
How do I use Make
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

Featured Snippets

File name: ChatGui.cs Copy
95     public void Update()
96     {
97         if (this.chatClient != null)
98         {
99             this.chatClient.Service(); // make sure to call this regularly! it limits effort internally, so calling often is ok!
100         }
101     }
File name: AccountService.cs Copy
37     public enum Origin : byte { ServerWeb = 1, CloudWeb = 2, Pun = 3, Playmaker = 4 };
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
120     public static void PickFolderAndConvertScripts()
121     {
122         string folderPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Pick source folder to convert", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "");
123         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath))
124         {
125             EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "No folder was selected. No files were changed. Please start over.", "Ok.");
126             return;
127         }
129         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "Scripts in this folder will be modified:\n\n" + folderPath + "\n\nMake sure you have backups of these scripts.\nConversion is not guaranteed to work!", "Backup done. Go!", "Abort");
130         if (!result)
131         {
132             return;
133         }
135         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder(folderPath);
136         ConvertScripts(scripts);
138         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "Scripts are now converted to PUN.\n\nYou will need to update\n- scenes\n- components\n- prefabs and\n- add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\"", "Ok");
139     }
File name: PhotonViewHandler.cs Copy
25     internal static void HierarchyChange()
26     {
27         if (Application.isPlaying)
28         {
29             //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange ignored, while running.");
30             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = true; // done once AFTER play mode.
31             return;
32         }
34         if (CheckSceneForStuckHandlers)
35         {
36             CheckSceneForStuckHandlers = false;
37             PhotonNetwork.InternalCleanPhotonMonoFromSceneIfStuck();
38         }
40         HashSet pvInstances = new HashSet();
41         HashSet usedInstanceViewNumbers = new HashSet();
42         bool fixedSomeId = false;
44         //// the following code would be an option if we only checked scene objects (but we can check all PVs)
45         //PhotonView[] pvObjects = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
46         //Debug.Log("HierarchyChange. PV Count: " + pvObjects.Length);
48         string levelName = Application.loadedLevelName;
49         #if UNITY_EDITOR
50         levelName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(EditorApplication.currentScene);
51         #endif
52         int minViewIdInThisScene = PunSceneSettings.MinViewIdForScene(levelName);
53         //Debug.Log("Level '" + Application.loadedLevelName + "' has a minimum ViewId of: " + minViewIdInThisScene);
55         PhotonView[] pvObjects = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(PhotonView)) as PhotonView[];
57         foreach (PhotonView view in pvObjects)
58         {
59             // first pass: fix prefabs to viewID 0 if they got a view number assigned (cause they should not have one!)
60             if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject))
61             {
62                 if (view.viewID != 0 || view.prefixBackup != -1 || view.instantiationId != -1)
63                 {
64                     Debug.LogWarning("PhotonView on persistent object being fixed (id and prefix must be 0). Was: " + view);
65                     view.viewID = 0;
66                     view.prefixBackup = -1;
67                     view.instantiationId = -1;
68                     EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
69                     fixedSomeId = true;
70                 }
71             }
72             else
73             {
74                 // keep all scene-instanced PVs for later re-check
75                 pvInstances.Add(view);
76             }
77         }
79         Dictionary idPerObject = new Dictionary();
81         // second pass: check all used-in-scene viewIDs for duplicate viewIDs (only checking anything non-prefab)
82         // scene-PVs must have user == 0 (scene/room) and a subId != 0
83         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
84         {
85             if (view.ownerId > 0)
86             {
87                 Debug.Log("Re-Setting Owner ID of: " + view);
88             }
89             view.ownerId = 0; // simply make sure no owner is set (cause room always uses 0)
90             view.prefix = -1; // TODO: prefix could be settable via inspector per scene?!
