
How do I use Reliable Delta Compressed
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
351     static int ConvertNetworkView(NetworkView[] netViews, bool isScene)
352     {
353         for (int i = netViews.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
354         {
355             NetworkView netView = netViews[i];
356             PhotonView view = netView.gameObject.AddComponent();
357             if (isScene)
358             {
359                 //Get scene ID
360                 string str = netView.viewID.ToString().Replace("SceneID: ", "");
361                 int firstSpace = str.IndexOf(" ");
362                 str = str.Substring(0, firstSpace);
363                 int oldViewID = int.Parse(str);
365                 view.viewID = oldViewID;
366                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
367                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view.gameObject);
368             }
369             view.observed = netView.observed;
370             if (netView.stateSynchronization == NetworkStateSynchronization.Unreliable)
371             {
372                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Unreliable;
373             }
374             else if (netView.stateSynchronization == NetworkStateSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed)
375             {
376                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed;
377             }
378             else
379             {
380                 view.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.Off;
381             }
382             DestroyImmediate(netView, true);
383         }
384         AssetDatabase.Refresh();
385         AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();
387         return netViews.Length;
388     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
3147     public void RunViewUpdate()
3148     {
3149         if (!PhotonNetwork.connected || PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
3150         {
3151             return;
3152         }
3154         if (this.mActors == null ||
3156             this.mActors.Count <= 1
3158             )
3159         {
3160             return; // No need to send OnSerialize messages (these are never buffered anyway)
3161         }
3163         dataPerGroupReliable.Clear();
3164         dataPerGroupUnreliable.Clear();
3166         /* Format of the data hashtable:
3167          * Hasthable dataPergroup*
3168          * [(byte)0] = this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds;
3169          * OPTIONAL: [(byte)1] = currentLevelPrefix;
3170          * + data
3171          */
3173         foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in this.photonViewList)
3174         {
3175             PhotonView view = kvp.Value;
3177             if (view.synchronization != ViewSynchronization.Off)
3178             {
3179                 // Fetch all sending photonViews
3180                 if (view.isMine)
3181                 {
3182                     #if UNITY_2_6_1 || UNITY_2_6 || UNITY_3_0 || UNITY_3_0_0 || UNITY_3_1 || UNITY_3_2 || UNITY_3_3 || UNITY_3_4 || UNITY_3_5
3183                     if (!
3184                     {
3185                         continue; // Only on actives
3186                     }
3187                     #else
3188                     if (!view.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
3189                     {
3190                         continue; // Only on actives
3191                     }
3192                     #endif
3194                     if (this.blockSendingGroups.Contains(
3195                     {
3196                         continue; // Block sending on this group
3197                     }
3199                     // Run it trough its OnSerialize
3200                     Hashtable evData = this.OnSerializeWrite(view);
3201                     if (evData == null)
3202                     {
3203                         continue;
3204                     }
3206                     if (view.synchronization == ViewSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed || view.mixedModeIsReliable)
3207                     {
3208                         if (!evData.ContainsKey((byte)1) && !evData.ContainsKey((byte)2))
3209                         {
3210                             // Everything has been removed by compression, nothing to send
3211                         }
3212                         else
3213                         {
3214                             if (!dataPerGroupReliable.ContainsKey(
3215                             {
3216                                 dataPerGroupReliable[] = new Hashtable();
3217                                 dataPerGroupReliable[][(byte)0] = this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds;
3218                                 if (currentLevelPrefix >= 0)
3219                                 {
3220                                     dataPerGroupReliable[][(byte)1] = this.currentLevelPrefix;
3221                                 }
3222                             }
3223                             Hashtable groupHashtable = dataPerGroupReliable[];
3224                             groupHashtable.Add((short)groupHashtable.Count, evData);
3225                         }
3226                     }
3227                     else
3228                     {
3229                         if (!dataPerGroupUnreliable.ContainsKey(
3230                         {
3231                             dataPerGroupUnreliable[] = new Hashtable();
3232                             dataPerGroupUnreliable[][(byte)0] = this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds;
3233                             if (currentLevelPrefix >= 0)
3234                             {
3235                                 dataPerGroupUnreliable[][(byte)1] = this.currentLevelPrefix;
3236                             }
3237                         }
3238                         Hashtable groupHashtable = dataPerGroupUnreliable[];
3239                         groupHashtable.Add((short)groupHashtable.Count, evData);
3240                     }
3241                 }
3242                 else
3243                 {
3244                     // Debug.Log(" NO OBS on " + + " " + view.owner);
