
How do I use Register Photon View
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
2688     public void RegisterPhotonView(PhotonView netView)
2689     {
2690         if (!Application.isPlaying)
2691         {
2692             this.photonViewList = new Dictionary();
2693             return;
2694         }
2696         if (netView.viewID == 0)
2697         {
2698             // don't register views with ID 0 (not initialized). they register when a ID is assigned later on
2699             Debug.Log("PhotonView register is ignored, because viewID is 0. No id assigned yet to: " + netView);
2700             return;
2701         }
2703         if (this.photonViewList.ContainsKey(netView.viewID))
2704         {
2705             // if some other view is in the list already, we got a problem. it might be undestructible. print out error
2706             if (netView != photonViewList[netView.viewID])
2707             {
2708                 Debug.LogError(string.Format("PhotonView ID duplicate found: {0}. New: {1} old: {2}. Maybe one wasn't destroyed on scene load?! Check for 'DontDestroyOnLoad'. Destroying old entry, adding new.", netView.viewID, netView, photonViewList[netView.viewID]));
2709             }
2711             //this.photonViewList.Remove(netView.viewID); // TODO check if we chould Destroy the GO of this view?!
2712             this.RemoveInstantiatedGO(photonViewList[netView.viewID].gameObject, true);
2713         }
2715         // Debug.Log("adding view to known list: " + netView);
2716         this.photonViewList.Add(netView.viewID, netView);
2717         //Debug.LogError("view being added. " + netView); // Exit Games internal log
2719         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
2720             Debug.Log("Registered PhotonView: " + netView.viewID);
2721     }
File name: PhotonView.cs Copy
153     {
154         get { return this.viewIdField; }
155         set
156         {
157             // if ID was 0 for an awakened PhotonView, the view should add itself into the networkingPeer.photonViewList after setup
158             bool viewMustRegister = this.didAwake && this.viewIdField == 0;
160             // TODO: decide if a viewID can be changed once it wasn't 0. most likely that is not a good idea
161             // check if this view is in networkingPeer.photonViewList and UPDATE said list (so we don't keep the old viewID with a reference to this object)
162             // PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RemovePhotonView(this, true);
164             this.ownerId = value / PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS;
166             this.viewIdField = value;
168             if (viewMustRegister)
169             {
170                 PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RegisterPhotonView(this);
171             }
172             //Debug.Log("Set viewID: " + value + " -> owner: " + this.ownerId + " subId: " + this.subId);
173         }
174     }
File name: PhotonView.cs Copy
243     protected internal void Awake()
244     {
245         // registration might be too late when some script (on this GO) searches this view BUT GetPhotonView() can search ALL in that case
246         PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RegisterPhotonView(this);
248         this.instantiationDataField = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.FetchInstantiationData(this.instantiationId);
249         this.didAwake = true;
250     }

RegisterPhotonView 156 lượt xem

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