92             if (view.viewID != 0)
93             {
94                 if (view.viewID < minViewIdInThisScene || usedInstanceViewNumbers.Contains(view.viewID))
95                 {
96                     view.viewID = 0; // avoid duplicates and negative values by assigning 0 as (temporary) number to be fixed in next pass
97                 }
98                 else
99                 {
100                     usedInstanceViewNumbers.Add(view.viewID); // builds a list of currently used viewIDs
102                     int instId = 0;
103                     if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
104                     {
105                         view.instantiationId = instId;
106                     }
107                     else
108                     {
109                         view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
110                         idPerObject[view.gameObject] = view.instantiationId;
111                     }
112                 }
113             }
115         }
117         // third pass: anything that's now 0 must get a new (not yet used) ID (starting at 0)
118         int lastUsedId = (minViewIdInThisScene > 0) ? minViewIdInThisScene - 1 : 0;
120         foreach (PhotonView view in pvInstances)
121         {
122             if (view.viewID == 0)
123             {
124                 // Debug.LogWarning("setting scene ID: " + + " ID: " + view.subId.ID + " scene ID: " + view.GetSceneID() + " IsPersistent: " + EditorUtility.IsPersistent(view.gameObject) + " IsSceneViewIDFree: " + IsSceneViewIDFree(view.subId.ID, view));
125                 int nextViewId = PhotonViewHandler.GetID(lastUsedId, usedInstanceViewNumbers);
127                 view.viewID = nextViewId;
129                 int instId = 0;
130                 if (idPerObject.TryGetValue(view.gameObject, out instId))
131                 {
132                     Debug.Log("Set inst ID");
133                     view.instantiationId = instId;
134                 }
135                 else
136                 {
137                     view.instantiationId = view.viewID;
138                     idPerObject[view.gameObject] = nextViewId;
139                 }
141                 //// when using the Editor's serialization (view.subId in this case), this is not needed, it seems
142                 //PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications(view);
144                 lastUsedId = nextViewId;
145                 EditorUtility.SetDirty(view);
146                 fixedSomeId = true;
147             }
148         }
151         if (fixedSomeId)
152         {
153             //Debug.LogWarning("Some subId was adjusted."); // this log is only interesting for Exit Games
154         }
155     }
File name: PhotonViewInspector.cs Copy
21     public override void OnInspectorGUI()
22     {
23         #if UNITY_3_5
24         EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector();
25         #endif
26         //EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
28         m_Target = (PhotonView);
29         bool isProjectPrefab = EditorUtility.IsPersistent(m_Target.gameObject);
31         if( m_Target.ObservedComponents == null )
32         {
33             m_Target.ObservedComponents = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
34         }
36         if( m_Target.ObservedComponents.Count == 0 )
37         {
38             m_Target.ObservedComponents.Add( null );
39         }
41         EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
42         // Owner
43         if (isProjectPrefab)
44         {
45             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Owner:", "Set at runtime");
46         }
47         else if (m_Target.isSceneView)
48         {
49             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Owner", "Scene");
50         }
51         else
52         {
53             PhotonPlayer owner = m_Target.owner;
54             string ownerInfo = (owner != null) ? : "";
56             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ownerInfo))
57             {
58                 ownerInfo = "";
59             }
61             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Owner", "[" + m_Target.ownerId + "] " + ownerInfo);
62         }
64         // ownership requests
65         EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(Application.isPlaying);
66         m_Target.ownershipTransfer = (OwnershipOption)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_Target.ownershipTransfer, GUILayout.Width(100));
67         EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup();
69         EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
72         // View ID
73         if (isProjectPrefab)
74         {
75             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("View ID", "Set at runtime");
76         }
77         else if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
78         {
79             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("View ID", m_Target.viewID.ToString());
80         }
81         else
82         {
83             int idValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField("View ID [1.."+(PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS-1)+"]", m_Target.viewID);
84             m_Target.viewID = idValue;
85         }
89         // Locally Controlled
90         if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
91         {
92             string masterClientHint = PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient ? "(master)" : "";
93             EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Controlled locally: " + masterClientHint, m_Target.isMine);
94         }
98         //DrawOldObservedItem();
99         ConvertOldObservedItemToObservedList();
102         // ViewSynchronization (reliability)
103         if (m_Target.synchronization == ViewSynchronization.Off)
104         {
105             GUI.color = Color.grey;
106         }
108         EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "synchronization" ), new GUIContent( "Observe option:" ) );
110         if( m_Target.synchronization != ViewSynchronization.Off &&
111             m_Target.ObservedComponents.FindAll( item => item != null ).Count == 0 )
112         {
113             GUILayout.BeginVertical( );
114             GUILayout.Label( "Warning", EditorStyles.boldLabel );
115             GUILayout.Label( "Setting the synchronization option only makes sense if you observe something." );
