
How do I use Version
Below are practical examples compiled from projects for learning and reference purposes

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File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
18     public static void RunConversion()
19     {
20         //Ask if user has made a backup.
21         int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Conversion", "Attempt automatic conversion from Unity Networking to Photon Unity Networking \"PUN\"?", "Yes", "No!", "Pick Script Folder");
22         switch (option)
23         {
24             case 0:
25                 break;
26             case 1:
27                 return;
28             case 2:
29                 PickFolderAndConvertScripts();
30                 return;
31             default:
32                 return;
33         }
35         //REAAAALY?
36         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Disclaimer: The code conversion feature is quite crude, but should do it's job well (see the sourcecode). A backup is therefore strongly recommended!", "Yes, I've made a backup: GO", "Abort");
37         if (!result)
38         {
39             return;
40         }
41         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Started conversion of Unity networking -> Photon");
43         //Ask to save current scene (optional)
44         EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo();
46         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Starting.", 0);
48         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in Project prefabs
49         //Ask the user if we can move all prefabs to a resources folder
50         bool movePrefabs = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Conversion", "Can all prefabs that use a PhotonView be moved to a Resources/ folder? You need this if you use Network.Instantiate.", "Yes", "No");
53         string[] prefabs = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
54         foreach (string prefab in prefabs)
55         {
56             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Object:" + prefab, 0.6f);
58             Object[] objs = (Object[])AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(prefab);
59             int converted = 0;
60             foreach (Object obj in objs)
61             {
62                 if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(GameObject))
63                     converted += ConvertNetworkView(((GameObject)obj).GetComponents(), false);
64             }
65             if (movePrefabs && converted > 0)
66             {
67                 //This prefab needs to be under the root of a Resources folder!
68                 string path = prefab.Replace("\\", "/");
69                 int lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf("/");
70                 int resourcesIndex = path.LastIndexOf("/Resources/");
71                 if (resourcesIndex != lastSlash - 10)
72                 {
73                     if (path.Contains("/Resources/"))
74                     {
75                         Debug.LogWarning("Warning, prefab [" + prefab + "] was already in a resources folder. But has been placed in the root of another one!");
76                     }
77                     //This prefab NEEDS to be placed under a resources folder
78                     string resourcesFolder = path.Substring(0, lastSlash) + "/Resources/";
79                     EnsureFolder(resourcesFolder);
80                     string newPath = resourcesFolder + path.Substring(lastSlash + 1);
81                     string error = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(prefab, newPath);
82                     if (error != "")
83                         Debug.LogError(error);
84                     Output("Fixed prefab [" + prefab + "] by moving it into a resources folder.");
85                 }
86             }
87         }
89         //Convert NetworkViews to PhotonViews in scenes
90         string[] sceneFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Assets/", "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
91         foreach (string sceneName in sceneFiles)
92         {
93             EditorApplication.OpenScene(sceneName);
94             EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scene:" + sceneName, 0.2f);
96             int converted2 = ConvertNetworkView((NetworkView[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NetworkView)), true);
97             if (converted2 > 0)
98             {
99                 //This will correct all prefabs: The prefabs have gotten new components, but the correct ID's were lost in this case
100                 PhotonViewHandler.HierarchyChange(); //TODO: most likely this is triggered on change or on save
102                 Output("Replaced " + converted2 + " NetworkViews with PhotonViews in scene: " + sceneName);
103                 EditorApplication.SaveScene(EditorApplication.currentScene);
104             }
106         }
108         //Convert C#/JS scripts (API stuff)
109         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder("Assets");
111         EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Converting..", "Scripts..", 0.9f);
112         ConvertScripts(scripts);
114         Output(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + " Completed conversion!");
115         EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar();
117         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Completed the conversion", "Don't forget to add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\" to connect to the Photon server before using any multiplayer functionality.", "OK");
118     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
120     public static void PickFolderAndConvertScripts()
121     {
122         string folderPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Pick source folder to convert", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "");
123         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath))
124         {
125             EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "No folder was selected. No files were changed. Please start over.", "Ok.");
126             return;
127         }
129         bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "Scripts in this folder will be modified:\n\n" + folderPath + "\n\nMake sure you have backups of these scripts.\nConversion is not guaranteed to work!", "Backup done. Go!", "Abort");
130         if (!result)
131         {
132             return;
133         }
135         List scripts = GetScriptsInFolder(folderPath);
136         ConvertScripts(scripts);
138         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Conversion", "Scripts are now converted to PUN.\n\nYou will need to update\n- scenes\n- components\n- prefabs and\n- add \"PhotonNetwork.ConnectWithDefaultSettings();\"", "Ok");
