
How do I use Right Arrow
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: PlayerController.cs Copy
43  void PlayerMovement(){
44   if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)){
45    position.x -= speed * Time.deltaTime;
46   }else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)){
47    position.x += speed * Time.deltaTime;
48   }
50   position.x = Mathf.Clamp (position.x, maxLeft + 0.5f, maxRight - 0.5f);
51   transform.position = position;
53  }
File name: Program.cs Copy
31     static void Main()
32     {
33         double speed = 100.0;
34         double acceleration = 0.5;
35         int playfieldWidth = 5;
36         int livesCount = 5;
37         Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight = 20;
38         Console.BufferWidth = Console.WindowWidth = 30;
39         Object userCar = new Object();
40         userCar.x = 2;
41         userCar.y = Console.WindowHeight - 1;
42         userCar.c = '@';
43         userCar.color = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
44         Random randomGenerator = new Random();
45         List objects = new List();
46         while (true)
47         {
48             speed += acceleration;
49             if (speed > 400)
50             {
51                 speed = 400;
52             }
54             bool hitted = false;
55             {
56                 int chance = randomGenerator.Next(0, 100);
57                 if (chance < 10)
58                 {
59                     Object newObject = new Object();
60                     newObject.color = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
61                     newObject.c = '-';
62                     newObject.x = randomGenerator.Next(0, playfieldWidth);
63                     newObject.y = 0;
64                     objects.Add(newObject);
65                 }
66                 else if (chance < 20)
67                 {
68                     Object newObject = new Object();
69                     newObject.color = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
70                     newObject.c = '*';
71                     newObject.x = randomGenerator.Next(0, playfieldWidth);
72                     newObject.y = 0;
73                     objects.Add(newObject);
74                 }
75                 else
76                 {
77                     Object newCar = new Object();
78                     newCar.color = ConsoleColor.Green;
79                     newCar.x = randomGenerator.Next(0, playfieldWidth);
80                     newCar.y = 0;
81                     newCar.c = '#';
82                     objects.Add(newCar);
83                 }
84             }
86             while (Console.KeyAvailable)
87             {
88                 ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey(true);
89                 //while (Console.KeyAvailable) Console.ReadKey(true);
90                 if (pressedKey.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
91                 {
92                     if (userCar.x - 1 >= 0)
93                     {
94                         userCar.x = userCar.x - 1;
95                     }
96                 }
97                 else if (pressedKey.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
98                 {
99                     if (userCar.x + 1 < playfieldWidth)
100                     {
101                         userCar.x = userCar.x + 1;
102                     }
103                 }
104             }
105             List newList = new List();
106             for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
107             {
108                 Object oldCar = objects[i];
109                 Object newObject = new Object();
110                 newObject.x = oldCar.x;
111                 newObject.y = oldCar.y + 1;
112                 newObject.c = oldCar.c;
113                 newObject.color = oldCar.color;
114                 if (newObject.c == '*' && newObject.y == userCar.y && newObject.x == userCar.x)
115                 {
116                     speed -= 20;
117                 }
118                 if (newObject.c == '-' && newObject.y == userCar.y && newObject.x == userCar.x)
119                 {
120                     livesCount++;
121                 }
122                 if (newObject.c == '#' && newObject.y == userCar.y && newObject.x == userCar.x)
123                 {
124                     livesCount--;
125                     hitted = true;
126                     speed += 50;
127                     if (speed > 400)
128                     {
129                         speed = 400;
130                     }
131                     if (livesCount <= 0)
132                     {
133                         PrintStringOnPosition(8, 10, "GAME OVER!!!", ConsoleColor.Red);
134                         PrintStringOnPosition(8, 12, "Press [enter] to exit", ConsoleColor.Red);
135                         Console.ReadLine();
136                         Environment.Exit(0);
137                     }
138                 }
139                 if (newObject.y < Console.WindowHeight)
140                 {
141                     newList.Add(newObject);
142                 }
143             }
144             objects = newList;
145             Console.Clear();
146             if (hitted)
147             {
148                 objects.Clear();
149                 PrintOnPosition(userCar.x, userCar.y, 'X', ConsoleColor.Red);
150             }
151             else
152             {
153                 PrintOnPosition(userCar.x, userCar.y, userCar.c, userCar.color);
154             }
155             foreach (Object car in objects)
156             {
157                 PrintOnPosition(car.x, car.y, car.c, car.color);
158             }
160             // Draw info
161             PrintStringOnPosition(8, 4, "Lives: " + livesCount, ConsoleColor.White);
162             PrintStringOnPosition(8, 5, "Speed: " + speed, ConsoleColor.White);
163             PrintStringOnPosition(8, 6, "Acceleration: " + acceleration, ConsoleColor.White);
164             //Console.Beep();
165             Thread.Sleep((int)(600 - speed));
166         }
167     }
File name: Program.cs Copy
23         static void Main(string[] args)
24         {
25             byte right = 0;
26             byte left = 1;
27             byte down = 2;
28             byte up = 3;
29             int lastFoodTime = 0;
30             int foodDissapearTime = 8000;
31             int negativePoints = 0;
33             Position[] directions = new Position[]
34             {
35                 new Position(0, 1), // right
36                 new Position(0, -1), // left
