
How do I use Objects
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: DemoOwnershipGui.cs Copy
23     public void OnGUI()
24     {
25         GUI.skin = this.Skin;
26         GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 200, 0, 200, Screen.height));
27         {
28             string label = TransferOwnershipOnRequest ? "passing objects" : "rejecting to pass";
29             if (GUILayout.Button(label))
30             {
31                 this.TransferOwnershipOnRequest = !this.TransferOwnershipOnRequest;
32             }
33         }
34         GUILayout.EndArea();
38         if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
39         {
40             int playerNr = PhotonNetwork.player.ID;
41             string playerIsMaster = PhotonNetwork.player.isMasterClient ? "(master) " : "";
42             string playerColor = PlayerVariables.GetColorName(PhotonNetwork.player.ID);
43             GUILayout.Label(string.Format("player {0}, {1} {2}(you)", playerNr, playerColor, playerIsMaster));
45             foreach (PhotonPlayer otherPlayer in PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers)
46             {
47                 playerNr = otherPlayer.ID;
48                 playerIsMaster = otherPlayer.isMasterClient ? "(master)" : "";
49                 playerColor = PlayerVariables.GetColorName(otherPlayer.ID);
50                 GUILayout.Label(string.Format("player {0}, {1} {2}", playerNr, playerColor, playerIsMaster));
51             }
53             if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom && PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers.Length == 0)
54             {
55                 GUILayout.Label("Join more clients to switch object-control.");
56             }
57         }
58         else
59         {
60             GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString());
61         }
62     }
File name: OnJoinInstantiate.cs Copy
13     public void OnJoinedRoom()
14     {
15         Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
16         pos.x += PhotonNetwork.player.ID;
18         if (!InstantiateSceneObjects)
19         {
21              newObj = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(ObjectToInstantiate.name, pos, Quaternion.identity, 0, null);
24             // anything you do with newObj locally is not reflected on the other clients.
25             // you can add a script to the Prefab to do some instantiation in Awake() and you can call RPCs on newObj now.
26         }
27         else
28         {
29             newObj = PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(ObjectToInstantiate.name, pos, Quaternion.identity, 0, null);
30             //PhotonView pv = newObj.GetComponent() as PhotonView;
31             //Debug.Log(pv.ownerId + " " + pv.viewID);
32         }
33     }
File name: HubGui.cs Copy
28     void OnGUI()
29     {
30         GUI.skin = this.Skin;
31         GUILayout.Space(10);
33         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
34         GUILayout.Space(10);
35         scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Width(320));
37         GUILayout.Label("Basics", m_Headline);
38         if (GUILayout.Button("Demo Boxes", GUILayout.Width(280)))
39         {
40             demoDescription = "Demo Boxes\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\n(joins a random room or creates one)\n\nInstantiates simple prefab.\nSynchronizes positions without smoothing.";
41             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoBoxes-Scene" };
42         }
43         if (GUILayout.Button("Demo Worker", GUILayout.Width(280)))
44         {
45             demoDescription = "Demo Worker\n\nJoins the default lobby and shows existing rooms.\nLets you create or join a room.\nInstantiates an animated character.\nSynchronizes position and animation state of character with smoothing.\nImplements simple in-room Chat via RPC calls.";
46             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoWorker-Scene" };
47         }
48         if (GUILayout.Button("Movement Smoothing", GUILayout.Width(280)))
49         {
50             demoDescription = "Movement Smoothing\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\nShows several basic ways to update positions of remote objects.";
51             demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoSynchronization-Scene" };
52         }
54         GUILayout.Label("Advanced", m_Headline);
55         if (GUILayout.Button("Ownership Transfer", GUILayout.Width(280)))
56         {
57             demoDescription = "Ownership Transfer\n\nShows how to transfer the ownership of a PhotonView.\nThe owner will send position updates of the GameObject.\nTransfer can be edited per PhotonView and set to Fixed (no transfer), Request (owner has to agree) or Takeover (owner can't object).";
58             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoChangeOwner-Scene" };
59             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
60         }
61         if (GUILayout.Button("Pickup, Teams, Scores", GUILayout.Width(280)))
62         {
63             demoDescription = "Pickup, Teams, Scores\n\nUses ConnectAndJoinRandom script.\nImplements item pickup with RPCs.\nUses Custom Properties for Teams.\nCounts score per player and team.\nUses PhotonPlayer extension methods for easy Custom Property access.";
64             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoPickup-Scene" };
65             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
66         }
68         GUILayout.Label("Feature Demos", m_Headline);