116             GUILayout.EndVertical();
117         }
119         /*ViewSynchronization vsValue = (ViewSynchronization)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Observe option:", m_Target.synchronization);
120         if (vsValue != m_Target.synchronization)
121         {
122             m_Target.synchronization = vsValue;
123             if (m_Target.synchronization != ViewSynchronization.Off && m_Target.observed == null)
124             {
125                 EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "Setting the synchronization option only makes sense if you observe something.", "OK, I will fix it.");
126             }
127         }*/
129         DrawSpecificTypeSerializationOptions();
131         GUI.color = Color.white;
132         DrawObservedComponentsList();
134         // Cleanup: save and fix look
135         if (GUI.changed)
136         {
137             EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_Target);
138             PhotonViewHandler.HierarchyChange(); // TODO: check if needed
139         }
141         GUI.color = Color.white;
142         EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls();
143     }
File name: ServerSettingsInspector.cs Copy
17     public override void OnInspectorGUI()
18     {
19         ServerSettings settings = (ServerSettings);
21         #if UNITY_3_5
22         EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector();
23         #endif
26         settings.HostType = (ServerSettings.HostingOption)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Hosting", settings.HostType);
27         EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
29         switch (settings.HostType)
30         {
31             case ServerSettings.HostingOption.BestRegion:
32             case ServerSettings.HostingOption.PhotonCloud:
33                 if (settings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.PhotonCloud)
34                     settings.PreferredRegion = (CloudRegionCode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Region", settings.PreferredRegion);
35                 settings.AppID = EditorGUILayout.TextField("AppId", settings.AppID);
36                 settings.Protocol = (ConnectionProtocol)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Protocol", settings.Protocol);
38                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AppID) || settings.AppID.Equals("master"))
39                 {
40                     EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The Photon Cloud needs an AppId (GUID) set.\nYou can find it online in your Dashboard.", MessageType.Warning);
41                 }
42                 break;
44             case ServerSettings.HostingOption.SelfHosted:
45                 bool hidePort = false;
46                 if (settings.Protocol == ConnectionProtocol.Udp && (settings.ServerPort == 4530 || settings.ServerPort == 0))
47                 {
48                     settings.ServerPort = 5055;
49                 }
50                 else if (settings.Protocol == ConnectionProtocol.Tcp && (settings.ServerPort == 5055 || settings.ServerPort == 0))
51                 {
52                     settings.ServerPort = 4530;
53                 }
54                 #if RHTTP
55                 if (settings.Protocol == ConnectionProtocol.RHttp)
56                 {
57                     settings.ServerPort = 0;
58                     hidePort = true;
59                 }
60                 #endif
61                 settings.ServerAddress = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Server Address", settings.ServerAddress);
62                 settings.ServerAddress = settings.ServerAddress.Trim();
63                 if (!hidePort)
64                 {
65                     settings.ServerPort = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Server Port", settings.ServerPort);
66                 }
67                 settings.Protocol = (ConnectionProtocol)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Protocol", settings.Protocol);
68                 settings.AppID = EditorGUILayout.TextField("AppId", settings.AppID);
69                 break;
71             case ServerSettings.HostingOption.OfflineMode:
72                 EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
73                 EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("In 'Offline Mode', the client does not communicate with a server.\nAll settings are hidden currently.", MessageType.Info);
74                 break;
76             case ServerSettings.HostingOption.NotSet:
77                 EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
78                 EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Hosting is 'Not Set'.\nConnectUsingSettings() will not be able to connect.\nSelect another option or run the PUN Wizard.", MessageType.Info);
79                 break;
81             default:
82                 DrawDefaultInspector();
83                 break;
84         }
86         if (PhotonEditor.CheckPunPlus())
87         {
88             settings.Protocol = ConnectionProtocol.Udp;
89             EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You seem to use PUN+.\nPUN+ only supports reliable UDP so the protocol is locked.", MessageType.Info);
90         }
92         settings.AppID = settings.AppID.Trim();
94         EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
95         SerializedObject sObj = new SerializedObject(;
96         SerializedProperty sRpcs = sObj.FindProperty("RpcList");
97         EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sRpcs, true);
98         sObj.ApplyModifiedProperties();
100         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
101         GUILayout.Space(20);
102         if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh RPCs"))
103         {
104             PhotonEditor.UpdateRpcList();
105             Repaint();
106         }
107         if (GUILayout.Button("Clear RPCs"))
108         {
109             PhotonEditor.ClearRpcList();
110         }
111         if (GUILayout.Button("Log HashCode"))
112         {
113             Debug.Log("RPC-List HashCode: " + RpcListHashCode() + ". Make sure clients that send each other RPCs have the same RPC-List.");
114         }
115         GUILayout.Space(20);
116         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
118         //SerializedProperty sp = serializedObject.FindProperty("RpcList");
119         //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sp, true);
