
How do I use Used
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File name: ChatGui.cs Copy
103     public void OnGUI()
104     {
105         if (!this.IsVisible)
106         {
107             return;
108         }
110 = true;
111         // = true; // this allows toolbar buttons to have bold/colored text. nice to indicate new msgs
112         //GUILayout.Button("lala"); // as richText, html tags could be in text
115         if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))
116         {
117             if ("ChatInput".Equals(GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl()))
118             {
119                 // focus on input -> submit it
120                 GuiSendsMsg();
121                 return; // showing the now modified list would result in an error. to avoid this, we just skip this single frame
122             }
123             else
124             {
125                 // assign focus to input
126                 GUI.FocusControl("ChatInput");
127             }
128         }
130         GUI.SetNextControlName("");
131         GUILayout.BeginArea(this.GuiRect);
133         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
135         if (this.chatClient.State != ChatState.ConnectedToFrontEnd)
136         {
137             GUILayout.Label("Not in chat yet.");
138         }
139         else
140         {
141             List channels = new List(this.chatClient.PublicChannels.Keys); // this could be cached
142             int countOfPublicChannels = channels.Count;
143             channels.AddRange(this.chatClient.PrivateChannels.Keys);
145             if (channels.Count > 0)
146             {
147                 int previouslySelectedChannelIndex = this.selectedChannelIndex;
148                 int channelIndex = channels.IndexOf(this.selectedChannelName);
149                 this.selectedChannelIndex = (channelIndex >= 0) ? channelIndex : 0;
151                 this.selectedChannelIndex = GUILayout.Toolbar(this.selectedChannelIndex, channels.ToArray(), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
152                 this.scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.scrollPos);
154                 this.doingPrivateChat = (this.selectedChannelIndex >= countOfPublicChannels);
155                 this.selectedChannelName = channels[this.selectedChannelIndex];
157                 if (this.selectedChannelIndex != previouslySelectedChannelIndex)
158                 {
159                     // changed channel -> scroll down, if private: pre-fill "to" field with target user's name
160                     this.scrollPos.y = float.MaxValue;
161                     if (this.doingPrivateChat)
162                     {
163                         string[] pieces = this.selectedChannelName.Split(new char[] {':'}, 3);
164                         this.userIdInput = pieces[1];
165                     }
166                 }
168                 GUILayout.Label(ChatGui.WelcomeText);
170                 if (this.chatClient.TryGetChannel(selectedChannelName, this.doingPrivateChat, out this.selectedChannel))
171                 {
172                     for (int i = 0; i < this.selectedChannel.Messages.Count; i++)
173                     {
174                         string sender = this.selectedChannel.Senders[i];
175                         object message = this.selectedChannel.Messages[i];
176                         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("{0}: {1}", sender, message));
177                     }
178                 }
180                 GUILayout.EndScrollView();
181             }
182         }
185         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
186         if (doingPrivateChat)
187         {
188             GUILayout.Label("to:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
189             GUI.SetNextControlName("WhisperTo");
190             this.userIdInput = GUILayout.TextField(this.userIdInput, GUILayout.MinWidth(100), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
191             string focussed = GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl();
192             if (focussed.Equals("WhisperTo"))
193             {
194                 if (this.userIdInput.Equals("username"))
195                 {
196                     this.userIdInput = "";
197                 }
198             }
199             else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.userIdInput))
200             {
201                 this.userIdInput = "username";
202             }
204         }
205         GUI.SetNextControlName("ChatInput");
206         inputLine = GUILayout.TextField(inputLine);
207         if (GUILayout.Button("Send", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
208         {
209             GuiSendsMsg();
210         }
211         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
212         GUILayout.EndArea();
213     }
File name: WorkerMenu.cs Copy
206     public void OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed()
207     {
208         this.ErrorDialog = "Error: Can't create room (room name maybe already used).";
209         Debug.Log("OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed got called. This can happen if the room exists (even if not visible). Try another room name.");
210     }
File name: PhotonEditor.cs Copy
390     protected virtual void OnGUI()
391     {
392         PhotonSetupStates oldGuiState = this.photonSetupState; // used to fix an annoying Editor input field issue: wont refresh until focus is changed.
394         GUI.SetNextControlName("");
395         this.scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.scrollPos);
397         if (this.guiState == GUIState.Uninitialized)
398         {
399             this.ReApplySettingsToWindow();
400             this.guiState = (PhotonEditor.Current.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.NotSet) ? GUIState.Setup : GUIState.Main;
401         }
403         if (this.guiState == GUIState.Main)
404         {
405             this.OnGuiMainWizard();
406         }
407         else
408         {
409             this.OnGuiRegisterCloudApp();
410         }
412         GUILayout.EndScrollView();
414         if (oldGuiState != this.photonSetupState)
415         {
416             GUI.FocusControl("");
417         }
418     }
File name: PhotonViewHandler.cs Copy
25     internal static void HierarchyChange()
26     {
27         if (Application.isPlaying)
28         {
29             //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange ignored, while running.");
30             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = true; // done once AFTER play mode.
