
How do I use Update
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: ClassBLL.cs Copy
307         public void Update(string table, string sql)
308         {
309             sql = "update "+table+" set "+sql+"";
310             da.ExcuteNonQuery(sql);
311         }
File name: FormGiangVien.cs Copy
69         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
70         {
71             string sql = "TenGV='"+txtTenGV.Text+"',NgaySinh='"+dtpNamSinh.Text+"',DiaChi='"+txtDiaChi.Text+"' where MaGV='"+txtMaGV.Text+"'";
72             business.Update("GiangVien",sql);
73             FormGiangVien_Load(sender,e);
74         }
File name: FormHeDaoTao.cs Copy
66         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
67         {
68             string sql = "TenHeDT ='"+txtTenHeDT.Text+"' where MaHeDT='"+txtMaHeDT.Text+"'";
69             business.Update("HeDaoTao",sql);
70             FormHeDaoTao_Load(sender,e);
71         }
File name: FormHocKy.cs Copy
69         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
70         {
71             string sql = "TenHK='" + txtTenHocKy.Text + "',NamHoc='" + txtNamHoc.Text + "',TGBatDau='" + dtpBatDau.Text + "',TGKetThuc='" + dtpKetThuc.Text + "' where MaHK='"+txtMaHocKy.Text+"'";
72             business.Update("HocKy",sql);
73             FormHocKy_Load(sender,e);
74         }
File name: FormHocPhan.cs Copy
53         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
54         {
55             string sql = "TenHP='" + txtTenHP.Text + "',SoTC=" + Convert.ToInt32(txtSoTC.Text) + ",SoTietTH=" + Convert.ToInt32(txtSoTietTH.Text) + ",SoTietLT=" + Convert.ToInt32(txtSoTietLT.Text) + ",PhanTramDQT=" + Convert.ToInt32(txtPhanTramDQT.Text) + ",PhanTramDT=" + Convert.ToInt32(txtPhanTramDT.Text) + " where MaHP='"+txtMaHP.Text+"'";
56             business.Update("HocPhan", sql);
57             FormHocPhan_Load(sender, e);
58         }
File name: FormKHGD.cs Copy
63         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
64         {
65             string sql = "MaHK='"+cmbMahocKy.SelectedValue.ToString()+"',MaKhoiLop='"+cmbMaKhoiLop.SelectedValue.ToString()+"' where MaKHGD='"+txtMaKHGD.Text+"'";
66             business.Update("KeHoachGiangDay",sql);
67             FormKHGD_Load(sender, e);
68         }
File name: FormKhoiLop.cs Copy
72         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
73         {
74             string sql = "TenKhoiLop='" + txtTenKhoiLop.Text + "',MaHeDT='" + cmbMaHeDT.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',MaTDDT='" + cmbMaTDDT.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' where MaKhoiLop='" + txtMaKhoiLop.Text + "'";
75             business.Update("KhoiLop",sql);
76             FormKhoiLop_Load(sender, e);
77         }
File name: FormLop.cs Copy
51         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
52         {
53             string sql = "TenLop='"+txtTenLop.Text+"',MaKhoiLop='"+cmbMaKhoiLop.SelectedValue.ToString()+"',MaGV='"+cmbMaGV.SelectedValue.ToString()+"' where MaLop='"+txtMaLop.Text+"'";
54             business.Update("Lop",sql);
55             FormLop_Load(sender,e);
56         }
File name: FormNhomHocPhan.cs Copy
70         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
71         {
72             string sql = "TenNhomHP='" + txtTenNhomHP.Text + "',MaHP='" + cmbMaHP.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',MaKHGD='" + cmbMaKHGD.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',MaGV='" + cmbMaGV.SelectedValue.ToString() +"' where MaNhomHP='"+txtMaNhomHP.Text+"'";
73             business.Update("NhomHocPhan", sql);
74             FormNhomHocPhan_Load(sender, e);
75         }
File name: FormPhanQuyen.cs Copy
75         private void btnSua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
76         {
77             string sql = "Password='" + txtMatKhau.Text + "',Quyen='" + cmbQuyen.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' where Username='"+txtTenDangNhap.Text+"'";
78             business.Update("Users",sql);
79             FormPhanQuyen_Load(sender, e);
80         }

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