121         if (GUI.changed)
122         {
123             EditorUtility.SetDirty(target);
124         }
125     }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
86         public virtual bool OpCreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby lobby, Hashtable playerProperties, bool onGameServer)
87         {
88             if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
89             {
90                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "OpCreateRoom()");
91             }
93             Dictionary op = new Dictionary();
95             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomName))
96             {
97                 op[ParameterCode.RoomName] = roomName;
98             }
99             if (lobby != null)
100             {
101                 op[ParameterCode.LobbyName] = lobby.Name;
102                 op[ParameterCode.LobbyType] = (byte)lobby.Type;
103             }
105             if (onGameServer)
106             {
107                 if (playerProperties != null && playerProperties.Count > 0)
108                 {
109                     op[ParameterCode.PlayerProperties] = playerProperties;
110                     op[ParameterCode.Broadcast] = true; // TODO: check if this also makes sense when creating a room?! // broadcast actor properties
111                 }
114                 if (roomOptions == null)
115                 {
116                     roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
117                 }
119                 Hashtable gameProperties = new Hashtable();
120                 op[ParameterCode.GameProperties] = gameProperties;
121                 gameProperties.MergeStringKeys(roomOptions.customRoomProperties);
123                 gameProperties[GameProperties.IsOpen] = roomOptions.isOpen; // TODO: check default value. dont send this then
124                 gameProperties[GameProperties.IsVisible] = roomOptions.isVisible; // TODO: check default value. dont send this then
125                 gameProperties[GameProperties.PropsListedInLobby] = roomOptions.customRoomPropertiesForLobby;
126                 if (roomOptions.maxPlayers > 0)
127                 {
128                     gameProperties[GameProperties.MaxPlayers] = roomOptions.maxPlayers;
129                 }
130                 if (roomOptions.cleanupCacheOnLeave)
131                 {
132                     op[ParameterCode.CleanupCacheOnLeave] = true; // this is actually setting the room's config
133                     gameProperties[GameProperties.CleanupCacheOnLeave] = true; // this is only informational for the clients which join
134                 }
135             }
137             // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CreateGame: " + SupportClass.DictionaryToString(op));
138             return this.OpCustom(OperationCode.CreateGame, op, true);
139         }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
495     protected internal void LocalCleanupAnythingInstantiated(bool destroyInstantiatedGameObjects)
496     {
497         if (tempInstantiationData.Count > 0)
498         {
499             Debug.LogWarning("It seems some instantiation is not completed, as instantiation data is used. You should make sure instantiations are paused when calling this method. Cleaning now, despite this.");
500         }
502         // Destroy GO's (if we should)
503         if (destroyInstantiatedGameObjects)
504         {
505             // Fill list with Instantiated objects
506             HashSet instantiatedGos = new HashSet();
507             foreach (PhotonView view in this.photonViewList.Values)
508             {
509                 if (view.isRuntimeInstantiated)
510                 {
511                     instantiatedGos.Add(view.gameObject); // HashSet keeps each object only once
512                 }
513             }
515             foreach (GameObject go in instantiatedGos)
516             {
517                 this.RemoveInstantiatedGO(go, true);
518             }
519         }
521         // photonViewList is cleared of anything instantiated (so scene items are left inside)
522         // any other lists can be
523         this.tempInstantiationData.Clear(); // should be empty but to be safe we clear (no new list needed)
524         PhotonNetwork.lastUsedViewSubId = 0;
525         PhotonNetwork.lastUsedViewSubIdStatic = 0;
526     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1016     public void OnOperationResponse(OperationResponse operationResponse)
1017     {
1018         if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.State == global::PeerState.Disconnecting)
1019         {
1020             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1021             {
1022                 Debug.Log("OperationResponse ignored while disconnecting. Code: " + operationResponse.OperationCode);
1023             }
1024             return;
1025         }
1027         // extra logging for error debugging (helping developers with a bit of automated analysis)
1028         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == 0)
1029         {
1030             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1031                 Debug.Log(operationResponse.ToString());
1032         }
1033         else
1034         {
1035             if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.OperationNotAllowedInCurrentState)
1036             {
1037                 Debug.LogError("Operation " + operationResponse.OperationCode + " could not be executed (yet). Wait for state JoinedLobby or ConnectedToMaster and their callbacks before calling operations. WebRPCs need a server-side configuration. Enum OperationCode helps identify the operation.");
1038             }
1039             else if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.WebHookCallFailed)
1040             {
1041                 Debug.LogError("Operation " + operationResponse.OperationCode + " failed in a server-side plugin. Check the configuration in the Dashboard. Message from server-plugin: " + operationResponse.DebugMessage);
1042             }
1043             else if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1044             {
1045                 Debug.LogError("Operation failed: " + operationResponse.ToStringFull() + " Server: " + this.server);
1046             }
1047         }
1049         // use the "secret" or "token" whenever we get it. doesn't really matter if it's in AuthResponse.