139     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
160     static void ConvertScripts(List scriptPathList)
161     {
162         bool ignoreWarningIsLogged = false;
164         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
165         {
166             if (script.Contains("PhotonNetwork")) //Don't convert this file (and others)
167             {
168                 if (!ignoreWarningIsLogged)
169                 {
170                     ignoreWarningIsLogged = true;
171                     Debug.LogWarning("Conversion to PUN ignores all files with \"PhotonNetwork\" in their file-path.\nCheck: " + script);
172                 }
173                 continue;
174             }
175             if (script.Contains("Image Effects"))
176             {
177                 continue;
178             }
180             ConvertToPhotonAPI(script);
181         }
183         foreach (string script in scriptPathList)
184         {
185             AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(script, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
186         }
187     }
File name: PhotonConverter.cs Copy
395     static void ConversionError(string file, string str)
396     {
397         Debug.LogError("Scrip conversion[" + file + "]: " + str);
398     }
File name: PhotonEditor.cs Copy
543     protected virtual void OnGuiMainWizard()
544     {
545         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
546         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
547         GUILayout.Label(WizardIcon);
548         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
549         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
551         EditorGUILayout.Separator();
553         GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.PUNWizardLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
554         if (isPunPlus)
555         {
556             GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.MobilePunPlusExportNoteLabel);
557         }
558         else if (!InternalEditorUtility.HasAdvancedLicenseOnBuildTarget(BuildTarget.Android) || !InternalEditorUtility.HasAdvancedLicenseOnBuildTarget(BuildTarget.iOS))
559         {
560             GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.MobileExportNoteLabel);
561         }
562         EditorGUILayout.Separator();
565         // settings button
566         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
567         GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.SettingsButton, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(100));
568         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.SetupButton, CurrentLang.SetupServerCloudLabel)))
569         {
570             this.InitPhotonSetupWindow();
571         }
573         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
574         EditorGUILayout.Separator();
577         // find / select settings asset
578         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
579         GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.SettingsFileLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(100));
580         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.LocateSettingsButton, CurrentLang.SettingsHighlightLabel)))
581         {
582             EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(PhotonEditor.Current);
583         }
585         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
588         GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
590         // converter
591         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
592         GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.ConverterLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(100));
593         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.StartButton, CurrentLang.UNtoPUNLabel)))
594         {
595             PhotonConverter.RunConversion();
596         }
598         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
599         EditorGUILayout.Separator();
602         // documentation
603         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
604         GUILayout.Label(CurrentLang.DocumentationLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(100));
605         GUILayout.BeginVertical();
606         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.OpenPDFText, CurrentLang.OpenPDFTooltip)))
607         {
608             EditorUtility.OpenWithDefaultApp(DocumentationLocation);
609         }
611         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.OpenDevNetText, CurrentLang.OpenDevNetTooltip)))
612         {
613             EditorUtility.OpenWithDefaultApp(UrlDevNet);
614         }
616         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.OpenCloudDashboardText, CurrentLang.OpenCloudDashboardTooltip)))
617         {
618             EditorUtility.OpenWithDefaultApp(UrlCloudDashboard + Uri.EscapeUriString(this.emailAddress));
619         }
621         if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(CurrentLang.OpenForumText, CurrentLang.OpenForumTooltip)))
622         {
623             EditorUtility.OpenWithDefaultApp(UrlForum);
624         }
626         GUILayout.EndVertical();
627         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
628     }
File name: LoadbalancingPeer.cs Copy
358         public virtual bool OpAuthenticate(string appId, string appVersion, string userId, AuthenticationValues authValues, string regionCode)
359         {
360             if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
361             {
362                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "OpAuthenticate()");
363             }
365             Dictionary opParameters = new Dictionary();
366             if (authValues != null && authValues.Secret != null)
367             {
368                 opParameters[ParameterCode.Secret] = authValues.Secret;
369                 return this.OpCustom(OperationCode.Authenticate, opParameters, true, (byte)0, false);
370             }
372             opParameters[ParameterCode.AppVersion] = appVersion;
373             opParameters[ParameterCode.ApplicationId] = appId;
375             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionCode))
376             {
377                 opParameters[ParameterCode.Region] = regionCode;
378             }
380             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
381             {
382                 opParameters[ParameterCode.UserId] = userId;
383             }
386             if (authValues != null && authValues.AuthType != CustomAuthenticationType.None)
387             {
388                 if (!this.IsEncryptionAvailable)
389                 {