69         if (GUILayout.Button("Chat", GUILayout.Width(280)))
70         {
71             demoDescription = "Chat\n\nUses the Chat API (now part of PUN).\nSimple UI.\nYou can enter any User ID.\nAutomatically subscribes some channels.\nAllows simple commands via text.\n\nRequires configuration of Chat App ID in scene.";
72             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoChat-Scene" };
73             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
74         }
75         if (GUILayout.Button("RPG Movement", GUILayout.Width(280)))
76         {
77             demoDescription = "RPG Movement\n\nDemonstrates how to use the PhotonTransformView component to synchronize position updates smoothly using inter- and extrapolation.\n\nThis demo also shows how to setup a Mecanim Animator to update animations automatically based on received position updates (without sending explicit animation updates).";
78             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoRPGMovement-Scene" };
79             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
80         }
81         if (GUILayout.Button("Mecanim Animations", GUILayout.Width(280)))
82         {
83             demoDescription = "Mecanim Animations\n\nThis demo shows how to use the PhotonAnimatorView component to easily synchronize Mecanim animations.\n\nIt also demonstrates another feature of the PhotonTransformView component which gives you more control how position updates are inter-/extrapolated by telling the component how fast the object moves and turns using SetSynchronizedValues().";
84             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoMecanim-Scene" };
85             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
86         }
87         if (GUILayout.Button("2D Game", GUILayout.Width(280)))
88         {
89             demoDescription = "2D Game Demo\n\nSynchronizes animations, positions and physics in a 2D scene.";
90             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "Demo2DJumpAndRunWithPhysics-Scene" };
91             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
92         }
93         if (GUILayout.Button("Friends & Authentication", GUILayout.Width(280)))
94         {
95             demoDescription = "Friends & Authentication\n\nShows connect with or without (server-side) authentication.\n\nAuthentication requires minor server-side setup (in Dashboard).\n\nOnce connected, you can find (made up) friends.\nJoin a room just to see how that gets visible in friends list.";
96             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "DemoFriends-Scene" };
97             this.webLink = new DemoBtn();
98         }
100         GUILayout.Label("Tutorial", m_Headline);
101         if (GUILayout.Button("Marco Polo Tutorial", GUILayout.Width(280)))
102         {
103             demoDescription = "Marco Polo Tutorial\n\nFinal result you could get when you do the Marco Polo Tutorial.\nSlightly modified to be more compatible with this package.";
104             this.demoBtn = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Start", Link = "MarcoPolo-Scene" };
105             this.webLink = new DemoBtn() { Text = "Open Tutorial (www)", Link = "http://tinyurl.com/nmylf44" };
106         }
107         GUILayout.EndScrollView();
109         GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(Screen.width - 345));
110         GUILayout.Label(demoDescription);
111         GUILayout.Space(10);
112         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.demoBtn.Text))
113         {
114             if (GUILayout.Button(this.demoBtn.Text))
115             {
116                 Application.LoadLevel(this.demoBtn.Link);
117             }
118         }
119         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.webLink.Text))
120         {
121             if (GUILayout.Button(this.webLink.Text))
122             {
123                 Application.OpenURL(this.webLink.Link);
124             }
125         }
126         GUILayout.EndVertical();
129         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
130     }
File name: DemoMecanimGUI.cs Copy
42     public void FindRemoteAnimator()
43     {
44         if( m_RemoteAnimator != null )
45         {
46             return;
47         }
49         // the prefab has to be tagged as Player
50         GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag( "Player" );
51         for( int i = 0; i < gos.Length; ++i )
52         {
53             PhotonView view = gos[ i ].GetComponent();
54             if( view != null && view.isMine == false )
55             {
56                 m_RemoteAnimator = gos[ i ].GetComponent();
57             }
58         }
59     }
File name: MessageOverlay.cs Copy
23     void SetActive(bool enable)
24     {
25         foreach (GameObject o in Objects)
26         {
27             #if UNITY_3_5
28             o.SetActiveRecursively(enable);
29             #else
30             o.SetActive(enable);
31             #endif
32         }
33     }
File name: PhotonTransformViewEditor.cs Copy
70     private void DrawIsPlayingWarning()
71     {
72         if (Application.isPlaying == false)
73         {
74             return;
75         }
77         GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box);
78         {
79             GUILayout.Label("Editing is disabled in play mode so the two objects don't go out of sync");
80         }
81         GUILayout.EndVertical();
82     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
18     public static void RunConversion()
19     {
20         //Ask if user has made a backup.