1050         if (operationResponse.Parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterCode.Secret))
1051         {
1052             if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues == null)
1053             {
1054                 this.CustomAuthenticationValues = new AuthenticationValues();
1055                 // this.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Server returned secret. Created CustomAuthenticationValues.");
1056             }
1058             this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = operationResponse[ParameterCode.Secret] as string;
1059         }
1061         switch (operationResponse.OperationCode)
1062         {
1063             case OperationCode.Authenticate:
1064                 {
1065                     // PeerState oldState = this.State;
1067                     if (operationResponse.ReturnCode != 0)
1068                     {
1069                         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.InvalidOperationCode)
1070                         {
1071                             Debug.LogError(string.Format("If you host Photon yourself, make sure to start the 'Instance LoadBalancing' "+ this.ServerAddress));
1072                         }
1073                         else if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.InvalidAuthentication)
1074                         {
1075                             Debug.LogError(string.Format("The appId this client sent is unknown on the server (Cloud). Check settings. If using the Cloud, check account."));
1076                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, DisconnectCause.InvalidAuthentication);
1077                         }
1078                         else if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.CustomAuthenticationFailed)
1079                         {
1080                             Debug.LogError(string.Format("Custom Authentication failed (either due to user-input or configuration or AuthParameter string format). Calling: OnCustomAuthenticationFailed()"));
1081                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnCustomAuthenticationFailed, operationResponse.DebugMessage);
1082                         }
1083                         else
1084                         {
1085                             Debug.LogError(string.Format("Authentication failed: '{0}' Code: {1}", operationResponse.DebugMessage, operationResponse.ReturnCode));
1086                         }
1088                         this.State = global::PeerState.Disconnecting;
1089                         this.Disconnect();
1091                         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.MaxCcuReached)
1092                         {
1093                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1094                                 Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Currently, the limit of users is reached for this title. Try again later. Disconnecting"));
1095                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonMaxCccuReached);
1096                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, DisconnectCause.MaxCcuReached);
1097                         }
1098                         else if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.InvalidRegion)
1099                         {
1100                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1101                                 Debug.LogError(string.Format("The used master server address is not available with the subscription currently used. Got to Photon Cloud Dashboard or change URL. Disconnecting."));
1102                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, DisconnectCause.InvalidRegion);
1103                         }
1104                         else if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.AuthenticationTicketExpired)
1105                         {
1106                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1107                                 Debug.LogError(string.Format("The authentication ticket expired. You need to connect (and authenticate) again. Disconnecting."));
1108                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, DisconnectCause.AuthenticationTicketExpired);
1109                         }
1110                         break;
1111                     }
1112                     else
1113                     {
1114                         if (this.server == ServerConnection.NameServer)
1115                         {
1116                             // on the NameServer, authenticate returns the MasterServer address for a region and we hop off to there
1117                             this.MasterServerAddress = operationResponse[ParameterCode.Address] as string;
1118                             this.DisconnectToReconnect();
1119                         }
1120                         else if (this.server == ServerConnection.MasterServer)
1121                         {
1122                             if (PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby)
1123                             {
1124                                 this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticated;
1125                                 this.OpJoinLobby(this.lobby);
1126                             }
1127                             else
1128                             {
1129                                 this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToMaster;
1130                                 NetworkingPeer.SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectedToMaster);
1131                             }
1132                         }
1133                         else if (this.server == ServerConnection.GameServer)
1134                         {
1135                             this.State = global::PeerState.Joining;
1137                             if (this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.JoinGame || this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.JoinRandomGame || this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.JoinOrCreateOnDemand)
1138                             {
1139                                 // if we just "join" the game, do so. if we wanted to "create the room on demand", we have to send this to the game server as well.