390                     this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "OpAuthenticate() failed. When you want Custom Authentication encryption is mandatory.");
391                     return false;
392                 }
394                 opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationType] = (byte)authValues.AuthType;
395                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.Secret))
396                 {
397                     opParameters[ParameterCode.Secret] = authValues.Secret;
398                 }
399                 //else
400                 //{
401                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.AuthParameters))
402                     {
403                         opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationParams] = authValues.AuthParameters;
404                     }
405                     if (authValues.AuthPostData != null)
406                     {
407                         opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationData] = authValues.AuthPostData;
408                     }
409                 //}
410             }
412             bool sent = this.OpCustom(OperationCode.Authenticate, opParameters, true, (byte)0, this.IsEncryptionAvailable);
413             if (!sent)
414             {
415                 this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Error calling OpAuthenticate! Did not work. Check log output, CustomAuthenticationValues and if you're connected.");
416             }
417             return sent;
418         }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
27     {
28         get { return string.Format("{0}_{1}", mAppVersion, PhotonNetwork.versionPUN); }
29     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
336     public bool ConnectToRegionMaster(CloudRegionCode region)
337     {
338         if (PhotonHandler.AppQuits)
339         {
340             Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring Connect() because app gets closed. If this is an error, check PhotonHandler.AppQuits.");
341             return false;
342         }
344         IsUsingNameServer = true;
345         this.CloudRegion = region;
347         if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer)
348         {
349             return this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, region.ToString());
350         }
352         #if RHTTP
353         string address = (this.UsedProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.RHttp) ? this.NameServerAddressHttp : this.NameServerAddress;
354         #else
355         string address = this.NameServerAddress;
356         #endif
358         if (!address.Contains(":"))
359         {
360             int port = 0;
361             ProtocolToNameServerPort.TryGetValue(this.UsedProtocol, out port);
362             address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", address, port);
363             //Debug.Log("Server to connect to: "+ address + " settings protocol: " + PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.Protocol);
364         }
365         if (!base.Connect(address, "ns"))
366         {
367             return false;
368         }
370         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer;
371         return true;
372     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
1411     public void OnStatusChanged(StatusCode statusCode)
1412     {
1413         if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Informational)
1414             Debug.Log(string.Format("OnStatusChanged: {0}", statusCode.ToString()));
1416         switch (statusCode)
1417         {
1418             case StatusCode.Connect:
1419                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToNameServer)
1420                 {
1421                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1422                         Debug.Log("Connected to NameServer.");
1424                     this.server = ServerConnection.NameServer;
1425                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1426                     {
1427                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // when connecting to NameServer, invalidate any auth values
1428                     }
1429                 }
1431                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver)
1432                 {
1433                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1434                         Debug.Log("Connected to gameserver.");
1436                     this.server = ServerConnection.GameServer;
1437                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToGameserver;
1438                 }
1440                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver)
1441                 {
1442                     if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
1443                         Debug.Log("Connected to masterserver.");
1445                     this.server = ServerConnection.MasterServer;
1446                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToMaster;
1448                     if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1449                     {
1450                         this.IsInitialConnect = false; // after handling potential initial-connect issues with special messages, we are now sure we can reach a server
1451                         SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectedToPhoton);
1452                     }
1453                 }
1455                 this.EstablishEncryption(); // always enable encryption
1457                 if (this.IsAuthorizeSecretAvailable)
1458                 {
1459                     // if we have a token we don't have to wait for encryption (it is encrypted anyways, so encryption is just optional later on)
1460                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1461                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1462                     {
1463                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1464                     }
1465                 }
1466                 break;
1468             case StatusCode.EncryptionEstablished:
1469                 // on nameserver, the "process" is stopped here, so the developer/game can either get regions or authenticate with a specific region
1470                 if (this.server == ServerConnection.NameServer)
1471                 {
1472                     this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectedToNameServer;
1474                     if (!this.didAuthenticate && this.CloudRegion == CloudRegionCode.none)
1475                     {
1476                         // this client is not setup to connect to a default region. find out which regions there are!