21         int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Conversion", "Attempt automatic conversion from Unity Networking to Photon Unity Networking \"PUN\"?", "Yes", "No!", "Pick Script Folder");
22         switch (option)
23         {
24             case 0:
25                 break;
26             case 1:
27                 return;
28             case 2:
29                 PickFolderAndConvertScripts();
30                 return;
31             default:
32                 return;
33         }
35         //REAAAALY?
36         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Disclaimer: The code conversion feature is quite crude, but should do it's job well (see the sourcecode). A backup is therefore strongly recommended!", "Yes, I've made a backup: GO", "Abort");
37         if (!result)
38         {
39             return;
40         }
41         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Started conversion of Unity networking -> Photon");
43         //Ask to save current scene (optional)
44         EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo();
46         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Starting.", 0);
48         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in Project prefabs
49         //Ask the user if we can move all prefabs to a resources folder
50         bool movePrefabs = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Can all prefabs that use a PhotonView be moved to a Resources/ folder? You need this if you use Network.Instantiate.", "Yes", "No");
53         string[] prefabs = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
54         foreach (string prefab in prefabs)
55         {
56             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Object:" + prefab, 0.6f);
58             Object[] objs = (Object[])AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(prefab);
59             int converted = 0;
60             foreach (Object obj in objs)
61             {
62                 if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(GameObject))
63                     converted += ConvertNetworkView(((GameObject)obj).GetComponents(), false);
64             }
65             if (movePrefabs && converted > 0)
66             {
67                 //This prefab needs to be under the root of a Resources folder!
68                 string path = prefab.Replace("\\", "/");
69                 int lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf("/");
70                 int resourcesIndex = path.LastIndexOf("/Resources/");
71                 if (resourcesIndex != lastSlash - 10)
72                 {
73                     if (path.Contains("/Resources/"))
74                     {
75                         Debug.LogWarning("Warning, prefab [" + prefab + "] was already in a resources folder. But has been placed in the root of another one!");
76                     }
77                     //This prefab NEEDS to be placed under a resources folder
78                     string resourcesFolder = path.Substring(0, lastSlash) + "/Resources/";
79                     EnsureFolder(resourcesFolder);
80                     string newPath = resourcesFolder + path.Substring(lastSlash + 1);
81                     string error = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(prefab, newPath);
82                     if (error != "")
83                         Debug.LogError(error);
84                     Output("Fixed prefab [" + prefab + "] by moving it into a resources folder.");
85                 }
86             }
87         }
89         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in scenes
90         string[] sceneFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
91         foreach (string sceneName in sceneFiles)
92         {
93             EditorApplication.OpenScene(sceneName);
94             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scene:" + sceneName, 0.2f);
96             int converted2 = ConvertNetworkView((NetworkView[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NetworkView)), true);
97             if (converted2 > 0)
98             {
99                 //This will correct all prefabs: The prefabs have gotten new components, but the correct ID's were lost in this case
100                 PhotonViewHandler.HierarchyChange(); //TODO: most likely this is triggered on change or on save
102                 Output("Replaced " + converted2 + " NetworkViews with PhotonViews in scene: " + sceneName);
103                 EditorApplication.SaveScene(EditorApplication.currentScene);
104             }
106         }
108         //Convert C#/JS scripts (API stuff)
109         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder("Assets");
111         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scripts..", 0.9f);
112         ConvertScripts(scripts);
114         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Completed conversion!");
115         EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar();
117         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Completed the conversion", "Don't forget to add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\" to connect to the Photon server before using any multiplayer functionality.", "OK");
118     }
File name: PhotonViewHandler.cs Copy
25     internal static void HierarchyChange()
26     {
27         if (Application.isPlaying)
28         {
29             //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange ignored, while running.");
30             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = true; // done once AFTER play mode.