1140                                 this.OpJoinRoom(, this.mRoomOptionsForCreate, this.mRoomToEnterLobby, this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.JoinOrCreateOnDemand);
1141                             }
1142                             else if (this.mLastJoinType == JoinType.CreateGame)
1143                             {
1144                                 // on the game server, we have to apply the room properties that were chosen for creation of the room, so we use this.mRoomToGetInto
1145                                 this.OpCreateGame(, this.mRoomOptionsForCreate, this.mRoomToEnterLobby);
1146                             }
1148                             break;
1149                         }
1150                     }
1151                     break;
1152                 }
1154             case OperationCode.GetRegions:
1155                 // Debug.Log("GetRegions returned: " + operationResponse.ToStringFull());
1157                 if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.InvalidAuthentication)
1158                 {
1159                     Debug.LogError(string.Format("The appId this client sent is unknown on the server (Cloud). Check settings. If using the Cloud, check account."));
1160                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, DisconnectCause.InvalidAuthentication);
1162                     this.State = global::PeerState.Disconnecting;
1163                     this.Disconnect();
1164                     return;
1165                 }
1167                 string[] regions = operationResponse[ParameterCode.Region] as string[];
1168                 string[] servers = operationResponse[ParameterCode.Address] as string[];
1170                 if (regions == null || servers == null || regions.Length != servers.Length)
1171                 {
1172                     Debug.LogError("The region arrays from Name Server are not ok. Must be non-null and same length.");
1173                     break;
1174                 }
1176                 this.AvailableRegions = new List(regions.Length);
1177                 for (int i = 0; i < regions.Length; i++)
1178                 {
1179                     string regionCodeString = regions[i];
1180                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionCodeString))
1181                     {
1182                         continue;
1183                     }
1184                     regionCodeString = regionCodeString.ToLower();
1186                     CloudRegionCode code = Region.Parse(regionCodeString);
1187                     this.AvailableRegions.Add(new Region() { Code = code, HostAndPort = servers[i] });
1188                 }
1190                 // PUN assumes you fetch the name-server's list of regions to ping them
1191                 if (PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.HostType == ServerSettings.HostingOption.BestRegion)
1192                 {
1193                     PhotonHandler.PingAvailableRegionsAndConnectToBest();
1194                 }
1195                 break;
1197             case OperationCode.CreateGame:
1198                 {
1199                     if (this.server == ServerConnection.GameServer)
1200                     {
1201                         this.GameEnteredOnGameServer(operationResponse);
1202                     }
1203                     else
1204                     {
1205                         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode != 0)
1206                         {
1207                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1208                                 Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("CreateRoom failed, client stays on masterserver: {0}.", operationResponse.ToStringFull()));
1210                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed);
1211                             break;
1212                         }
1214                         string gameID = (string) operationResponse[ParameterCode.RoomName];
1215                         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameID))
1216                         {
1217                             // is only sent by the server's response, if it has not been
1218                             // sent with the client's request before!
1219                    = gameID;
1220                         }
1222                         this.mGameserver = (string)operationResponse[ParameterCode.Address];
1223                         this.DisconnectToReconnect();
1224                     }
1226                     break;
1227                 }
1229             case OperationCode.JoinGame:
1230                 {
1231                     if (this.server != ServerConnection.GameServer)
1232                     {
1233                         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode != 0)
1234                         {
1235                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1236                                 Debug.Log(string.Format("JoinRoom failed (room maybe closed by now). Client stays on masterserver: {0}. State: {1}", operationResponse.ToStringFull(), this.State));
1238                             SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed);
1239                             break;
1240                         }
1242                         this.mGameserver = (string)operationResponse[ParameterCode.Address];
1243                         this.DisconnectToReconnect();
1244                     }
1245                     else
1246                     {
1247                         this.GameEnteredOnGameServer(operationResponse);
1248                     }
1250                     break;
1251                 }
1253             case OperationCode.JoinRandomGame:
1254                 {
1255                     // happens only on master. on gameserver, this is a regular join (we don't need to find a random game again)
1256                     // the operation OpJoinRandom either fails (with returncode 8) or returns game-to-join information
1257                     if (operationResponse.ReturnCode != 0)
1258                     {
1259                         if (operationResponse.ReturnCode == ErrorCode.NoRandomMatchFound)
1260                         {
1261                             if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1262                                 Debug.Log("JoinRandom failed: No open game. Calling: OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() and staying on master server.");
1263                         }
1264                         else if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1265                         {
1266                             Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("JoinRandom failed: {0}.", operationResponse.ToStringFull()));
1267                         }
1269                         SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed, operationResponse.ReturnCode, operationResponse.DebugMessage);
1270                         break;
1271                     }
1273                     string roomName = (string)operationResponse[ParameterCode.RoomName];
1274            = roomName;
1275                     this.mGameserver = (string)operationResponse[ParameterCode.Address];
1276                     this.DisconnectToReconnect();
1277                     break;
1278                 }
1280             case OperationCode.JoinLobby:
1281                 this.State = global::PeerState.JoinedLobby;
1282                 this.insideLobby = true;
1283                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnJoinedLobby);
1285                 // this.mListener.joinLobbyReturn();
1286                 break;
1287             case OperationCode.LeaveLobby:
1288                 this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticated;
1289                 this.LeftLobbyCleanup(); // will set insideLobby = false
1290                 break;
1292             case OperationCode.Leave:
1293                 this.DisconnectToReconnect();
1294                 break;
1296             case OperationCode.SetProperties:
1297                 // this.mListener.setPropertiesReturn(returnCode, debugMsg);
1298                 break;
1300             case OperationCode.GetProperties:
1301                 {
1302                     Hashtable actorProperties = (Hashtable)operationResponse[ParameterCode.PlayerProperties];
1303                     Hashtable gameProperties = (Hashtable)operationResponse[ParameterCode.GameProperties];
1304                     this.ReadoutProperties(gameProperties, actorProperties, 0);
1306                     // RemoveByteTypedPropertyKeys(actorProperties, false);
1307                     // RemoveByteTypedPropertyKeys(gameProperties, false);
1308                     // this.mListener.getPropertiesReturn(gameProperties, actorProperties, returnCode, debugMsg);
1309                     break;
1310                 }
1312             case OperationCode.RaiseEvent:
1313                 // this usually doesn't give us a result. only if the caching is affected the server will send one.