37                 new Position(1, 0), // down
38                 new Position(-1, 0), // up
39             };
40             double sleepTime = 100;
41             int direction = right;
42             Random randomNumbersGenerator = new Random();
43             Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
44             lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;
46             List obstacles = new List()
47             {
48                 new Position(12, 12),
49                 new Position(14, 20),
50                 new Position(7, 7),
51                 new Position(19, 19),
52                 new Position(6, 9),
53             };
54             foreach (Position obstacle in obstacles)
55             {
56                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
57                 Console.SetCursorPosition(obstacle.col, obstacle.row);
58                 Console.Write("=");
59             }
61             Queue snakeElements = new Queue();
62             for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
63             {
64                 snakeElements.Enqueue(new Position(0, i));
65             }
67             Position food;
68             do
69             {
70                 food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
71                     randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
72             }
73             while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));
74             Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
75             Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
76             Console.Write("@");
78             foreach (Position position in snakeElements)
79             {
80                 Console.SetCursorPosition(position.col, position.row);
81                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
82                 Console.Write("*");
83             }
85             while (true)
86             {
87                 negativePoints++;
89                 if (Console.KeyAvailable)
90                 {
91                     ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey();
92                     if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
93                     {
94                         if (direction != right) direction = left;
95                     }
96                     if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
97                     {
98                         if (direction != left) direction = right;
99                     }
100                     if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
101                     {
102                         if (direction != down) direction = up;
103                     }
104                     if (userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
105                     {
106                         if (direction != up) direction = down;
107                     }
108                 }
110                 Position snakeHead = snakeElements.Last();
111                 Position nextDirection = directions[direction];
113                 Position snakeNewHead = new Position(snakeHead.row + nextDirection.row,
114                     snakeHead.col + nextDirection.col);
116                 if (snakeNewHead.col < 0) snakeNewHead.col = Console.WindowWidth - 1;
117                 if (snakeNewHead.row < 0) snakeNewHead.row = Console.WindowHeight - 1;
118                 if (snakeNewHead.row >= Console.WindowHeight) snakeNewHead.row = 0;
119                 if (snakeNewHead.col >= Console.WindowWidth) snakeNewHead.col = 0;
121                 if (snakeElements.Contains(snakeNewHead) || obstacles.Contains(snakeNewHead))
122                 {
123                     Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
124                     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
125                     Console.WriteLine("Game over!");
126                     int userPoints = (snakeElements.Count - 6) * 100 - negativePoints;
127                     //if (userPoints < 0) userPoints = 0;
128                     userPoints = Math.Max(userPoints, 0);
129                     Console.WriteLine("Your points are: {0}", userPoints);
130                     return;
131                 }
133                 Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeHead.col, snakeHead.row);
134                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
135                 Console.Write("*");
137                 snakeElements.Enqueue(snakeNewHead);
138                 Console.SetCursorPosition(snakeNewHead.col, snakeNewHead.row);
139                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
140                 if (direction == right) Console.Write(">");
141                 if (direction == left) Console.Write("<");
142                 if (direction == up) Console.Write("^");
143                 if (direction == down) Console.Write("v");
146                 if (snakeNewHead.col == food.col && snakeNewHead.row == food.row)
147                 {
148                     // feeding the snake
149                     do
150                     {
151                         food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
152                             randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
153                     }
154                     while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));
155                     lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;
156                     Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
157                     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
158                     Console.Write("@");
159                     sleepTime--;
161                     Position obstacle = new Position();
162                     do
163                     {
164                         obstacle = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
165                             randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
166                     }
167                     while (snakeElements.Contains(obstacle) ||
168                         obstacles.Contains(obstacle) ||
169                         (food.row != obstacle.row && food.col != obstacle.row));
170                     obstacles.Add(obstacle);
171                     Console.SetCursorPosition(obstacle.col, obstacle.row);
172                     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
173                     Console.Write("=");
174                 }
175                 else
176                 {
177                     // moving...