31             return;
32         }
34         if (CheckSceneForStuckHandlers)
35         {
36             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = false;
37             PhotonNetwork.InternalCleanPhotonMonoFromSceneIfStuck();
38         }
40         HashSet pvInstances = new HashSet();
41         HashSet usedInstanceViewNumbers = new HashSet();
42         bool fixedSomeId = false;
44         //// the following code would be an option if we only checked scene objects (but we can check all PVs)
45         //PhotonView[] pvObjects = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
46         //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange. PV Count: " + pvObjects.Length);
48         string levelName = Application.loadedLevelName;
49         #if UNITY_EDITOR
50         levelName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(EditorApplication.currentScene);
51         #endif
52         int minViewIdInThisScene = PunSceneSettings.MinViewIdForScene(levelName);
53         //Debug.Log("Level '" + Application.loadedLevelName + "' has a minimum ViewId of: " + minViewIdInThisScene);
55         PhotonView[] pvObjects = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
57         foreach (PhotonView view in pvObjects)
58         {
59             // first pass: fix prefabs to viewID 0 if they got a view number assigned (cause they should not have one!)
60             if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject))
61             {
62                 if (view.viewID != 0 || view.prefixBackup != -1 || view.instantiationId != -1)
63                 {
64                     Debug.LogWarning("PhotonView on persistent object being fixed (id and prefix must be 0). Was: " + view);
65                     view.viewID = 0;
66                     view.prefixBackup = -1;
67                     view.instantiationId = -1;
68                     EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
69                     fixedSomeId = true;
70                 }
71             }
72             else
73             {
74                 // keep all scene-instanced PVs for later re-check
75                 pvInstances.Add(view);
76             }
77         }
79         Dictionary idPerObject = new Dictionary();
81         // second pass: check all used-in-scene viewIDs for duplicate viewIDs (only checking anything non-prefab)
82         // scene-PVs must have user == 0 (scene/room) and a subId != 0
83         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
84         {
85             if (view.ownerId > 0)
86             {
87                 Debug.Log("Re-Setting Owner ID of: " + view);
88             }
89             view.ownerId = 0; // simply make sure no owner is set (cause room always uses 0)
90             view.prefix = -1; // TODO: prefix could be settable via inspector per scene?!
92             if (view.viewID != 0)
93             {
94                 if (view.viewID < minViewIdInThisScene || usedInstanceViewNumbers.Contains(view.viewID))
95                 {
96                     view.viewID = 0; // avoid duplicates and negative values by assigning 0 as (temporary) number to be fixed in next pass
97                 }
98                 else
99                 {
100                     usedInstanceViewNumbers.Add(view.viewID); // builds a list of currently used viewIDs
102                     int instId = 0;
103                     if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
104                     {
105                         view.instantiationId = instId;
106                     }
107                     else
108                     {
109                         view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
110                         idPerObject[view.gameObject] = view.instantiationId;
111                     }
112                 }
113             }
115         }
117         // third pass: anything that's now 0 must get a new (not yet used) ID (starting at 0)
118         int lastUsedId = (minViewIdInThisScene > 0) ? minViewIdInThisScene - 1 : 0;
120         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
121         {
122             if (view.viewID == 0)
123             {
124                 // Debug.LogWarning("setting scene ID: " + + " ID: " + view.subId.ID + " scene ID: " + view.GetSceneID() + " IsPersistent: " + EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject) + " IsSceneViewIDFree: " + IsSceneViewIDFree(view.subId.ID, view));
125                 int nextViewId = PhotonViewHandler.GetID(lastUsedId, usedInstanceViewNumbers);
127                 view.viewID = nextViewId;
129                 int instId = 0;
130                 if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
131                 {
132                     Debug.Log("Set inst ID");
133                     view.instantiationId = instId;
134                 }
135                 else
136                 {
137                     view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
138                     idPerObject[view.gameObject] = nextViewId;
139                 }
141                 //// when using the Editor's serialization (view.subId in this case), this is not needed, it seems
142                 //PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications(view);
144                 lastUsedId = nextViewId;
145                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
146                 fixedSomeId = true;
147             }
148         }
151         if (fixedSomeId)
152         {
153             //Debug.LogWarning("Some subId was adjusted."); // this log is only interesting for Exit Games
154         }
155     }
File name: PhotonViewHandler.cs Copy
159     public static int GetID(int idOffset, HashSet usedInstanceViewNumbers)
160     {
161         while (idOffset < PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS)
162         {
163             idOffset++;
164             if (!usedInstanceViewNumbers.Contains(idOffset))