1314                 break;
1316             case OperationCode.FindFriends:
1317                 bool[] onlineList = operationResponse[ParameterCode.FindFriendsResponseOnlineList] as bool[];
1318                 string[] roomList = operationResponse[ParameterCode.FindFriendsResponseRoomIdList] as string[];
1320                 if (onlineList != null && roomList != null && this.friendListRequested != null && onlineList.Length == this.friendListRequested.Length)
1321                 {
1322                     List friendList = new List(this.friendListRequested.Length);
1323                     for (int index = 0; index < this.friendListRequested.Length; index++)
1324                     {
1325                         FriendInfo friend = new FriendInfo();
1326                         friend.Name = this.friendListRequested[index];
1327                         friend.Room = roomList[index];
1328                         friend.IsOnline = onlineList[index];
1329                         friendList.Insert(index, friend);
1330                     }
1331                     PhotonNetwork.Friends = friendList;
1332                 }
1333                 else
1334                 {
1335                     // any of the lists is null and shouldn't. print a error
1336                     Debug.LogError("FindFriends failed to apply the result, as a required value wasn't provided or the friend list length differed from result.");
1337                 }
1339                 this.friendListRequested = null;
1340                 this.isFetchingFriends = false;
1341                 this.friendListTimestamp = Environment.TickCount;
1342                 if (this.friendListTimestamp == 0)
1343                 {
1344                     this.friendListTimestamp = 1; // makes sure the timestamp is not accidentally 0
1345                 }
1347                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnUpdatedFriendList);
1348                 break;
1350             case OperationCode.WebRpc:
1351                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnWebRpcResponse, operationResponse);
1352                 break;
1354             default:
1355                 Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("OperationResponse unhandled: {0}", operationResponse.ToString()));
1356                 break;
1357         }
1359         this.externalListener.OnOperationResponse(operationResponse);
1360     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1411     public void OnStatusChanged(StatusCode statusCode)
1412     {
1413         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1414             Debug.Log(string.Format("OnStatusChanged: {0}", statusCode.ToString()));
1416         switch (statusCode)
1417         {
1418             case StatusCode.Connect:
1419                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer)
1420                 {
1421                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1422                         Debug.Log("Connected to NameServer.");
1424                     this.server = ServerConnection.NameServer;
1425                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1426                     {
1427                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // when connecting to NameServer, invalidate any auth values
1428                     }
1429                 }
1431                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver)
1432                 {
1433                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1434                         Debug.Log("Connected to gameserver.");
1436                     this.server = ServerConnection.GameServer;
1437                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToGameserver;
1438                 }
1440                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver)
1441                 {
1442                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1443                         Debug.Log("Connected to masterserver.");
1445                     this.server = ServerConnection.MasterServer;
1446                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToMaster;
1448                     if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1449                     {
1450                         this.IsInitialConnect = false; // after handling potential initial-connect issues with special messages, we are now sure we can reach a server
1451                         SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectedToPhoton);
1452                     }
1453                 }
1455                 this.EstablishEncryption(); // always enable encryption
1457                 if (this.IsAuthorizeSecretAvailable)
1458                 {
1459                     // if we have a token we don't have to wait for encryption (it is encrypted anyways, so encryption is just optional later on)
1460                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1461                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1462                     {
1463                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1464                     }
1465                 }
1466                 break;
1468             case StatusCode.EncryptionEstablished:
1469                 // on nameserver, the "process" is stopped here, so the developer/game can either get regions or authenticate with a specific region
1470                 if (this.server == ServerConnection.NameServer)
1471                 {
1472                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer;
1474                     if (!this.didAuthenticate && this.CloudRegion == CloudRegionCode.none)
1475                     {
1476                         // this client is not setup to connect to a default region. find out which regions there are!