31             return;
32         }
34         if (CheckSceneForStuckHandlers)
35         {
36             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = false;
37             PhotonNetwork.InternalCleanPhotonMonoFromSceneIfStuck();
38         }
40         HashSet pvInstances = new HashSet();
41         HashSet usedInstanceViewNumbers = new HashSet();
42         bool fixedSomeId = false;
44         //// the following code would be an option if we only checked scene objects (but we can check all PVs)
45         //PhotonView[] pvObjects = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
46         //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange. PV Count: " + pvObjects.Length);
48         string levelName = Application.loadedLevelName;
49         #if UNITY_EDITOR
50         levelName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(EditorApplication.currentScene);
51         #endif
52         int minViewIdInThisScene = PunSceneSettings.MinViewIdForScene(levelName);
53         //Debug.Log("Level '" + Application.loadedLevelName + "' has a minimum ViewId of: " + minViewIdInThisScene);
55         PhotonView[] pvObjects = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
57         foreach (PhotonView view in pvObjects)
58         {
59             // first pass: fix prefabs to viewID 0 if they got a view number assigned (cause they should not have one!)
60             if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject))
61             {
62                 if (view.viewID != 0 || view.prefixBackup != -1 || view.instantiationId != -1)
63                 {
64                     Debug.LogWarning("PhotonView on persistent object being fixed (id and prefix must be 0). Was: " + view);
65                     view.viewID = 0;
66                     view.prefixBackup = -1;
67                     view.instantiationId = -1;
68                     EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
69                     fixedSomeId = true;
70                 }
71             }
72             else
73             {
74                 // keep all scene-instanced PVs for later re-check
75                 pvInstances.Add(view);
76             }
77         }
79         Dictionary idPerObject = new Dictionary();
81         // second pass: check all used-in-scene viewIDs for duplicate viewIDs (only checking anything non-prefab)
82         // scene-PVs must have user == 0 (scene/room) and a subId != 0
83         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
84         {
85             if (view.ownerId > 0)
86             {
87                 Debug.Log("Re-Setting Owner ID of: " + view);
88             }
89             view.ownerId = 0; // simply make sure no owner is set (cause room always uses 0)
90             view.prefix = -1; // TODO: prefix could be settable via inspector per scene?!
