
How do I use Incoming
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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1411     public void OnStatusChanged(StatusCode statusCode)
1412     {
1413         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1414             Debug.Log(string.Format("OnStatusChanged: {0}", statusCode.ToString()));
1416         switch (statusCode)
1417         {
1418             case StatusCode.Connect:
1419                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer)
1420                 {
1421                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1422                         Debug.Log("Connected to NameServer.");
1424                     this.server = ServerConnection.NameServer;
1425                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1426                     {
1427                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // when connecting to NameServer, invalidate any auth values
1428                     }
1429                 }
1431                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver)
1432                 {
1433                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1434                         Debug.Log("Connected to gameserver.");
1436                     this.server = ServerConnection.GameServer;
1437                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToGameserver;
1438                 }
1440                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver)
1441                 {
1442                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1443                         Debug.Log("Connected to masterserver.");
1445                     this.server = ServerConnection.MasterServer;
1446                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToMaster;
1448                     if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1449                     {
1450                         this.IsInitialConnect = false; // after handling potential initial-connect issues with special messages, we are now sure we can reach a server
1451                         SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectedToPhoton);
1452                     }
1453                 }
1455                 this.EstablishEncryption(); // always enable encryption
1457                 if (this.IsAuthorizeSecretAvailable)
1458                 {
1459                     // if we have a token we don't have to wait for encryption (it is encrypted anyways, so encryption is just optional later on)
1460                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1461                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1462                     {
1463                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1464                     }
1465                 }
1466                 break;
1468             case StatusCode.EncryptionEstablished:
1469                 // on nameserver, the "process" is stopped here, so the developer/game can either get regions or authenticate with a specific region
1470                 if (this.server == ServerConnection.NameServer)
1471                 {
1472                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer;
1474                     if (!this.didAuthenticate && this.CloudRegion == CloudRegionCode.none)
1475                     {
1476                         // this client is not setup to connect to a default region. find out which regions there are!
1477                         this.OpGetRegions(this.mAppId);
1478                     }
1479                 }
1481                 // we might need to authenticate automatically now, so the client can do anything at all
1482                 if (!this.didAuthenticate && (!this.IsUsingNameServer || this.CloudRegion != CloudRegionCode.none))
1483                 {
1484                     // once encryption is availble, the client should send one (secure) authenticate. it includes the AppId (which identifies your app on the Photon Cloud)
1485                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1486                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1487                     {
1488                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1489                     }
1490                 }
1491                 break;
1493             case StatusCode.EncryptionFailedToEstablish:
1494                 Debug.LogError("Encryption wasn't established: " + statusCode + ". Going to authenticate anyways.");
1495                 this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString()); // TODO: check if there are alternatives
1496                 break;
1498             case StatusCode.Disconnect:
1499                 this.didAuthenticate = false;
1500                 this.isFetchingFriends = false;
1501                 if (server == ServerConnection.GameServer) this.LeftRoomCleanup();
1502                 if (server == ServerConnection.MasterServer) this.LeftLobbyCleanup();
1504                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromMasterserver)
1505                 {
1506                     if (this.Connect(this.mGameserver, ServerConnection.GameServer))
1507                     {
1508                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver;
1509                     }
1510                 }
1511                 else if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromGameserver || this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromNameServer)
1512                 {
1513                     if (this.Connect(this.MasterServerAddress, ServerConnection.MasterServer))
1514                     {
1515                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver;
1516                     }
1517                 }
1518                 else
1519                 {
1520                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1521                     {
1522                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1523                     }
1525                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated; // if we set another state here, we could keep clients from connecting in OnDisconnectedFromPhoton right here.
