1)
2549             {
2550                 this.LocalCleanPhotonView(view);
2551             }
2552             if (!localOnly)
2553             {
2554                 this.OpCleanRpcBuffer(view);
2555             }
2556         }
2558         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
2559             Debug.Log("Network destroy Instantiated GO: " + go.name);
2561         GameObject.Destroy(go);
2562     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
2656     public void LocalCleanPhotonView(PhotonView view)
2657     {
2658         view.destroyedByPhotonNetworkOrQuit = true;
2659         this.photonViewList.Remove(view.viewID);
2660     }
File name: PhotonView.cs Copy
295     protected internal void OnDestroy()
296     {
297         if (!this.destroyedByPhotonNetworkOrQuit)
298         {
299             PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.LocalCleanPhotonView(this);
300         }
302         if (!this.destroyedByPhotonNetworkOrQuit && !Application.isLoadingLevel)
303         {
304             if (this.instantiationId > 0)
305             {
306                 // if this viewID was not manually assigned (and we're not shutting down or loading a level), you should use PhotonNetwork.Destroy() to get rid of GOs with PhotonViews
307                 Debug.LogError("OnDestroy() seems to be called without PhotonNetwork.Destroy()?! GameObject: " + this.gameObject + " Application.isLoadingLevel: " + Application.isLoadingLevel);
308             }
309             else
310             {
311                 // this seems to be a manually instantiated PV. if it's local, we could warn if the ID is not in the allocated-list
312                 if (this.viewID <= 0)
313                 {
314                     Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("OnDestroy manually allocated PhotonView {0}. The viewID is 0. Was it ever (manually) set?", this));
315                 }
316                 else if (this.isMine && !PhotonNetwork.manuallyAllocatedViewIds.Contains(this.viewID))
317                 {
318                     Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("OnDestroy manually allocated PhotonView {0}. The viewID is local (isMine) but not in manuallyAllocatedViewIds list. Use UnAllocateViewID() after you destroyed the PV.", this));
319                 }
320             }
321         }
322     }

LocalCleanPhotonView 221 lượt xem

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