178                     Position last = snakeElements.Dequeue();
179                     Console.SetCursorPosition(last.col, last.row);
180                     Console.Write(" ");
181                 }
183                 if (Environment.TickCount - lastFoodTime >= foodDissapearTime)
184                 {
185                     negativePoints = negativePoints + 50;
186                     Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
187                     Console.Write(" ");
188                     do
189                     {
190                         food = new Position(randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowHeight),
191                             randomNumbersGenerator.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth));
192                     }
193                     while (snakeElements.Contains(food) || obstacles.Contains(food));
194                     lastFoodTime = Environment.TickCount;
195                 }
197                 Console.SetCursorPosition(food.col, food.row);
198                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
199                 Console.Write("@");
201                 sleepTime -= 0.01;
203                 Thread.Sleep((int)sleepTime);
204             }
205         }
File name: Program.cs Copy
75     static void Main()
76     {
77         Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
78         Console.CursorVisible = false;
79         Console.Title = "Tetris";
80         Console.WindowWidth = GameWidth;
81         Console.BufferWidth = GameWidth;
82         Console.WindowHeight = GameHeight + 1;
83         Console.BufferHeight = GameHeight + 1;
85         StartNewGame();
86         PrintBorders();
88         Task.Run(() =>
89         {
90             while (true)
91             {
92                 PlaySound();
93             }
94         });
96         while(true)
97         {
98             if (Console.KeyAvailable)
99             {
100                 var key = Console.ReadKey();
101                 if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
102                 {
103                     if (currentFigureCol > 1)
104                     {
105                         currentFigureCol--;
106                     }
107                 }
108                 else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
109                 {
110                     if (currentFigureCol + currentFigure.GetLength(1) - 1 < TetrisWidth)
111                     {
112                         currentFigureCol++;
113                     }
114                 }
115             }
117             if (CollisionDetection())
118             {
119                 PlaceCurrentFigure();
120                 int removedLines = CheckForFullLines();
122                 if (removedLines > 0)
123                 {
124                     Score += scorePerLines[removedLines - 1] * Level;
125                 }
127                 Level = Score / 1000 + 1;
129                 currentFigure = nextFigure;
130                 nextFigure = Figures[random.Next(0, Figures.Length)];
131                 currentFigureRow = 1;
132                 currentFigureCol = 4;
133             }
134             else
135             {
136                 currentFigureRow++;
137             }
139             PrintInfoPanel();
141             PrintGameField();
143             PrintBorders();
145             PrintFigure(currentFigure,
146                 currentFigureRow, currentFigureCol);
148             Thread.Sleep(speedPerLevel[Level - 1]);
149         }
150     }
File name: Program.cs Copy
246     static void ChangePlayerDirection(ConsoleKeyInfo key)
247     {
248         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.W && firstPlayerDirection != down)
249         {
250             firstPlayerDirection = up;
251         }
252         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.A && firstPlayerDirection != right)
253         {
254             firstPlayerDirection = left;
255         }
256         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.D && firstPlayerDirection != left)
257         {
258             firstPlayerDirection = right;
259         }
260         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.S && firstPlayerDirection != up)
261         {
262             firstPlayerDirection = down;
263         }
266         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow && secondPlayerDirection != down)
267         {
268             secondPlayerDirection = up;
269         }
270         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow && secondPlayerDirection != right)
271         {
272             secondPlayerDirection = left;
273         }
274         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow && secondPlayerDirection != left)
275         {
276             secondPlayerDirection = right;
277         }
278         if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow && secondPlayerDirection != up)
279         {
280             secondPlayerDirection = down;
281         }
282     }

RightArrow 151 lượt xem

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