1526                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnDisconnectedFromPhoton);
1527                 }
1528                 break;
1530             case StatusCode.SecurityExceptionOnConnect:
1531             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnConnect:
1532                 this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1533                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1534                 {
1535                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1536                 }
1538                 DisconnectCause cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1539                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1540                 break;
1542             case StatusCode.Exception:
1543                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1544                 {
1545                     Debug.LogError("Exception while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1546                     if (this.ServerAddress == null || this.ServerAddress.StartsWith(""))
1547                     {
1548                         Debug.LogWarning("The server address is (localhost): Make sure the server is running on this machine. Android and iOS emulators have their own localhost.");
1549                         if (this.ServerAddress == this.mGameserver)
1550                         {
1551                             Debug.LogWarning("This might be a misconfiguration in the game server config. You need to edit it to a (public) address.");
1552                         }
1553                     }
1555                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1556                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1557                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1558                 }
1559                 else
1560                 {
1561                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1563                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1564                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1565                 }
1567                 this.Disconnect();
1568                 break;
1570             case StatusCode.TimeoutDisconnect:
1571             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnReceive:
1572             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServer:
1573             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerLogic:
1574             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerUserLimit:
1575                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1576                 {
1577                     Debug.LogWarning(statusCode + " while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1579                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1580                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1581                 }
1582                 else
1583                 {
1584                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1585                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1586                 }
1587                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1588                 {
1589                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1590                 }
1592                 this.Disconnect();
1593                 break;
1595             case StatusCode.SendError:
1596                 // this.mListener.clientErrorReturn(statusCode);
1597                 break;
1599             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingReliableWarning:
1600             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingUnreliableWarning:
1601             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingAcksWarning:
1602             case StatusCode.QueueSentWarning:
1603                 // this.mListener.warningReturn(statusCode);
1604                 break;
1606             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingReliableWarning:
1607             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingUnreliableWarning:
1608                 Debug.Log(statusCode + ". This client buffers many incoming messages. This is OK temporarily. With lots of these warnings, check if you send too much or execute messages too slow. " + (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning? "":"Your isMessageQueueRunning is false. This can cause the issue temporarily.") );
1609                 break;
1611             // // TCP "routing" is an option of Photon that's not currently needed (or supported) by PUN
1612             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseOk:
1613             // break;
1614             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseEndpointUnknown:
1615             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeIdUnknown:
1616             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeNotReady:
1618             // this.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Unexpected router response: " + statusCode);
1619             // break;
1621             default:
1623                 // this.mListener.serverErrorReturn(statusCode.value());
1624                 Debug.LogError("Received unknown status code: " + statusCode);