3245                 }
3246             }
3247             else
3248             {
3249             }
3250         }
3252         //Send the messages: every group is send in it's own message and unreliable and reliable are split as well
3253         RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions();
3256         options.Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All;
3259         foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dataPerGroupReliable)
3260         {
3261             options.InterestGroup = (byte)kvp.Key;
3262             this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.SendSerializeReliable, kvp.Value, true, options);
3263         }
3264         foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dataPerGroupUnreliable)
3265         {
3266             options.InterestGroup = (byte)kvp.Key;
3267             this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.SendSerialize, kvp.Value, false, options);
3268         }
3269     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
3271     // calls OnPhotonSerializeView (through ExecuteOnSerialize)
3273     private Hashtable OnSerializeWrite(PhotonView view)
3274     {
3275         PhotonStream pStream = new PhotonStream( true, null );
3276         PhotonMessageInfo info = new PhotonMessageInfo( this.mLocalActor, this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds, view );
3278         // each view creates a list of values that should be sent
3279         view.SerializeView( pStream, info );
3281         if( pStream.Count == 0 )
3282         {
3283             return null;
3284         }
3286         object[] dataArray =;
3288         if (view.synchronization == ViewSynchronization.UnreliableOnChange)
3289         {
3290             if (AlmostEquals(dataArray, view.lastOnSerializeDataSent))
3291             {
3292                 if (view.mixedModeIsReliable)
3293                 {
3294                     return null;
3295                 }
3297                 view.mixedModeIsReliable = true;
3298                 view.lastOnSerializeDataSent = dataArray;
3299             }
3300             else
3301             {
3302                 view.mixedModeIsReliable = false;
3303                 view.lastOnSerializeDataSent = dataArray;
3304             }
3305         }
3307         // EVDATA:
3308         // 0=View ID (an int, never compressed cause it's not in the data)
3309         // 1=data of observed type (different per type of observed object)
3310         // 2=compressed data (in this case, key 1 is empty)
3311         // 3=list of values that are actually null (if something was changed but actually IS null)
3312         Hashtable evData = new Hashtable();
3313         evData[(byte)0] = (int)view.viewID;
3314         evData[(byte)1] = dataArray; // this is the actual data (script or observed object)
3317         if (view.synchronization == ViewSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed)
3318         {
3319             // compress content of data set (by comparing to view.lastOnSerializeDataSent)
3320             // the "original" dataArray is NOT modified by DeltaCompressionWrite
3321             // if something was compressed, the evData key 2 and 3 are used (see above)
3322             bool somethingLeftToSend = this.DeltaCompressionWrite(view, evData);
3324             // buffer the full data set (for next compression)
3325             view.lastOnSerializeDataSent = dataArray;
3327             if (!somethingLeftToSend)
3328             {
3329                 return null;
3330             }
3331         }
3333         return evData;
3334     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
3339     private void OnSerializeRead(Hashtable data, PhotonPlayer sender, int networkTime, short correctPrefix)
3340     {
3341         // read view ID from key (byte)0: a int-array (PUN 1.17++)
3342         int viewID = (int)data[(byte)0];
3345         PhotonView view = this.GetPhotonView(viewID);
3346         if (view == null)
3347         {
3348             Debug.LogWarning("Received OnSerialization for view ID " + viewID + ". We have no such PhotonView! Ignored this if you're leaving a room. State: " + this.State);
3349             return;
3350         }
3352         if (view.prefix > 0 && correctPrefix != view.prefix)
3353         {
3354             Debug.LogError("Received OnSerialization for view ID " + viewID + " with prefix " + correctPrefix + ". Our prefix is " + view.prefix);
3355             return;
3356         }
3358         // SetReceiving filtering
3359         if ( != 0 && !this.allowedReceivingGroups.Contains(
3360         {
3361             return; // Ignore group
3362         }
3365         if (view.synchronization == ViewSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed)
3366         {
3367             if (!this.DeltaCompressionRead(view, data))
3368             {
3369                 // Skip this packet as we haven't got received complete-copy of this view yet.
3370                 if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
3371                     Debug.Log("Skipping packet for " + + " [" + view.viewID + "] as we haven't received a full packet for delta compression yet. This is OK if it happens for the first few frames after joining a game.");
3372                 return;
3373             }
3375             // store last received for delta-compression usage
3376             view.lastOnSerializeDataReceived = data[(byte)1] as object[];
3377         }
3379         if (sender.ID != view.ownerId)
3380         {
3381             if (!view.isSceneView || !sender.isMasterClient)
3382             {
3383                 // obviously the owner changed and we didn't yet notice.
3384                 Debug.Log("Adjusting owner to sender of updates. From: " + view.ownerId + " to: " + sender.ID);
3385                 view.ownerId = sender.ID;
3386             }
3387         }
3389         object[] contents = data[(byte)1] as object[];
3390         PhotonStream pStream = new PhotonStream(false, contents);
3391         PhotonMessageInfo info = new PhotonMessageInfo(sender, networkTime, view);
3393         view.DeserializeView( pStream, info );
3394     }

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