1477                         this.OpGetRegions(this.mAppId);
1478                     }
1479                 }
1481                 // we might need to authenticate automatically now, so the client can do anything at all
1482                 if (!this.didAuthenticate && (!this.IsUsingNameServer || this.CloudRegion != CloudRegionCode.none))
1483                 {
1484                     // once encryption is availble, the client should send one (secure) authenticate. it includes the AppId (which identifies your app on the Photon Cloud)
1485                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1486                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1487                     {
1488                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1489                     }
1490                 }
1491                 break;
1493             case StatusCode.EncryptionFailedToEstablish:
1494                 Debug.LogError("Encryption wasn't established: " + statusCode + ". Going to authenticate anyways.");
1495                 this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString()); // TODO: check if there are alternatives
1496                 break;
1498             case StatusCode.Disconnect:
1499                 this.didAuthenticate = false;
1500                 this.isFetchingFriends = false;
1501                 if (server == ServerConnection.GameServer) this.LeftRoomCleanup();
1502                 if (server == ServerConnection.MasterServer) this.LeftLobbyCleanup();
1504                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromMasterserver)
1505                 {
1506                     if (this.Connect(this.mGameserver, ServerConnection.GameServer))
1507                     {
1508                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver;
1509                     }
1510                 }
1511                 else if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromGameserver || this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromNameServer)
1512                 {
1513                     if (this.Connect(this.MasterServerAddress, ServerConnection.MasterServer))
1514                     {
1515                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver;
1516                     }
1517                 }
1518                 else
1519                 {
1520                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1521                     {
1522                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1523                     }
1525                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated; // if we set another state here, we could keep clients from connecting in OnDisconnectedFromPhoton right here.
1526                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnDisconnectedFromPhoton);
1527                 }
1528                 break;
1530             case StatusCode.SecurityExceptionOnConnect:
1531             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnConnect:
1532                 this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1533                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1534                 {
1535                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1536                 }
1538                 DisconnectCause cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1539                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1540                 break;
1542             case StatusCode.Exception:
1543                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1544                 {
1545                     Debug.LogError("Exception while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1546                     if (this.ServerAddress == null || this.ServerAddress.StartsWith(""))
1547                     {
1548                         Debug.LogWarning("The server address is (localhost): Make sure the server is running on this machine. Android and iOS emulators have their own localhost.");
1549                         if (this.ServerAddress == this.mGameserver)
1550                         {
1551                             Debug.LogWarning("This might be a misconfiguration in the game server config. You need to edit it to a (public) address.");
1552                         }
1553                     }
1555                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1556                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1557                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1558                 }
1559                 else
1560                 {
1561                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1563                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1564                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1565                 }
1567                 this.Disconnect();
1568                 break;
1570             case StatusCode.TimeoutDisconnect:
1571             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnReceive:
1572             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServer:
1573             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerLogic:
1574             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerUserLimit:
1575                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1576                 {
1577                     Debug.LogWarning(statusCode + " while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1579                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1580                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1581                 }
1582                 else
1583                 {
1584                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1585                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1586                 }
1587                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1588                 {
1589                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1590                 }
1592                 this.Disconnect();
1593                 break;
1595             case StatusCode.SendError:
1596                 // this.mListener.clientErrorReturn(statusCode);
1597                 break;
1599             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingReliableWarning:
1600             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingUnreliableWarning:
1601             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingAcksWarning:
1602             case StatusCode.QueueSentWarning:
1603                 // this.mListener.warningReturn(statusCode);
1604                 break;
1606             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingReliableWarning:
1607             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingUnreliableWarning:
1608                 Debug.Log(statusCode + ". This client buffers many incoming messages. This is OK temporarily. With lots of these warnings, check if you send too much or execute messages too slow. " + (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning? "":"Your isMessageQueueRunning is false. This can cause the issue temporarily.") );
1609                 break;
1611             // // TCP "routing" is an option of Photon that's not currently needed (or supported) by PUN
1612             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseOk:
1613             // break;
1614             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseEndpointUnknown:
1615             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeIdUnknown:
1616             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeNotReady:
1618             // this.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Unexpected router response: " + statusCode);
1619             // break;
1621             default:
1623                 // this.mListener.serverErrorReturn(statusCode.value());
1624                 Debug.LogError("Received unknown status code: " + statusCode);
1625                 break;
1626         }
1628         this.externalListener.OnStatusChanged(statusCode);
1629     }

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