1625                 break;
1626         }
1628         this.externalListener.OnStatusChanged(statusCode);
1629     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1631     public void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
1632     {
1633         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1634             Debug.Log(string.Format("OnEvent: {0}", photonEvent.ToString()));
1636         int actorNr = -1;
1637         PhotonPlayer originatingPlayer = null;
1639         if (photonEvent.Parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterCode.ActorNr))
1640         {
1641             actorNr = (int)photonEvent[ParameterCode.ActorNr];
1642             if (this.mActors.ContainsKey(actorNr))
1643             {
1644                 originatingPlayer = (PhotonPlayer)this.mActors[actorNr];
1645             }
1646             //else
1647             //{
1648             // // the actor sending this event is not in actorlist. this is usually no problem
1649             // if (photonEvent.Code != (byte)LiteOpCode.Join)
1650             // {
1651             // Debug.LogWarning("Received event, but we do not have this actor: " + actorNr);
1652             // }
1653             //}
1654         }
1656         switch (photonEvent.Code)
1657         {
1658             case PunEvent.OwnershipRequest:
1659             {
1660                 int[] requestValues = (int[]) photonEvent.Parameters[ParameterCode.CustomEventContent];
1661                 int requestedViewId = requestValues[0];
1662                 int currentOwner = requestValues[1];
1663                 Debug.Log("Ev OwnershipRequest: " + photonEvent.Parameters.ToStringFull() + " ViewID: " + requestedViewId + " from: " + currentOwner + " Time: " + Environment.TickCount%1000);
1665                 PhotonView requestedView = PhotonView.Find(requestedViewId);
1666                 if (requestedView == null)
1667                 {
1668                     Debug.LogWarning("Can't find PhotonView of incoming OwnershipRequest. ViewId not found: " + requestedViewId);
1669                     break;
1670                 }
1672                 Debug.Log("Ev OwnershipRequest PhotonView.ownershipTransfer: " + requestedView.ownershipTransfer + " .ownerId: " + requestedView.ownerId + " isOwnerActive: " + requestedView.isOwnerActive + ". This client's player: " + PhotonNetwork.player.ToStringFull());
1674                 switch (requestedView.ownershipTransfer)
1675                 {
1676                     case OwnershipOption.Fixed:
1677                         Debug.LogWarning("Ownership mode == fixed. Ignoring request.");
1678                         break;
1679                     case OwnershipOption.Takeover:
1680                         if (currentOwner == requestedView.ownerId)
1681                         {
1682                             // a takeover is successful automatically, if taken from current owner
1683                             requestedView.ownerId = actorNr;
1684                         }
1685                         break;
1686                     case OwnershipOption.Request:
1687                         if (currentOwner == PhotonNetwork.player.ID || PhotonNetwork.player.isMasterClient)
1688                         {
1689                             if ((requestedView.ownerId == PhotonNetwork.player.ID) || (PhotonNetwork.player.isMasterClient && !requestedView.isOwnerActive))
1690                             {
1691                                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnOwnershipRequest, new object[] {requestedView, originatingPlayer});
1692                             }
1693                         }
1694                         break;
1695                     default:
1696                         break;
1697                 }
1698             }
1699                 break;
1701             case PunEvent.OwnershipTransfer:
1702                 {
1703                     int[] transferViewToUserID = (int[]) photonEvent.Parameters[ParameterCode.CustomEventContent];
1704                     Debug.Log("Ev OwnershipTransfer. ViewID " + transferViewToUserID[0] + " to: " + transferViewToUserID[1] + " Time: " + Environment.TickCount%1000);
1706                     int requestedViewId = transferViewToUserID[0];
1707                     int newOwnerId = transferViewToUserID[1];
1709                     PhotonView pv = PhotonView.Find(requestedViewId);
1710                     pv.ownerId = newOwnerId;
1712                     break;
1713                 }
1714             case EventCode.GameList:
1715                 {
1716                     this.mGameList = new Dictionary();
1717                     Hashtable games = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.GameList];
1718                     foreach (DictionaryEntry game in games)
1719                     {
1720                         string gameName = (string)game.Key;
1721                         this.mGameList[gameName] = new RoomInfo(gameName, (Hashtable)game.Value);
1722                     }
1723                     mGameListCopy = new RoomInfo[mGameList.Count];
1724                     mGameList.Values.CopyTo(mGameListCopy, 0);
1725                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnReceivedRoomListUpdate);
1726                     break;
1727                 }
1729             case EventCode.GameListUpdate:
1730                 {
1731                     Hashtable games = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.GameList];
1732                     foreach (DictionaryEntry room in games)
1733                     {
1734                         string gameName = (string)room.Key;
1735                         RoomInfo game = new RoomInfo(gameName, (Hashtable)room.Value);
1736                         if (game.removedFromList)
1737                         {
1738                             this.mGameList.Remove(gameName);
1739                         }
1740                         else
1741                         {
1742                             this.mGameList[gameName] = game;
1743                         }
1744                     }
1745                     this.mGameListCopy = new RoomInfo[this.mGameList.Count];
1746                     this.mGameList.Values.CopyTo(this.mGameListCopy, 0);
1747                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnReceivedRoomListUpdate);
1748                     break;
1749                 }
1751             case EventCode.QueueState:
1752                 // not used anymore
1753                 break;
1755             case EventCode.AppStats:
1756                 // Debug.LogInfo("Received stats!");
1757                 this.mPlayersInRoomsCount = (int)photonEvent[ParameterCode.PeerCount];
1758                 this.mPlayersOnMasterCount = (int)photonEvent[ParameterCode.MasterPeerCount];
1759                 this.mGameCount = (int)photonEvent[ParameterCode.GameCount];
1760                 break;
1762             case EventCode.Join:
1763                 // actorNr is fetched out of event above
1764                 Hashtable actorProperties = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.PlayerProperties];
1765                 if (originatingPlayer == null)
1766                 {
1767                     bool isLocal = this.mLocalActor.ID == actorNr;
1768                     this.AddNewPlayer(actorNr, new PhotonPlayer(isLocal, actorNr, actorProperties));
1769                     this.ResetPhotonViewsOnSerialize(); // This sets the correct OnSerializeState for Reliable OnSerialize
1770                 }
1772                 if (actorNr == this.mLocalActor.ID)
1773                 {
1774                     // in this player's 'own' join event, we get a complete list of players in the room, so check if we know all players
1775                     int[] actorsInRoom = (int[])photonEvent[ParameterCode.ActorList];
1776                     foreach (int actorNrToCheck in actorsInRoom)
1777                     {
1778                         if (this.mLocalActor.ID != actorNrToCheck && !this.mActors.ContainsKey(actorNrToCheck))
1779                         {
1780                             this.AddNewPlayer(actorNrToCheck, new PhotonPlayer(false, actorNrToCheck, string.Empty));
1781                         }
1782                     }
1784                     // joinWithCreateOnDemand can turn an OpJoin into creating the room. Then actorNumber is 1 and callback: OnCreatedRoom()
1785                     if (this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.JoinOrCreateOnDemand && this.mLocalActor.ID == 1)
1786                     {
1787                         SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnCreatedRoom);
1788                     }
1789                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnJoinedRoom); //Always send OnJoinedRoom
1791                 }
1792                 else
1793                 {
1794                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonPlayerConnected, this.mActors[actorNr]);
1795                 }
1796                 break;
1798             case EventCode.Leave:
1799                 this.HandleEventLeave(actorNr);
1800                 break;
1802             case EventCode.PropertiesChanged:
1803                 int targetActorNr = (int)photonEvent[ParameterCode.TargetActorNr];
1804                 Hashtable gameProperties = null;
1805                 Hashtable actorProps = null;
1806                 if (targetActorNr == 0)
1807                 {
1808                     gameProperties = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Properties];
1809                 }
1810                 else
1811                 {
1812                     actorProps = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Properties];
1813                 }
1815                 this.ReadoutProperties(gameProperties, actorProps, targetActorNr);
1816                 break;
1818             case PunEvent.RPC:
1819                 //ts: each event now contains a single RPC. execute this
1820                 // Debug.Log("Ev RPC from: " + originatingPlayer);
1821                 this.ExecuteRPC(photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data] as Hashtable, originatingPlayer);
1822                 break;
1824             case PunEvent.SendSerialize:
1825             case PunEvent.SendSerializeReliable:
1826                 Hashtable serializeData = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1827                 //Debug.Log(serializeData.ToStringFull());
1829                 int remoteUpdateServerTimestamp = (int)serializeData[(byte)0];
