
How do I use Cant
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PunSceneSettings.cs Copy
70     public static int MinViewIdForScene(string scene)
71     {
72         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scene))
73         {
74             return 0;
75         }
77         PunSceneSettings pss = Instance;
78         if (pss == null)
79         {
80             Debug.LogError("pss cant be null");
81             return 0;
82         }
84         foreach (SceneSetting setting in pss.MinViewIdPerScene)
85         {
86             if (setting.sceneName.Equals(scene))
87             {
88                 return setting.minViewId;
89             }
90         }
91         return 0;
92     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1918     private void SendVacantViewIds()
1919     {
1920         Debug.Log("SendVacantViewIds()");
1921         List vacantViews = new List();
1922         foreach (PhotonView view in this.photonViewList.Values)
1923         {
1924             if (!view.isOwnerActive)
1925             {
1926                 vacantViews.Add(view.viewID);
1927             }
1928         }
1930         Debug.Log("Sending vacant view IDs. Length: " + vacantViews.Count);
1931         //this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.VacantViewIds, true, vacantViews.ToArray());
1932         this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.VacantViewIds, vacantViews.ToArray(), true, null);
1933     }
File name: PickupItemSyncer.cs Copy
37     public void AskForPickupItemSpawnTimes()
38     {
39         if (this.IsWaitingForPickupInit)
40         {
41             if (PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length < 2)
42             {
43                 Debug.Log("Cant ask anyone else for PickupItem spawn times.");
44                 this.IsWaitingForPickupInit = false;
45                 return;
46             }
49             // find a another player (than the master, who likely is gone) to ask for the PickupItem spawn times
50             PhotonPlayer nextPlayer = PhotonNetwork.masterClient.GetNext();
51             if (nextPlayer == null || nextPlayer.Equals(PhotonNetwork.player))
52             {
53                 nextPlayer = PhotonNetwork.player.GetNext();
54                 //Debug.Log("This player is the Master's next. Asking this client's 'next' player: " + ((nextPlayer != null) ? nextPlayer.ToStringFull() : ""));
55             }
57             if (nextPlayer != null && !nextPlayer.Equals(PhotonNetwork.player))
58             {
59                 this.photonView.RPC("RequestForPickupTimes", nextPlayer);
61                 // you could restart this invoke and try to find another player after 4 seconds. but after a while it doesnt make a difference anymore
62                 //this.Invoke("AskForPickupItemSpawnTimes", 2.0f);
63             }
64             else
65             {
66                 Debug.Log("No player left to ask");
67                 this.IsWaitingForPickupInit = false;
68             }
69         }
70     }
File name: PickupItemSyncer.cs Copy
87     private void SendPickedUpItems(PhotonPlayer targtePlayer)
88     {
89         if (targtePlayer == null)
90         {
91             Debug.LogWarning("Cant send PickupItem spawn times to unknown targetPlayer.");
92             return;
93         }
95         double now = PhotonNetwork.time;
96         double soon = now + TimeDeltaToIgnore;
99         PickupItem[] items = new PickupItem[PickupItem.DisabledPickupItems.Count];
100         PickupItem.DisabledPickupItems.CopyTo(items);
102         List valuesToSend = new List(items.Length * 2);
103         for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
104         {
105             PickupItem pi = items[i];
106             if (pi.SecondsBeforeRespawn <= 0)
107             {
108                 valuesToSend.Add(pi.ViewID);
109                 valuesToSend.Add((float)0.0f);
110             }
111             else
112             {
113                 double timeUntilRespawn = pi.TimeOfRespawn - PhotonNetwork.time;
114                 if (pi.TimeOfRespawn > soon)
115                 {
116                     // the respawn of this item is not "immediately", so we include it in the message "these items are not active" for the new player
117                     Debug.Log(pi.ViewID + " respawn: " + pi.TimeOfRespawn + " timeUntilRespawn: " + timeUntilRespawn + " (now: " + PhotonNetwork.time + ")");
118                     valuesToSend.Add(pi.ViewID);
119                     valuesToSend.Add((float)timeUntilRespawn);
120                 }
121             }
122         }
124         Debug.Log("Sent count: " + valuesToSend.Count + " now: " + now);
125         this.photonView.RPC("PickupItemInit", targtePlayer, PhotonNetwork.time, valuesToSend.ToArray());
126     }
File name: Enemy.cs Copy
83   protected override void OnCantMove (T component)
84   {
85    //Declare hitPlayer and set it to equal the encountered component.
86    Player hitPlayer = component as Player;
88    //Call the LoseFood function of hitPlayer passing it playerDamage, the amount of foodpoints to be subtracted.
89    hitPlayer.LoseFood (playerDamage);
91    //Set the attack trigger of animator to trigger Enemy attack animation.
92    animator.SetTrigger ("enemyAttack");
94    //Call the RandomizeSfx function of SoundManager passing in the two audio clips to choose randomly between.
95    SoundManager.instance.RandomizeSfx (attackSound1, attackSound2);
96   }
File name: MovingObject.cs Copy
93   protected virtual void AttemptMove (int xDir, int yDir)
95   {
96    //Hit will store whatever our linecast hits when Move is called.
97    RaycastHit2D hit;
99    //Set canMove to true if Move was successful, false if failed.
100    bool canMove = Move (xDir, yDir, out hit);
102    //Check if nothing was hit by linecast
103    if(hit.transform == null)
104     //If nothing was hit, return and don't execute further code.
105     return;
107    //Get a component reference to the component of type T attached to the object that was hit
108    T hitComponent = hit.transform.GetComponent ();
110    //If canMove is false and hitComponent is not equal to null, meaning MovingObject is blocked and has hit something it can interact with.
111    if(!canMove && hitComponent != null)
113     //Call the OnCantMove function and pass it hitComponent as a parameter.
114     OnCantMove (hitComponent);
115   }
File name: MovingObject.cs Copy
120   protected abstract void OnCantMove (T component)
File name: Player.cs Copy
162   protected override void OnCantMove (T component)
163   {
164    //Set hitWall to equal the component passed in as a parameter.
165    Wall hitWall = component as Wall;
167    //Call the DamageWall function of the Wall we are hitting.
168    hitWall.DamageWall (wallDamage);
170    //Set the attack trigger of the player's animation controller in order to play the player's attack animation.
171    animator.SetTrigger ("playerChop");
172   }

Cant 110 lượt xem

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