
How do I use Had
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
2663     public PhotonView GetPhotonView(int viewID)
2664     {
2665         PhotonView result = null;
2666         this.photonViewList.TryGetValue(viewID, out result);
2668         if (result == null)
2669         {
2670             PhotonView[] views = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
2672             foreach (PhotonView view in views)
2673             {
2674                 if (view.viewID == viewID)
2675                 {
2676                     if (view.didAwake)
2677                     {
2678                         Debug.LogWarning("Had to lookup view that wasn't in photonViewList: " + view);
2679                     }
2680                     return view;
2681                 }
2682             }
2683         }
2685         return result;
2686     }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
77         public void setAnimalName(string animalName)
78         {
79             shadowSprite = Resources.Load("Animals/Shadows/" + animalName);
80         }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
82         private void createShadow()
83         {
84             if (animalIndex != 0) return;
85             shadowCreateTime += Time.deltaTime;
86             if (shadowCreateTime >= 0.05f)
87             {
88                 shadowCreateTime = 0;
89                 GameObject shadowObject = new GameObject("Shadow");
90                 shadowObject.transform.parent = gameScreen.shadowLayer.transform;
91                 shadowObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("AnimalStand");
92                 shadowObject.transform.localPosition = transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, 0.3f, 0);
93                 shadowObject.AddComponent().sprite = shadowSprite;
94                 shadowObject.GetComponent().sortingLayerName = "MapObject";
95                 shadowObject.GetComponent().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8f);
96                 shadowObject.AddComponent().addAction(new ActionSequence(
97                     new ActionColorTo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f),
98                     new ActionRunnable(delegate ()
99                 {
100                     Destroy(shadowObject);
101                 })
102                 ));
103             }
104         }
File name: Animal.cs Copy
261         private void UpdateAnimal()
262         {
263             SetVelocity(state);
264             switch (state)
265             {
266                 case RUN:
267                 //GetComponent().velocity = new Vector2(speedX, speedY);
268                 //break;
269                 case JUMP:
270                     animalBody.velocity = new Vector2(speedX, speedY);
271                     state = JUMPING;
272                     break;
273                 case JUMPING:
274                     break;
275             }
276             if (isBooster)
277             {
278                 boosterTime -= Time.deltaTime;
279                 if (boosterTime <= 0)
280                 {
281                     isBooster = false;
282                 }
283                 createShadow();
284             }
285             else if (isSprings)
286             {
287                 createShadow();
288             }
290             if (isRevival)
291             {
292                 revivalTime -= Time.deltaTime;
293                 if (revivalTime <= 0)
294                 {
295                     revival();
296                 }
297             }
298         }
File name: GameScreen.cs Copy
573         private void setAnimationRunning(bool isRunning)
574         {
575             for (int i = 0; i < coinLayer.transform.childCount; i++)
576             {
577                 coinLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent().setRunning(isRunning);
578             }
579             for (int i = 0; i < goldLayer.transform.childCount; i++)
580             {
581                 goldLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent().setRunning(isRunning);
582                 goldLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent().setRunning(isRunning);
583             }
584             for (int i = 0; i < boosterLayer.transform.childCount; i++)
585             {
586                 boosterLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent().setRunning(isRunning);
587             }
588             for (int i = 0; i < shadowLayer.transform.childCount; i++)
589             {
590                 if (shadowLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent() != null)
591                     shadowLayer.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.GetComponent().setRunning(isRunning);
592             }
593         }
File name: ImportTiled2Unity.Xml.cs Copy
42         private void ImportTexturesFromXml(XDocument xml)
43         {
44             var texData = xml.Root.Elements("ImportTexture");
45             foreach (var tex in texData)
46             {
47                 string name = tex.Attribute("filename").Value;
48                 string data = tex.Value;
50                 // The data is gzip compressed base64 string. We need the raw bytes.
51                 //byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.GzipBase64ToBytes(data);
52                 byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.Base64ToBytes(data);
54                 // Save and import the texture asset
55                 {
56                     string pathToSave = ImportUtils.GetTexturePath(name);
57                     ImportUtils.ReadyToWrite(pathToSave);
58                     File.WriteAllBytes(pathToSave, bytes);
59                     AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pathToSave, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);
60                 }
62                 // Create a material if needed in prepartion for the texture being successfully imported
63                 {
64                     string materialPath = ImportUtils.GetMaterialPath(name);
65                     Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
66                     if (material == null)
67                     {
68                         // We need to create the material afterall
69                         // Use our custom shader
70                         material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnap"));
71                         ImportUtils.ReadyToWrite(materialPath);
72                         AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
73                     }
74                 }
75             }
76         }
File name: ImportTiled2Unity.Xml.cs Copy
78         private void CreateMaterialsFromInternalTextures(XDocument xml)
79         {
80             var texData = xml.Root.Elements("InternalTexture");
81             foreach (var tex in texData)
82             {
83                 string texAssetPath = tex.Attribute("assetPath").Value;
84                 string materialPath = ImportUtils.GetMaterialPath(texAssetPath);
86                 Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
87                 if (material == null)
88                 {
89                     // Create our material
90                     material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnap"));
92                     // Assign to it the texture that is already internal to our Unity project
93                     Texture2D texture2d = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texAssetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
94                     material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture2d);
96                     // Write the material to our asset database
97                     ImportUtils.ReadyToWrite(materialPath);
98                     AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
99                 }
100             }
101         }
File name: Tiled2UnityMenuItems.cs Copy
17         static void ExportLibrary()
18         {
19             string name = String.Format("Tiled2Unity.{0}.unitypackage", ImportTiled2Unity.ThisVersion);
20             var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save texture as PNG", "", name, "unitypackage");
21             if (path.Length != 0)
22             {
23                 List packageFiles = new List();
24                 packageFiles.AddRange(EnumerateAssetFilesAt("Assets/Tiled2Unity", ".cs", ".shader", ".txt"));
25                 AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(packageFiles.ToArray(), path);
26             }
27         }
File name: TiledAssetPostProcessor.cs Copy
111         private void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject gameObject)
112         {
113             if (!UseThisImporter())
114                 return;
116             // Each mesh renderer has the ability to set the a sort layer but it takes some work with Unity to expose it.
117             foreach (MeshRenderer mr in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren())
118             {
119                 mr.gameObject.AddComponent();
121                 // Also, no shadows
122                 mr.receiveShadows = false;
123                 mr.castShadows = false;
124             }
125         }

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