1830                 short remoteLevelPrefix = -1;
1831                 short initialDataIndex = 1;
1832                 if (serializeData.ContainsKey((byte)1))
1833                 {
1834                     remoteLevelPrefix = (short)serializeData[(byte)1];
1835                     initialDataIndex = 2;
1836                 }
1838                 for (short s = initialDataIndex; s < serializeData.Count; s++)
1839                 {
1840                     this.OnSerializeRead(serializeData[s] as Hashtable, originatingPlayer, remoteUpdateServerTimestamp, remoteLevelPrefix);
1841                 }
1842                 break;
1844             case PunEvent.Instantiation:
1845                 this.DoInstantiate((Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data], originatingPlayer, null);
1846                 break;
1848             case PunEvent.CloseConnection:
1849                 // MasterClient "requests" a disconnection from us
1850                 if (originatingPlayer == null || !originatingPlayer.isMasterClient)
1851                 {
1852                     Debug.LogError("Error: Someone else(" + originatingPlayer + ") then the masterserver requests a disconnect!");
1853                 }
1854                 else
1855                 {
1856                     PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom();
1857                 }
1859                 break;
1861             case PunEvent.DestroyPlayer:
1862                 Hashtable evData = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1863                 int targetPlayerId = (int)evData[(byte)0];
1864                 if (targetPlayerId >= 0)
1865                 {
1866                     this.DestroyPlayerObjects(targetPlayerId, true);
1867                 }
1868                 else
1869                 {
1870                     if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO) Debug.Log("Ev DestroyAll! By PlayerId: " + actorNr);
1871                     this.DestroyAll(true);
1872                 }
1873                 break;
1875             case PunEvent.Destroy:
1876                 evData = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1877                 int instantiationId = (int)evData[(byte)0];
1878                 // Debug.Log("Ev Destroy for viewId: " + instantiationId + " sent by owner: " + (instantiationId / PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS == actorNr) + " this client is owner: " + (instantiationId / PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS == this.mLocalActor.ID));
1881                 PhotonView pvToDestroy = null;
1882                 if (this.photonViewList.TryGetValue(instantiationId, out pvToDestroy))
1883                 {
1884                     this.RemoveInstantiatedGO(pvToDestroy.gameObject, true);
1885                 }
1886                 else
1887                 {
1888                     if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.ERROR) Debug.LogError("Ev Destroy Failed. Could not find PhotonView with instantiationId " + instantiationId + ". Sent by actorNr: " + actorNr);
1889                 }
1891                 break;
1893             case PunEvent.AssignMaster:
1894                 evData = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1895                 int newMaster = (int)evData[(byte)1];
1896                 this.SetMasterClient(newMaster, false);
1897                 break;
1899             default:
1900                 if (photonEvent.Code < 200 && PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall != null)
1901                 {
1902                     object content = photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1903                     PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall(photonEvent.Code, content, actorNr);
1904                 }
1905                 else
1906                 {
1907                     // actorNr might be null. it is fetched out of event on top of method
1908                     // Hashtable eventContent = (Hashtable) photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
1909                     // this.mListener.customEventAction(actorNr, eventCode, eventContent);
1910                     Debug.LogError("Error. Unhandled event: " + photonEvent);
1911                 }
1912                 break;
1913         }
1915         this.externalListener.OnEvent(photonEvent);
1916     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
2279     internal GameObject DoInstantiate(Hashtable evData, PhotonPlayer photonPlayer, GameObject resourceGameObject)
2280     {
2281         // some values always present:
2282         string prefabName = (string)evData[(byte)0];
2283         int serverTime = (int)evData[(byte)6];
2284         int instantiationId = (int)evData[(byte)7];
2286         Vector3 position;
2287         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)1))
2288         {
2289             position = (Vector3)evData[(byte)1];
2290         }
2291         else
2292         {
2293             position =;
2294         }
2296         Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
2297         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)2))
2298         {
2299             rotation = (Quaternion)evData[(byte)2];