1477                         this.OpGetRegions(this.mAppId);
1478                     }
1479                 }
1481                 // we might need to authenticate automatically now, so the client can do anything at all
1482                 if (!this.didAuthenticate && (!this.IsUsingNameServer || this.CloudRegion != CloudRegionCode.none))
1483                 {
1484                     // once encryption is availble, the client should send one (secure) authenticate. it includes the AppId (which identifies your app on the Photon Cloud)
1485                     this.didAuthenticate = this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString());
1486                     if (this.didAuthenticate)
1487                     {
1488                         this.State = global::PeerState.Authenticating;
1489                     }
1490                 }
1491                 break;
1493             case StatusCode.EncryptionFailedToEstablish:
1494                 Debug.LogError("Encryption wasn't established: " + statusCode + ". Going to authenticate anyways.");
1495                 this.OpAuthenticate(this.mAppId, this.mAppVersionPun, this.PlayerName, this.CustomAuthenticationValues, this.CloudRegion.ToString()); // TODO: check if there are alternatives
1496                 break;
1498             case StatusCode.Disconnect:
1499                 this.didAuthenticate = false;
1500                 this.isFetchingFriends = false;
1501                 if (server == ServerConnection.GameServer) this.LeftRoomCleanup();
1502                 if (server == ServerConnection.MasterServer) this.LeftLobbyCleanup();
1504                 if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromMasterserver)
1505                 {
1506                     if (this.Connect(this.mGameserver, ServerConnection.GameServer))
1507                     {
1508                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToGameserver;
1509                     }
1510                 }
1511                 else if (this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromGameserver || this.State == global::PeerState.DisconnectingFromNameServer)
1512                 {
1513                     if (this.Connect(this.MasterServerAddress, ServerConnection.MasterServer))
1514                     {
1515                         this.State = global::PeerState.ConnectingToMasterserver;
1516                     }
1517                 }
1518                 else
1519                 {
1520                     if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1521                     {
1522                         this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1523                     }
1525                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated; // if we set another state here, we could keep clients from connecting in OnDisconnectedFromPhoton right here.
1526                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnDisconnectedFromPhoton);
1527                 }
1528                 break;
1530             case StatusCode.SecurityExceptionOnConnect:
1531             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnConnect:
1532                 this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1533                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1534                 {
1535                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1536                 }
1538                 DisconnectCause cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1539                 SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1540                 break;
1542             case StatusCode.Exception:
1543                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1544                 {
1545                     Debug.LogError("Exception while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1546                     if (this.ServerAddress == null || this.ServerAddress.StartsWith(""))
1547                     {
1548                         Debug.LogWarning("The server address is (localhost): Make sure the server is running on this machine. Android and iOS emulators have their own localhost.");
1549                         if (this.ServerAddress == this.mGameserver)
1550                         {
1551                             Debug.LogWarning("This might be a misconfiguration in the game server config. You need to edit it to a (public) address.");
1552                         }
1553                     }
1555                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1556                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1557                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1558                 }
1559                 else
1560                 {
1561                     this.State = global::PeerState.PeerCreated;
1563                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1564                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1565                 }
1567                 this.Disconnect();
1568                 break;
1570             case StatusCode.TimeoutDisconnect:
1571             case StatusCode.ExceptionOnReceive:
1572             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServer:
1573             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerLogic:
1574             case StatusCode.DisconnectByServerUserLimit:
1575                 if (this.IsInitialConnect)
1576                 {
1577                     Debug.LogWarning(statusCode + " while connecting to: " + this.ServerAddress + ". Check if the server is available.");
1579                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1580                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnFailedToConnectToPhoton, cause);
1581                 }
1582                 else
1583                 {
1584                     cause = (DisconnectCause)statusCode;
1585                     SendMonoMessage(PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnConnectionFail, cause);
1586                 }
1587                 if (this.CustomAuthenticationValues != null)
1588                 {
1589                     this.CustomAuthenticationValues.Secret = null; // invalidate any custom auth secrets
1590                 }
1592                 this.Disconnect();
1593                 break;
1595             case StatusCode.SendError:
1596                 // this.mListener.clientErrorReturn(statusCode);
1597                 break;
1599             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingReliableWarning:
1600             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingUnreliableWarning:
1601             case StatusCode.QueueOutgoingAcksWarning:
1602             case StatusCode.QueueSentWarning:
1603                 // this.mListener.warningReturn(statusCode);
1604                 break;
1606             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingReliableWarning:
1607             case StatusCode.QueueIncomingUnreliableWarning:
1608                 Debug.Log(statusCode + ". This client buffers many incoming messages. This is OK temporarily. With lots of these warnings, check if you send too much or execute messages too slow. " + (PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning? "":"Your isMessageQueueRunning is false. This can cause the issue temporarily.") );
1609                 break;
1611             // // TCP "routing" is an option of Photon that's not currently needed (or supported) by PUN
1612             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseOk:
1613             // break;
1614             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseEndpointUnknown:
1615             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeIdUnknown:
1616             //case StatusCode.TcpRouterResponseNodeNotReady:
1618             // this.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.ERROR, "Unexpected router response: " + statusCode);
1619             // break;
1621             default:
1623                 // this.mListener.serverErrorReturn(statusCode.value());
1624                 Debug.LogError("Received unknown status code: " + statusCode);
1625                 break;
1626         }
1628         this.externalListener.OnStatusChanged(statusCode);
1629     }
File name: NetworkingPeer.cs Copy
3693     public void SetApp(string appId, string gameVersion)
3694     {
3695         this.mAppId = appId.Trim();
3697         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameVersion))
3698         {
3699             this.mAppVersion = gameVersion.Trim();
3700         }
3701     }

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