165             {
166                 break;
167             }
168         }
170         return idOffset;
171     }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
29         private readonly Dictionary opParameters = new Dictionary(); // used in OpRaiseEvent() (avoids lots of new Dictionary() calls)
31         public LoadbalancingPeer(IPhotonPeerListener listener, ConnectionProtocol protocolType) : base(listener, protocolType)
32         {
33         }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
463         public virtual bool OpRaiseEvent(byte eventCode, object customEventContent, bool sendReliable, RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions)
464         {
465             opParameters.Clear(); // re-used private variable to avoid many new Dictionary() calls (garbage collection)
466             opParameters[(byte)LiteOpKey.Code] = (byte)eventCode;
467             if (customEventContent != null)
468             {
469                 opParameters[(byte) LiteOpKey.Data] = customEventContent;
470             }
472             if (raiseEventOptions == null)
473             {
474                 raiseEventOptions = RaiseEventOptions.Default;
475             }
476             else
477             {
478                 if (raiseEventOptions.CachingOption != EventCaching.DoNotCache)
479                 {
480                     opParameters[(byte) LiteOpKey.Cache] = (byte) raiseEventOptions.CachingOption;
481                 }
482                 if (raiseEventOptions.Receivers != ReceiverGroup.Others)
483                 {
484                     opParameters[(byte) LiteOpKey.ReceiverGroup] = (byte) raiseEventOptions.Receivers;
485                 }
486                 if (raiseEventOptions.InterestGroup != 0)
487                 {
488                     opParameters[(byte) LiteOpKey.Group] = (byte) raiseEventOptions.InterestGroup;
489                 }
490                 if (raiseEventOptions.TargetActors != null)
491                 {
492                     opParameters[(byte) LiteOpKey.ActorList] = raiseEventOptions.TargetActors;
493                 }
494                 if (raiseEventOptions.ForwardToWebhook)
495                 {
496                     opParameters[(byte) ParameterCode.EventForward] = true; //TURNBASED
497                 }
498             }
500             return this.OpCustom((byte)LiteOpCode.RaiseEvent, opParameters, sendReliable, raiseEventOptions.SequenceChannel, raiseEventOptions.Encrypt);
501         }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
144     private readonly Dictionary dataPerGroupReliable = new Dictionary(); // only used in RunViewUpdate()
145     private readonly Dictionary dataPerGroupUnreliable = new Dictionary(); // only used in RunViewUpdate()
152     internal protected ServerConnection server { get; private set; }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
294     public bool ConnectToNameServer()
295     {
296         if (PhotonHandler.AppQuits)
297         {
298             Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring Connect() because app gets closed. If this is an error, check PhotonHandler.AppQuits.");
299             return false;
300         }
302         IsUsingNameServer = true;
303         this.CloudRegion = CloudRegionCode.none;
305         if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer)
306         {
307             return true;
308         }
310         #if RHTTP
311         string address = (this.UsedProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.RHttp) ? this.NameServerAddressHttp : this.NameServerAddress;
312         #else
313         string address = this.NameServerAddress;
314         #endif
316         if (!address.Contains(":"))
317         {
318             int port = 0;
319             ProtocolToNameServerPort.TryGetValue(this.UsedProtocol, out port);
320             address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", address, port);
321             Debug.Log("Server to connect to: " + address + " settings protocol: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.Protocol);
322         }
323         if (!base.Connect(address, "ns"))
324         {
325             return false;
326         }
328         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer;
329         return true;
330     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
336     public bool ConnectToRegionMaster(CloudRegionCode region)
337     {
338         if (PhotonHandler.AppQuits)
339         {
340             Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring Connect() because app gets closed. If this is an error, check PhotonHandler.AppQuits.");
341             return false;
342         }
344         IsUsingNameServer = true;
345         this.CloudRegion = region;
347         if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer)
348         {
349             return this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, region.ToString());
350         }
352         #if RHTTP
353         string address = (this.UsedProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.RHttp) ? this.NameServerAddressHttp : this.NameServerAddress;
354         #else
355         string address = this.NameServerAddress;
356         #endif
358         if (!address.Contains(":"))
359         {
360             int port = 0;
361             ProtocolToNameServerPort.TryGetValue(this.UsedProtocol, out port);
362             address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", address, port);
363             //Debug.Log("Server to connect to: "+ address + " settings protocol: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.Protocol);
364         }
365         if (!base.Connect(address, "ns"))
366         {
367             return false;
368         }
370         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer;
371         return true;
372     }

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