2300         }
2302         int group = 0;
2303         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)3))
2304         {
2305             group = (int)evData[(byte)3];
2306         }
2308         short objLevelPrefix = 0;
2309         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)8))
2310         {
2311             objLevelPrefix = (short)evData[(byte)8];
2312         }
2314         int[] viewsIDs;
2315         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)4))
2316         {
2317             viewsIDs = (int[])evData[(byte)4];
2318         }
2319         else
2320         {
2321             viewsIDs = new int[1] { instantiationId };
2322         }
2324         object[] incomingInstantiationData;
2325         if (evData.ContainsKey((byte)5))
2326         {
2327             incomingInstantiationData = (object[])evData[(byte)5];
2328         }
2329         else
2330         {
2331             incomingInstantiationData = null;
2332         }
2334         // SetReceiving filtering
2335         if (group != 0 && !this.allowedReceivingGroups.Contains(group))
2336         {
2337             return null; // Ignore group
2338         }
2340         // load prefab, if it wasn't loaded before (calling methods might do this)
2341         if (resourceGameObject == null)
2342         {
2343             if (!NetworkingPeer.UsePrefabCache || !NetworkingPeer.PrefabCache.TryGetValue(prefabName, out resourceGameObject))
2344             {
2345                 resourceGameObject = (GameObject)Resources.Load(prefabName, typeof(GameObject));
2346                 if (NetworkingPeer.UsePrefabCache)
2347                 {
2348                     NetworkingPeer.PrefabCache.Add(prefabName, resourceGameObject);
2349                 }
2350             }
2352             if (resourceGameObject == null)
2353             {
2354                 Debug.LogError("PhotonNetwork error: Could not Instantiate the prefab [" + prefabName + "]. Please verify you have this gameobject in a Resources folder.");
2355                 return null;
2356             }
2357         }
2359         // now modify the loaded "blueprint" object before it becomes a part of the scene (by instantiating it)
2360         PhotonView[] resourcePVs = resourceGameObject.GetPhotonViewsInChildren();
2361         if (resourcePVs.Length != viewsIDs.Length)
2362         {
2363             throw new Exception("Error in Instantiation! The resource's PhotonView count is not the same as in incoming data.");
2364         }
2366         for (int i = 0; i < viewsIDs.Length; i++)
2367         {
2368             // NOTE instantiating the loaded resource will keep the viewID but would not copy instantiation data, so it's set below
2369             // so we only set the viewID and instantiationId now. the instantiationData can be fetched
2370             resourcePVs[i].viewID = viewsIDs[i];
2371             resourcePVs[i].prefix = objLevelPrefix;
2372             resourcePVs[i].instantiationId = instantiationId;
2373             resourcePVs[i].isRuntimeInstantiated = true;
2374         }
2376         this.StoreInstantiationData(instantiationId, incomingInstantiationData);
2378         // load the resource and set it's values before instantiating it:
2379         GameObject go = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(resourceGameObject, position, rotation);
2381         for (int i = 0; i < viewsIDs.Length; i++)
2382         {
2383             // NOTE instantiating the loaded resource will keep the viewID but would not copy instantiation data, so it's set below
2384             // so we only set the viewID and instantiationId now. the instantiationData can be fetched
2385             resourcePVs[i].viewID = 0;
2386             resourcePVs[i].prefix = -1;
2387             resourcePVs[i].prefixBackup = -1;
2388             resourcePVs[i].instantiationId = -1;
2389             resourcePVs[i].isRuntimeInstantiated = false;
2390         }
2392         this.RemoveInstantiationData(instantiationId);
2394         // Send OnPhotonInstantiate callback to newly created GO.
2395         // GO will be enabled when instantiated from Prefab and it does not matter if the script is enabled or disabled.
2396         go.SendMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonInstantiate.ToString(), new PhotonMessageInfo(photonPlayer, serverTime, null), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
2397         return go;
2398     }
File name: PhotonClasses.cs Copy
955         if (incomingData == null)
956         {
957    = new List();
958         }
File name: PhotonClasses.cs Copy
960         {
961    = new List(incomingData);
962         }
File name: PhotonHandler.cs Copy
59     protected void Update()
60     {
61         if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer == null)
62         {
63             Debug.LogError("NetworkPeer broke!");
64             return;
65         }
67         if (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed == PeerState.PeerCreated || PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed == PeerState.Disconnected || PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
68         {
69             return;
70         }
72         // the messageQueue might be paused. in that case a thread will send acknowledgements only. nothing else to do here.