92             if (view.viewID != 0)
93             {
94                 if (view.viewID < minViewIdInThisScene || usedInstanceViewNumbers.Contains(view.viewID))
95                 {
96                     view.viewID = 0; // avoid duplicates and negative values by assigning 0 as (temporary) number to be fixed in next pass
97                 }
98                 else
99                 {
100                     usedInstanceViewNumbers.Add(view.viewID); // builds a list of currently used viewIDs
102                     int instId = 0;
103                     if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
104                     {
105                         view.instantiationId = instId;
106                     }
107                     else
108                     {
109                         view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
110                         idPerObject[view.gameObject] = view.instantiationId;
111                     }
112                 }
113             }
115         }
117         // third pass: anything that's now 0 must get a new (not yet used) ID (starting at 0)
118         int lastUsedId = (minViewIdInThisScene > 0) ? minViewIdInThisScene - 1 : 0;
120         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
121         {
122             if (view.viewID == 0)
123             {
124                 // Debug.LogWarning("setting scene ID: " + view.gameObject.name + " ID: " + view.subId.ID + " scene ID: " + view.GetSceneID() + " IsPersistent: " + EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject) + " IsSceneViewIDFree: " + IsSceneViewIDFree(view.subId.ID, view));
125                 int nextViewId = PhotonViewHandler.GetID(lastUsedId, usedInstanceViewNumbers);
127                 view.viewID = nextViewId;
129                 int instId = 0;
130                 if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
131                 {
132                     Debug.Log("Set inst ID");
133                     view.instantiationId = instId;
134                 }
135                 else
136                 {
137                     view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
138                     idPerObject[view.gameObject] = nextViewId;
139                 }
141                 //// when using the Editor's serialization (view.subId in this case), this is not needed, it seems
142                 //PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications(view);
144                 lastUsedId = nextViewId;
145                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
146                 fixedSomeId = true;
147             }
148         }
151         if (fixedSomeId)
152         {
153             //Debug.LogWarning("Some subId was adjusted."); // this log is only interesting for Exit Games
154         }
155     }
File name: PhotonAnimatorView.cs Copy
275     void DeserializeDataContinuously()
276     {
277         if( m_StreamQueue.HasQueuedObjects() == false )
278         {
279             return;
280         }
282         for( int i = 0; i < m_SynchronizeLayers.Count; ++i )
283         {
284             if( m_SynchronizeLayers[ i ].SynchronizeType == SynchronizeType.Continuous )
285             {
286                 m_Animator.SetLayerWeight( m_SynchronizeLayers[ i ].LayerIndex, (float)m_StreamQueue.ReceiveNext() );
287             }
288         }
290         for( int i = 0; i < m_SynchronizeParameters.Count; ++i )
291         {
292             SynchronizedParameter parameter = m_SynchronizeParameters[ i ];
294             if( parameter.SynchronizeType == SynchronizeType.Continuous )
295             {
296                 switch( parameter.Type )
297                 {
298                 case ParameterType.Bool:
299                     m_Animator.SetBool( parameter.Name, (bool)m_StreamQueue.ReceiveNext() );
300                     break;
301                 case ParameterType.Float:
302                     m_Animator.SetFloat( parameter.Name, (float)m_StreamQueue.ReceiveNext() );
303                     break;
304                 case ParameterType.Int:
305                     m_Animator.SetInteger( parameter.Name, (int)m_StreamQueue.ReceiveNext() );
306                     break;
307                 case ParameterType.Trigger:
309                     break;
310                 }
311             }
312         }
313     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
459     private void LeftRoomCleanup()
460     {
461         bool wasInRoom = mRoomToGetInto != null;
462         // when leaving a room, we clean up depending on that room's settings.
463         bool autoCleanupSettingOfRoom = (this.mRoomToGetInto != null) ? this.mRoomToGetInto.autoCleanUp : PhotonNetwork.autoCleanUpPlayerObjects;
465         this.hasSwitchedMC = false;
466         this.mRoomToGetInto = null;
467         this.mActors = new Dictionary();
468         this.mPlayerListCopy = new PhotonPlayer[0];
469         this.mOtherPlayerListCopy = new PhotonPlayer[0];
470         this.mMasterClient = null;
471         this.allowedReceivingGroups = new HashSet();
472         this.blockSendingGroups = new HashSet();
473         this.mGameList = new Dictionary();
474         this.mGameListCopy = new RoomInfo[0];
475         this.isFetchingFriends = false;
477         this.ChangeLocalID(-1);
479         // Cleanup all network objects (all spawned PhotonViews, local and remote)
480         if (autoCleanupSettingOfRoom)
481         {
482             this.LocalCleanupAnythingInstantiated(true);
483             PhotonNetwork.manuallyAllocatedViewIds = new List(); // filled and easier to replace completely
484         }
486         if (wasInRoom)
487         {
488             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnLeftRoom);
489         }
490     }

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