73         if (!PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning)
74         {
75             return;
76         }
78         bool doDispatch = true;
79         while (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning && doDispatch)
80         {
81             // DispatchIncomingCommands() returns true of it found any command to dispatch (event, result or state change)
82             UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("DispatchIncomingCommands");
83             doDispatch = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.DispatchIncomingCommands();
84             UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample();
85         }
87         int currentMsSinceStart = (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 1000); // avoiding Environment.TickCount, which could be negative on long-running platforms
88         if (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning && currentMsSinceStart > this.nextSendTickCountOnSerialize)
89         {
90             PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RunViewUpdate();
91             this.nextSendTickCountOnSerialize = currentMsSinceStart + this.updateIntervalOnSerialize;
92             this.nextSendTickCount = 0; // immediately send when synchronization code was running
93         }
95         currentMsSinceStart = (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 1000);
96         if (currentMsSinceStart > this.nextSendTickCount)
97         {
98             bool doSend = true;
99             while (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning && doSend)
100             {
101                 // Send all outgoing commands
102                 UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("SendOutgoingCommands");
103                 doSend = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.SendOutgoingCommands();
104                 UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample();
105             }
107             this.nextSendTickCount = currentMsSinceStart + this.updateInterval;
108         }
109     }
File name: PhotonLagSimulationGui.cs Copy
57     private void NetSimWindow(int windowId)
58     {
59         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Rtt:{0,4} +/-{1,3}", this.Peer.RoundTripTime, this.Peer.RoundTripTimeVariance));
61         bool simEnabled = this.Peer.IsSimulationEnabled;
62         bool newSimEnabled = GUILayout.Toggle(simEnabled, "Simulate");
63         if (newSimEnabled != simEnabled)
64         {
65             this.Peer.IsSimulationEnabled = newSimEnabled;
66         }
68         float inOutLag = this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingLag;
69         GUILayout.Label("Lag " + inOutLag);
70         inOutLag = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inOutLag, 0, 500);
72         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingLag = (int)inOutLag;
73         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.OutgoingLag = (int)inOutLag;
75         float inOutJitter = this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingJitter;
76         GUILayout.Label("Jit " + inOutJitter);
77         inOutJitter = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inOutJitter, 0, 100);
79         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingJitter = (int)inOutJitter;
80         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.OutgoingJitter = (int)inOutJitter;
82         float loss = this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingLossPercentage;
83         GUILayout.Label("Loss " + loss);
84         loss = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(loss, 0, 10);
86         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.IncomingLossPercentage = (int)loss;
87         this.Peer.NetworkSimulationSettings.OutgoingLossPercentage = (int)loss;
89         // if anything was clicked, the height of this window is likely changed. reduce it to be layouted again next frame
90         if (GUI.changed)
91         {
92             this.WindowRect.height = 100;
93         }
95         GUI.DragWindow();
96     }
File name: PhotonNetwork.cs Copy
1167     /// - Invalid AppId (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(). check exact AppId value)
1168     /// - Network issues (calls: OnFailedToConnectToPhoton())
1169     /// - Invalid region (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.InvalidRegion)
1170     /// - Subscription CCU limit reached (calls: OnConnectionFail() with DisconnectCause.MaxCcuReached. also calls: OnPhotonMaxCccuReached())
1179     public static bool ConnectToMaster(string masterServerAddress, int port, string appID, string gameVersion)
1180     {
1181         if (networkingPeer.PeerState != PeerStateValue.Disconnected)
1182         {
1183             Debug.LogWarning("ConnectToMaster() failed. Can only connect while in state 'Disconnected'. Current state: " + networkingPeer.PeerState);
1184             return false;
1185         }
1187         if (offlineMode)
1188         {
1189             offlineMode = false; // Cleanup offline mode
1190             Debug.LogWarning("ConnectToMaster() disabled the offline mode. No longer offline.");
1191         }
1193         if (!isMessageQueueRunning)
1194         {
1195             isMessageQueueRunning = true;
1196             Debug.LogWarning("ConnectToMaster() enabled isMessageQueueRunning. Needs to be able to dispatch incoming messages.");
1197         }
1199         networkingPeer.SetApp(appID, gameVersion);
1200         networkingPeer.IsUsingNameServer = false;
1201         networkingPeer.IsInitialConnect = true;
1202         networkingPeer.MasterServerAddress = (port == 0) ? masterServerAddress : masterServerAddress + ":" + port;
1204         return networkingPeer.Connect(networkingPeer.MasterServerAddress, ServerConnection.MasterServer);
1205     }
File name: PhotonStatsGui.cs Copy
77     public void TrafficStatsWindow(int windowID)
78     {
79         bool statsToLog = false;
80         TrafficStatsGameLevel gls = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsGameLevel;
81         long elapsedMs = PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsElapsedMs / 1000;
82         if (elapsedMs == 0)
83         {
84             elapsedMs = 1;
85         }
87         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
88         this.buttonsOn = GUILayout.Toggle(this.buttonsOn, "buttons");
89         this.healthStatsVisible = GUILayout.Toggle(this.healthStatsVisible, "health");
90         this.trafficStatsOn = GUILayout.Toggle(this.trafficStatsOn, "traffic");
91         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
93         string total = string.Format("Out|In|Sum:\t{0,4} | {1,4} | {2,4}", gls.TotalOutgoingMessageCount, gls.TotalIncomingMessageCount, gls.TotalMessageCount);
94         string elapsedTime = string.Format("{0}sec average:", elapsedMs);
95         string average = string.Format("Out|In|Sum:\t{0,4} | {1,4} | {2,4}", gls.TotalOutgoingMessageCount / elapsedMs, gls.TotalIncomingMessageCount / elapsedMs, gls.TotalMessageCount / elapsedMs);
96         GUILayout.Label(total);
97         GUILayout.Label(elapsedTime);
98         GUILayout.Label(average);
100         if (this.buttonsOn)
101         {
102             GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
103             this.statsOn = GUILayout.Toggle(this.statsOn, "stats on");
104             if (GUILayout.Button("Reset"))
105             {
106                 PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsReset();
107                 PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsEnabled = true;
108             }
109             statsToLog = GUILayout.Button("To Log");
110             GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
111         }
113         string trafficStatsIn = string.Empty;
114         string trafficStatsOut = string.Empty;
115         if (this.trafficStatsOn)
116         {
117             trafficStatsIn = "Incoming: " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsIncoming.ToString();
118             trafficStatsOut = "Outgoing: " + PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.TrafficStatsOutgoing.ToString();
119             GUILayout.Label(trafficStatsIn);
120             GUILayout.Label(trafficStatsOut);
121         }
123         string healthStats = string.Empty;
124         if (this.healthStatsVisible)
125         {
126             healthStats = string.Format(
127                 "ping: {6}[+/-{7}]ms\nlongest delta between\nsend: {0,4}ms disp: {1,4}ms\nlongest time for:\nev({3}):{2,3}ms op({5}):{4,3}ms",
128                 gls.LongestDeltaBetweenSending,
129                 gls.LongestDeltaBetweenDispatching,
130                 gls.LongestEventCallback,
131                 gls.LongestEventCallbackCode,
132                 gls.LongestOpResponseCallback,
133                 gls.LongestOpResponseCallbackOpCode,
134                 PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RoundTripTime,
135                 PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.RoundTripTimeVariance);
136             GUILayout.Label(healthStats);
137         }
139         if (statsToLog)
140         {
141             string complete = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}\n{5}", total, elapsedTime, average, trafficStatsIn, trafficStatsOut, healthStats);
142             Debug.Log(complete);
143         }
145         // if anything was clicked, the height of this window is likely changed. reduce it to be layouted again next frame
146         if (GUI.changed)
147         {
148             this.statsRect.height = 100;
149         }
151         GUI.DragWindow();
152     }
File name: PickupItem.cs Copy
74     public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
75     {
76         // read the description in SecondsBeforeRespawn
78         if (stream.isWriting && SecondsBeforeRespawn <= 0)
79         {
80             stream.SendNext(this.gameObject.transform.position);
81         }
82         else
83         {
84             // this will directly apply the last received position for this PickupItem. No smoothing. Usually not needed though.
85             Vector3 lastIncomingPos = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
86             this.gameObject.transform.position = lastIncomingPos;
87         }
88     }

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